Early Riser...what time do you wake up to work out?



  • rowerrunnercmt
    I'm a rower, so my practices are pretty early in the morning. Monday/Wednesday/Friday practice is from 6 am to 9:30 or so, Tuesday/Thursday from 5:30 to 8:15ish, and Saturdays from 7 am til around 10 (ending times depend on how much time it takes us to get boats & oars back on the racks in the boathouse). This means that I get up between 4:45 and 5:15 pretty much every weekday, and 6 am on Saturdays.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Everyone has MOTIVATED me to get and work in the AM!! I love this site... I used to work out in the mornings but then my husband and I moved so I'm not comfortable walking in the dark yet. But I have plenty of DVDs and work options so I'm going to start doing that... I feel SO MUCH better when I get it done in the morning. Then I can still walk in the evening and that'll be a bonus to my calorie burn! :) Thanks everyone....
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I usually get up at 4 and hit the workout by 4:30 AM. Its really the best way to fit it into my schedule plus if I'm headed to the gym its nice and quiet then and I can get in and out quickly.
  • pmaxson
    pmaxson Posts: 137
    up around 4:15 - coffee and a light snack. gym at 5:15 with a packed to the brim 5:30 spin class. there are lots of early birds!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    4:15am wake up so I can workout 4:30 - 5:45am (at home with DVDs) and then start my "normal morning routine" at 6am. Not willing to give up or rush the morning routine of coffee, news, MFP from 6am - 7am, so I just wake up earlier to get in my workout. No excuses that way when I get home from work and am tired..
  • myth4ever
    up no later than 4:30am......
  • lorjill
    lorjill Posts: 104 Member
    Up around 3:40 to be at the gym by 4:15.
  • I1ahunt
    if I am doing two a days I work out at 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM....If I am doing 1 a days I am in the gym around 5:00 am....I actually feel more awake and full of energy afterwards
  • missyjmet
    missyjmet Posts: 46 Member
    wake up between 4:20 & 4:30am to be at the gym around 5am. I usually go to bed between 9 & 9:30pm.
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    alarm goes off at 5am, after a couple snoozes.. I am up at 5:15 to 5:30 & usually run at 5:45
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I work out after having been awake for 17 hours on most days...........
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I do not wake up to exercise. I exercise in the evening. Then i wind down, and sleep more soundly.
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    4 am, every weekday. I have to get in my workout and a quick shower before my kiddos get up at 6. Weekends I just fit it in whenever I can or do something they can do too (like Zumba)... Semi-controlled chaos rules when they're home.
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    4:20 - in the gym/pool/treadmill at 5.
  • CarolineI
    CarolineI Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the pool working out to water aerobics before 6:30am Tuesdays & Thursdays. On Saturday, I am in the pool before 8am. love the early morning work-outs! They energize me for the entire day! Go for IT!
  • amberray4307
    I have two little kids so I wake up at 4 a.m. and work out before I go to work so I have more time with them at night. It also makes me feel better at work. I try to be in bed by 9:30. It was hard at first but now its just a routine and if I don't go I feel like crap during the day. Good Luck and you can do it!
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I am so glad I read this topic - I thought I was the only one getting up at daft oclock to go running.

    For me its up at 4am for a run and I'm usually ready for bed at 8pm - but then I'm a morning person so this suits me fine.

    Me, exactly - Up at 4, in bed a bit later (9:00). I'm also a morning person so it's not that big a deal - for me sleeping in is like 5 or 5:30.
    I'm also pleasantly surprised at how many other people are nuts!
  • scott1080
    scott1080 Posts: 109 Member
    unfortunitly my internal alarm clock gets me up before the sun so in the summer when its light out at 530-6 im walking and running trails by a lake at work usually a quick half hour work out then come back grab my fishing stuff and fish till i go to work for 7. in the winter its a bit harder for me to get motivated to work out still try to get in the gym by 6
  • positivelylisa
    positivelylisa Posts: 32 Member
    Currently doing treadmill at home. Up at 4:45 to be on tread by 5:00, 50 minutes upstairs to see husband off to work, then hit the shower and 'start' my day.

    I'd like to add a class a couple/few times a week in the evenings, but don't seem to be making it a priority... :(
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    5:20 on weekdays, 6:00 on weekends