Will walking make a difference?



  • cvanbeek
    cvanbeek Posts: 107
    I have lost almost all my 27 to walking. I have done some running but I can burn the same amount of calories walking at a high incline as I can running :)
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    I think walking is great! Some days, with my 4 kids, its all I can fit in. Otherwise it was a bonus on top of my workouts, and I lost 26 pounds and 18 inches in 12 weeks. I don't run. Just not my thing, ut I walk, either pushing a double stroller (if my older ones are with me, it's slower going, but we're at least doing hills) and by myself when I can give it my all. Makes me feel refreshed and energized.
  • clwatlington
    clwatlington Posts: 54 Member
    I personally have not incorporated walking into my routine yet, however my friend did lose 50lbs last year walking about 3x per week, usually about 5 miles each time, and that along with some diet changes. She looks fabulous. She went from a size 14 to a size 8.
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    Not everyone can run. Not everyone starts out at 114 lbs. If someone has a significant amount of weight to lose, and they have all kinds of physical problems, due to their weight, it might be impossible to run. Any kind of exercise is better than no exercise.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    When I started, I was so heavy and so out of shape that I couldn't do much in the form of exercise, so I walked.

    At first, I was just able to walk around my neighborhood, then I could walk further, then faster...

    Then I could do other stuff, too.

    Do you want to know what a difference walking made?

    It helped me get my body moving in a way that did not cause pain in my joints. It made my heart and my lungs work. It engaged muscles that were used to just sitting on the couch.

    Did it create the biggest calorie burn? No.

    But I swear that I wouldn't be where I am today if I had not considered walking a worthwhile form of exercise.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I have just starting running in the last few months, prior to that I only walked (and I do Wii games at home). This, along with my change in how and what I eat, is how I have lost all of my weight in the last 17 months. So, yes, walking is a great exercise and does help you tremendously with exercise/weight loss.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I have lost a majority of my weight through a combination of diet and walking. When i started i could hardly walk around the block without feeling like im gonna die. Though i am now a runner, i still walk a lot. Yesterday, i walked for 3hours in total just for leisure. I am now training for a half marathon. My strategy is to run 17k and walk the rest of the distance.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    When I started, I was so heavy and so out of shape that I couldn't do much in the form of exercise, so I walked.

    At first, I was just able to walk around my neighborhood, then I could walk further, then faster...

    Then I could do other stuff, too.

    Do you want to know what a difference walking made?

    It helped me get my body moving in a way that did not cause pain in my joints. It made my heart and my lungs work. It engaged muscles that were used to just sitting on the couch.

    Did it create the biggest calorie burn? No.

    But I swear that I wouldn't be where I am today if I had not considered walking a worthwhile form of exercise.
    damn your going to make me wair out this phrase but you are AWESOME.
  • elliek968
    Walking is currently the only exercise I do. Do to bad feet and knees, I can't run or jog, too much stress. So in my opinion what ever works for you
    Good luck

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  • byrkar
    byrkar Posts: 14 Member
    I think just keeping moving, doing anything, is helpful to our overall health. Walking doesn't burn a lot of calories, unless you are speed walking, but it is good for you, especially if you can get outside for it. Fresh air does a lot for the mind, body and soul.

    Last year I did a lot of walking in the summer, and I started to feel better almost immediately. It's about more than calories burned. And I think mixing it up is important. Walk some days, workout in the gym (or home) other days,

    Just keep moving!
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I lose my first 8 lbs just walking and cutting calories
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    Walking is beneficial if it is a challenge for you. If you are capable of doing the 30 day shred, then walking will probably not challenge you, unless you are walking up steep hills.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    walking is amazing! you have to walk consistently at a good pace for a decent length to make a real difference, but a little bit every day helps.

    see this guy? http://articles.cnn.com/2008-02-01/health/weightloss.phill.novak_1_weight-loss-strength-training-medication-for-high-blood?_s=PM:HEALTH

    he walked off 100 lbs....
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    For me, I can't run. I was always sitting on the couch, but I will get up and walk somewhere or run in place (more like walk fast in place lol) and it's all low impact. I have one workout video but it can get boring. no gym membership or xbox or Wii so I am pretty limited. I would run if I could b/c it works the lungs more and burns more calories but it's very high impact on the knees. An elliptical or bicycle are better for people with bad knees, like myself. But I definitely would do the workout video, or you could alternate it with walking. Walking is always good. It really tones the legs. So if you really wanna work on your legs and dont want to do a workout video for your legs and thighs, then go for a walk. You get outdoors and see a different view besides the T.V. or you can run. It's just what you are comfortable with or what you can do. :) ALL is better than not doing anything at all. So, even if I seen someone walk 5 mins, I congratulate that person b/c that person is doing something more than the person sitting on the couch. So ANY is good in my books!
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    I joined and started my journey on Sept 1 2011 All I have been doing is following MFP and my only exercise is walking :) down 71pds so far, I would say that I am doing pretty darn good and this is just walking at 2.0 pace just imagine if I actually picked up the pace LOL,I can jog but it becomes a chore that I do not like, my walks are enjoyable so I will continue to do them until they do not work anymore for me.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Unless your heart rate is increased you pretty much aren't doing anything, so people who diligently walk for long distances but at a slow leisurely pace really aren't doing the good that they probably like to think they are.

    I DISAGREE......
    I walk a lot (usually more than 100 miles a month). Over the course of the last six years, I've lost and kept off between 60 and 70 pounds. I watch what I eat......but walking is my main form of exercise. I don't get my heart to pounding, and unless it's a hot summer day, I don't get real sweaty.....but it has helped me to lose and maintain my weight loss.

    Walking is a VERY VALID form of exercise for people at all stages of fitness. It's something I can enjoy on my treadmill while watching TV or out with a friend walking every morning and night in the summer while we discuss everything from work to kids and grandkids.
