Doomsday Prepper



  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    I was coming to post about this show. I just watched the episode where the guy shot his thumb off, passed out, and had to be taken in for emergency surgery. This was while he was at his little desert hideout teaching his boys how to shoot "the enemy." I could go on and on about how flawed his plan is, but it would be too much to type unless you had watched the episode. For starters, you can't deal with even looking at your missing thumb without passing out, nor could you stand to look at the pics of the thumb afterwords. Good luck with the end of the world buddy.

    Ok on to the guy in NY who is certain yellowstone is going to erupt. He is going to walk alone 4 blocks to his storage unit, fill up bags of food and walk 4 blocks back to his apartment in the middle of new york city. Good luck to you too buddy.
    This makes no sense to me. As some of you can relate, I live in a hurricane zone - 30 miles north of where Katrina hit. We did not evacuate. Luckily our power was only out for 9 days. I live in a small town, everyone knows everyone - it's nice and friendly, all that small town jazz. When the gas stations opened back up, lines were really long - they were rationing gas, no one was talking to each other, it was REALLY uncomfortable. So no, I doubt this guy is going to walk 4 blocks alone and get food if he is imagining himself in a situation where everyone is starving. Because the gas situation was about to get ugly and it had only been a few days here.

    In theory, part of me agrees with them about hiding out - but in practice this is not going to work. You cannot go at it individually. Eventually someone is going to need medical care (when they accidentally shoot themselves in the thumb). I have never lived in a really big city, and right now we live in a very rural area, but the only way I could see this working is if people work together. Isn't that what people do after tornado's and hurricane's anyway-at least they do where I am. having a group of people on your side is going to be a lot better than being alone trying to fight the group of people. They are assuming that most people are going to go bezerk if something happens, and there always will be those who do, but i would HOPE that the majority would stick together and try to figure out how to get through it.

    As other's have said if we are talking about the end of the world - I hope it takes me with it. Of course you should have disaster supplies, but trying to hole up in your house or a bunker for years is illogical (unless you are planning to use the supplies to trade with your neighbors - then it would be a great idea).
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    When I become a zombie (and I probably will because I run slow and live across the street from a Walmart), I'm eating them first cause they'll be nice and fattened up. :devil:
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hah, love that show. I've been watching it since the first episode. I'm not sure whether to laugh at them or join them.

    What's really interesting to me is most of the people you see on the show are obese and roaming in heart attack territory but they're clearly not prepping for that eventuality. Statistically, heart attack is about 1 in 5 odds. A natural disaster like tornado or tsunami is about 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 200,000 by comparison. An apocalyptic event... the odds are astronomically higher (pun intended).

    If these folks were really interested in extending their longevity they ought to consider buying a treadmill instead of a box of MREs.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Or, is it a waste of time because if something were to happen, our government will take care of us?

    Really? You're counting on that? Governments, all governments, only have one purpose. To retain power. There are two ways that happens: Distribution of resources and force. In a doomsday situation, there won't be enough resources. So...
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    You know, I am a semi fatalist. I happen to know that I am not ruthless enough to succeed in a world without order. I don't have a brutish neandertal bone in my body, nor am I a brilliant genious with a background in survivial skills so I don't have much chance of survival or propogation. As that is the case and it turns into a mad max world, I don't think I'll be around very long. So if the world comes to an end why worry too much about it? Besides who wants to live in a world overrun by testosterone overdosed muscleheads?

    In the event that it's a small bout of disorder I have food, medicines, and a small stock of arms and ammunition if things get a little turbulent.

    On another note, unless you have an impregnable bunker or self sufficienct bomb shelter that is easily defended and stockpiled with food, water guns and ammunition like that old movie tremors, everyone can be a victim of someone else. If you have to be on the move, especialy on foot, there is only so much food water meds, weapons and ammunition that you can carry.
  • AutumnsPassage
    AutumnsPassage Posts: 33 Member
    Although I'm not a Doomsday Prepper my family are in the process of becoming more self sustaining. Stocking up on products isn't going to be much help when it all runs out, it makes more sense to learn how to garden and harvest your own seeds. Being a single income family living through massive renovations has really taught me what true necessities are which got me thinking about sustainible living. I've come up with a pretty detailed plan on how we'll be going off grid in town.