Do you log your meals/snacks before you actually eat them?

Kind of like a goal? Like, this is all I"m going to eat today?

When I make my lunch before I head off to work I measure most of the stuff out and log it right then. I don't exercise until the evening so I make sure I'm eating enough in order to have meet my calorie max or just below it. I also go ahead and log my snacks so I know what I'm sticking to. It's helped me a lot.

Just wondering if anyone does it too.


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Frequently I'll log it just before I eat. If I make it ahead of time, I'll log it when I make it. But I do usually log what I'm eating before I eat, then adjust afterwards if I don't eat as much as planned.
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    It is a great idea. I sometimes log what I am planning to have so if it comes out to more calories than I want, I can change it up. Nothing worse than eating it and then logging to only realize it was twice the calories!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I usually log before I eat if I've brought all my lunch/snacks to work with me. Since I know that's what I have to eat, I'm going to eat it. But if I haven't brought anything with me and have to go grab something at lunch, I don't log until I know what I'm getting.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    No. I don't log anything I eat after I leave work, which is usually more than half my calories for the day, until the next morning.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I log everything in the morning. For the most part. I will sometimes not know what's for supper. And whatever I have left I eat up in the evening and log it then.
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    all the time... keeps me more accountable that way, especially with drinking! There are frequent times I have to go in throughout the day and change the quantity, or something I didn't eat, or something I did eat...
  • knl124
    knl124 Posts: 44
    I do the same thing. I log everything I plan on eating at the beginning of the day and add on from there. I never log my exercise until after I finish though because what I plan on doing is not always what I end up doing.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I plan my day, log it all in the morning when I get to work, and adjust as necessary if I eat more or don't eat something. Planning is key for me.
  • ChefCupcake
    Yes! I always do it on the days that I will be out of the house for around 15 hours or so...(I take the food with me those days). It's the days that I do no plan ahead that cause me to eat things I shouldn't!
  • lozzae85
    Yes always!!! I normally run about 2-3 days ahead of myself. I need to plan in advance what I am going to eat to stay on track. If things change throught the day and I eat something different I will change it though to reflect what I have had.
  • iSteakers
    95% of the time I will log my whole day the night before. I like to plan out each thing I'm going to have so that I know what I can and can't have. The only real time I don't is if I'm going out, but I don't know where to yet. I find I get hungry if I don't log it in advance. Then I want to munch. When I got it ahead I know that is all I will need and if I'm hungry I probably just need to drink more water.
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    I plan out my whole days meals so I can make sure I stay within my macro-nutrient limits. Otherwise I would stay within my cals but go way over on carbs and fat.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    i log everything the day before and just tweek it throughout the day
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    If I am planning on drinking alcohol at night, I log them before I drink them so I know how many calories I have left for dinner and snacks.
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    Ditto Angelabec.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I usually log everything at the beginning of the day and make adjustments as I go.
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    I always log a day in advance. That way I don't stand at the pantry "choosing" what I will eat. If I have a choice, it is usually bad!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    Yup, I usually log everything I plan on eating in the A.M. but of course things change so some tweaking in between. It helps me stay on track.
  • sheels9
    sheels9 Posts: 16 Member
    I don't always (I'm not great at planning ahead), but definitely notice I eat much better when I do. I even work out longer sometimes when I've logged it ahead of time.
  • iamthevieve
    I used to log after I ate, but found I was usually eating all of my calorie allowance before 4 in the afternoon, so I would end up over eating or feeling like I was starving until bed time. I find when I log ahead of time, I spread my food out better.