gaining and less then 1200 a day



  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    No wonder this girl's name is "allalone". I'm friends with her on MFP, and seriously? She's not a troll. She's trying to recover, but you've got to understand that that might be a little difficult to cope with, right? She's still in a different mindset, for pete's sake. Have a little compassion next time.

    Why have compassion if you can be an *kitten* instead?

    I hate coming onto posts where the OP has obvious food issues or an ED and people start crying troll and trying to be funnier than the last person and instead comes off like a massive *kitten*.

    Yes there are pro Ana ppl on this site but lets not assume that everyone who has an ED is not trying to recover. Unless they're obviously pro-Ana or ignoring the advice, treat them with kindness. I doubt you'll find the OP coming back for help.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    you are way too thin. EAT
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    Ummm..what exactly is "troll" am i missing something??
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    No wonder this girl's name is "allalone". I'm friends with her on MFP, and seriously? She's not a troll. She's trying to recover, but you've got to understand that that might be a little difficult to cope with, right? She's still in a different mindset, for pete's sake. Have a little compassion next time.

    Why have compassion if you can be an *kitten* instead?

    I hate coming onto posts where the OP has obvious food issues or an ED and people start crying troll and trying to be funnier than the last person and instead comes off like a massive *kitten*.

    Yes there are pro Ana ppl on this site but lets not assume that everyone who has an ED is not trying to recover. Unless they're obviously pro-Ana or ignoring the advice, treat them with kindness. I doubt you'll find the OP coming back for help.

    Yep. Also, even if one person is trolling, answering their question reasonably may help someone else later.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Its just the majority of the ppl on this site are trying to lose weight and we don't quite know how to support or help people with anorexia or bulimia so they come across as mean and uncaring but really we have a different kind of weight issue than theirs.....
  • Goosiesnougs
    Someone tell me what "trolling" is? I mean I get that it has something to do with her anorexia, but specifically?
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    'Troll' = someone who deliberately makes fake posts to rile people up on the internet. actually has a weight gain thread, which a lot of recovering anorexics go on, even if they're not trying to gain weight anymore. It's times like this I wish we had something more like that on here, so that people with eating disorders could be pointed in the right direction and have a network to help them.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Ummm..what exactly is "troll" am i missing something??

    One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
  • camor51
    Hello. If that is your photo beside your message then I doubt you need to lose any weight. In my experience, I have found that the less I eat the less I lose. It doesn't work for everyone , but my sister eats 3 or 4 meals a day and still looses. She eats a very balanced diet. Some times she eats a cooked breakfast, bacon, sausage, mushrooms and sometimes an egg. Then perhaps some chicken and vegetables for dinner with healthy snacks in between. This would not work for me. I do not have the will power to deprive myself of something sweet. fluid retention at times of the month can cause a few pounds increase.
    My diet consists of weight watcher soups and some fruit. Weetabix for breakfast with some grapefruit. Have lost some weight but over a very long time. Have many more to lose and need to do this by August when my eldest son gets married. I need to speed up my weight loss. If anyone out there has any ideas please let me know.

    Thank you.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Very lonely girl, hope you get some help.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Apart from sounding not all that healthy, what do you expect? Have a grapefruit & banana day and drop 10 lbs?
    Your body does funny stuff if you do. I mean, yeah, in the long run you'd definitely starve yourself down to the bones, literally. But a days shock treatment won't affect your weight much. You liver actually stores enough sugar to feed you up to 3 days, if you don't eat enough.

    Daily fluctuations in weight are 1-3lbs anyways. Water, indigestion, it all plays a part.

    Actually, your liver stores 400-450 calories of carbs.
    About what your brain uses by itself if fed properly for a day.
    After that, muscle-breakdown to create glucose, because glucose stores in the muscles (if there is even any in these types of cases) can't be put into the bloodstream for use.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    I would beg you to go see your doctor and hopefully a nutritionist to get your eating habits on track and also determine your calorie needs based on your currently body composition and activity level. If you are eating less than 1200 your already hindering yourself...please find the resources in your community to help.

    Compassionate and true... do this ^^ if you want to live, sweetie... seriously, you need some help. My heart goes out to you...
  • Goosiesnougs
    Thanks for the clarification......I am in no way a hater, but she definitely is anorexic. To me she's almost bragging about "ONLY" eating grapefruit, banana, apple. C'mon? And there is a setting that helps gain on THIS site.

    Call me a bi@**, but definitely getting people riled up.
  • stablesong
    No wonder this girl's name is "allalone". I'm friends with her on MFP, and seriously? She's not a troll. She's trying to recover, but you've got to understand that that might be a little difficult to cope with, right? She's still in a different mindset, for pete's sake. Have a little compassion next time.

    Why have compassion if you can be an *kitten* instead?

    I hate coming onto posts where the OP has obvious food issues or an ED and people start crying troll and trying to be funnier than the last person and instead comes off like a massive *kitten*.

    Yes there are pro Ana ppl on this site but lets not assume that everyone who has an ED is not trying to recover. Unless they're obviously pro-Ana or ignoring the advice, treat them with kindness. I doubt you'll find the OP coming back for help.

    Wholeheartedly agreed. There is a difference between being a troll/stupid and having actual issues with food. This girl has likely been exposed to a lot of pro-ED weight loss advice (aka eat x calories a day, eat nothing at all) and expects it to work. What everyone should be doing is offering healthy advice and a friendly helping hand, not calling her stupid. You don't have to be stupid to fall into eating disorder propaganda and behavior. We were all fortunate enough to find this site and benefit from healthy information, and she found something else first. Let her learn and benefit like we have.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    No wonder this girl's name is "allalone". I'm friends with her on MFP, and seriously? She's not a troll. She's trying to recover, but you've got to understand that that might be a little difficult to cope with, right? She's still in a different mindset, for pete's sake. Have a little compassion next time.

    She needs to eat healthy meals.

    If that is a current picture of her, she needs to eat more healthy food more often, and needs help to appreciate what a healthy "attractive" body really is. If that is her goal, she needs to do the same things.

    Her gain is transitory, likely because her body is holding onto whatever it can and because bananas are often used to slow down the lower GI tract (the meal plan for diahrrea is BRAT - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast).
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks for the clarification......I am in no way a hater, but she definitely is anorexic. To me she's almost bragging about "ONLY" eating grapefruit, banana, apple. C'mon? And there is a setting that helps gain on THIS site.

    Call me a bi@**, but definitely getting people riled up.

    If she actually IS anorexic though, that's not something she can help. Anorexia is a mental illness that impacts on the victim's physical health. She may not have set out to do this to piss people off. Anorexia makes it so you not only justify such eating habits as normal, but completely right and necessary. If this is indeed real, she needs help, not for people to call 'troll' or tell her she's stupid.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Thanks for the clarification......I am in no way a hater, but she definitely is anorexic. To me she's almost bragging about "ONLY" eating grapefruit, banana, apple. C'mon? And there is a setting that helps gain on THIS site.

    Call me a bi@**, but definitely getting people riled up.

    But she doesn't think she wants to gain. She thinks she wants to lose (which all of us can see from the picture is unrealistic).
  • sansouchi1050
    I think I have witnessed a new low from the groups. Since when did obese people become so judgemental? How many time has some one just to you " just to watch what you eat if you want to lose weight. " Those of us that are obese have an eating disorder of another type. This young woman is not bragging about her low calorie intake. But I have seen many people brag about their huge cheat days that last for a week. I see lots of stoking from the forums for those people.....Hang in ok to treat your self, etc. The way some of the forums turn into attack more is shameful.

    To the OP, I can't judge where you are, but I will agree your picture looks weigh too thin to be healthy. I would hope you find more support with your family and physician than you have been given here.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    I don't mean to sound mean or anything but responding to this and assuming thats her photo aren't we feeding her more problems.

    Why can't people ignore and move on!

    People need help and come on to these boards looking for acceptance and I accept all people and support them all but there is a point when just saying nothing works too or just saying go see a doctor I can't help you.

    Anorexia comes from past experiences etc. Nobody can help her except a doctor leave her alone and lets move on to next thread please!

    Didn't mean to sound like a turn off but support is here for you anytime just that the "support" and help a person needs like this is out of our hands. We all love and care you unconditionally Allalone.
  • allalone
    Um. What do I say? Thank you ally. I don't know what I want. I know I don't want to live this way anymore. They say that the number of obesed people and people who die of anorexia is about the same but no one attacks the fat ones. Just the skinny ones. But what's the difference? At the end of the day you don't care. I'm just some stupid girl. I ate today. As in not dieted and got a healthy amount but you don't care. I think have of you are jealous. And then some of you can just go filnd the edge of the world and fall off it. And then some of you are really human and not cruel. Thank you to those few.