Early Riser...what time do you wake up to work out?



  • demningoreilly
    I'm up at 5 a.m. to do an hour of cardio before getting ready to go to work. I do 30day shred every night (after supper). I like to be in bed by 9 but usually don't make it till 10. I find I am exhaused come 9 p.m. and need to go to bed. It is a long busy day when you are up at 5 a.m.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I get up at 4:10 am in order to get to the gym by 4:45. I am home by 6:00am. I usually do this about 4-5 days a week. I switched to this schedule because I am able to work out before my daughter even wakes up, so I don't feel like I am missing any time with her. And there are no excuses (besides sleep!) that early in the morning. It was hard to start, but now I don't have any problems sticking to the routine.
    I also get about 3 evening workouts in each week (at home or in a class).
    I go to bed by 10pm most nights and I find that I sleep better and have more energy during the day since I switched to this schedule.

    I know the feeling of missing out on our kids. I feel so guilty when I'm on my elliptical and they'll come ask for something and frankly I get frustrated and even though I try to hide my frustration I'm sure hey can tell. Thanks!!!
  • Ashleysh22
    wow look at all you motivated people! I just joined a gym that has 6:30 am spin classes I might try and get myself to. Mostly I workout in the evenings with my husband doing Insanity
  • tiggergrrl23
    tiggergrrl23 Posts: 98 Member
    If you are going to do it, I suggest definitely going to bed early. I have started this recently and I love the way I feel during the day. I had been working out in the evenings, but I have a long commute and by the time I got home (6:30) made and ate dinner, put my daughter to bed, etc. it was 8:30 and I would find a million reasons to talk myself out of it. Getting it done first thing in the morning gives you more energy for the rest of day and makes me feel accomplished. Plus, I love the feeling of knowing ALL DAY that I don't have to squeeze in a workout when I get home. I get up at 5:30 and let Jillian kick my butt for an hour. The most difficult thing is getting used to going to bed earlier, but you will find that getting up that early will make you tired by 9 and want to go to bed. It takes a little while to make it a habit, but once you do it will be worth it! Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • JetFixer
    JetFixer Posts: 25 Member
    Up at 315 on work days for an hour gym session before work. In bed by 9pm.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I wake up Monday-Friday at 4:30 am. Two of those days, I try to hit the gym from 5-7 before work. Two other days I get into the office early so I can take an hour long pilates class and still get out of work early and on Fridays I try to get in early and leave early to catch an afternoon run.

    The gym is WAY better early in the morning - less crowded, less creepy peeps, more peaceful. And it leaves me the afternoon to run outdoors if I want :)

    Forgot to say, I'm usually in bed by 10 pm.
  • lequire
    lequire Posts: 20 Member
    Wake up at 5:30 and am on the treadmill by 6. I try to be in bed by 10 which is hard for a 22 year old recent grad. I was NEVER a morning person but the gym is so much calmer in the mornings, and easier to be dedicated. Like some of the others, I also have my stuff ready to go the night before so all I have to do is zombie into the bathroom to brush my teeth and go.

    I also work out for 30 mins at lunch because we are fortunate to have a weight room down the hall and I figure those extra calories/reps will add up over time. My friends think it's ridiculous but the alternative is sitting on my *kitten*.
  • juma4474
    juma4474 Posts: 64 Member
    On the days I don't workout I get up at 5am: that is enough time to shower, get myself ready, pack lunches for the family, get the kids up and ready for school, and get everyone and myself out of the house by 7:30.

    On the days I do workout: I try to get up at 4:30, I usually get a 30-35minute run in on the treadmill (it is in our bedroom) and then cut my shower/prep time for me down a little by rushing.

    I also get all my things ready the night before when I workout in the mornings. I lay out the exercise clothes on the dresser, have a bottle of water ready to go, sneakers by the side of the bed, etc. That way all I have to do is wake up, change, and I can start warming up. It is hard to get use to at first but once you get into the routine it isn't so bad. My husband minds it more because he has to hear the treadill at such an early hour but he never says anything.

    I usually go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30.
  • hungryPHATbunny
    hungryPHATbunny Posts: 84 Member
    4.15 am...I had same problems you describe...no time in day time and then too tired by evening...now I wake 4.15, ( sleep usually by 10pm' sometimes earlier)-am so used to it and love it because it charges me up for my day...also since I've worked hard in the morning I am less likely to sabotage its food later on...works great for me:)
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    I wake up at 5:00, and leave the house at 5:15 so I can be at the gym at 5:30.

    I love getting my workout over with in the morning, and then I have all day to burn lots of calories!

    I do however have to get to bed by 10 pm, which is difficult with kids... cause once they are in bed I feel like I want to stay up a while and enjoy the peace and quiet! It's been hard, but I have had to change my night-owl ways.
  • amandahyg
    amandahyg Posts: 12 Member
    I am so glad I read this topic - I thought I was the only one getting up at daft oclock to go running.

    For me its up at 4am for a run and I'm usually ready for bed at 8pm - but then I'm a morning person so this suits me fine.
    As hard as it is sometimes, I'm up at 4:30. Like you, buy the time the evening starts rolling around, I'm exhausted. Between work, kids and everythi8ng else life throws at you. I find that early morning is best because then I have no excuses and it reminds me of Army basic training so my mindset changes a little and allows me to push myself a little more. It's hard to ge used to at first, but I always feel I have more energy throughout the day and I am focused a little more as well.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    THANK YOU ALL!!! Love reading all your replies! :bigsmile: I am so looking forward to starting my workouts in the morning. I'm setting the alarm tonight! Let's just hope I can drag myself out of bed in the morning.
  • PoochPottery
    I get up at 4:15 to get a workout in! Sometimes that doesn't always happen, I don't beat myself up over it :ohwell:
  • beautifullyblessed16
    Great topic! bumping for later...
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    My coffeepot timer is set for 5:25, and my alarm is set for 5:35, every. single. day. Even if I take a day off, I still get up (I get so much done on non-gym days!!) and get moving. It was really hard at first, but now that I'm in the habit, it's just that.....a habit.

    I get out of bed, immediately put on my workout clothes (that I set out the night before), put in my contacts and pour a cup of coffee. Usually I'll stand at the counter, drink my coffee and have a quick breakfast (a cup of chocolate milk and half a banana) and then it's off to the gym. On a good day, I'll get there right at 6, on a bad day a little after. But I can always squeeze in at least an hour or more.
  • PoochPottery
    THANK YOU ALL!!! Love reading all your replies! :bigsmile: I am so looking forward to starting my workouts in the morning. I'm setting the alarm tonight! Let's just hope I can drag myself out of bed in the morning.

    It is hard sometimes but once you get into a habit it gets easier! It is also nice to get it over with.
    I have also read that you should eat something before you workout but I always do it on an empty stomach and have no issues. Just eat breakfast as soon as you can after your workout.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I'm usually up at 4am Monday - Friday so I can start my workout by 430 to be at work by 730. I'm usually in bed by 9pm, sometimes earlier if I'm a little tired. Once a week on Thursdays I get up a little earlier, so I can be at work by 7am. Then I take a yoga class after I finish work at 4pm. It's certainly worth it to get that yoga class in!

    I found that the early morning schedule works best for me. By the time I get home from work, there are too many things going on and it is easy to find an excuse not to exercise. This way, it's the first thing every day and out of the way.

    Oh, and my hubby & I get up early every Saturday to hit the trail around sunrise for a 6-8 mile hike. :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    5:30 (which is before dawn in the winter, after dawn in the summer). I'm not in bed until 11:30, so I couldn't get up much earlier.