Any gamer guys or girls losing weight too? Friend me :)



  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    I'm not a massive gamer but I love Fallout 3 and GTA
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Hubby and I have our own PS3's, reward for working out? PS3 play time. Reward for losing weight and sticking to it? hubby got me Skyrim for valentines... waiting for the next AC.
  • ashank123
    I too love the Ubisoft games such as Assasin Creed series, Prince of Persia series. Other than that, COD, Batman, X-men
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Not sure if these games count.... Fable (2nd one was my fav) and Minecraft! I don't play shoot em up games, those are more in my husband's domain.
  • enigrebua
    enigrebua Posts: 113 Member
    I'm more of a retro adventure gamer - Monkey Island, Discworld, Simon the Sorcerer, Broken Sword, Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango etc...

    I'll add :)
  • midgar777
    midgar777 Posts: 17 Member
    Holy **** you guys :D! The amount of adds and responses I just got are epic - Thanks so much!

    For those of you asking, I game mainly on PS3 & Xbox (Midgar777) but I also have a gaming PC, 3DS, and I've pre-ordered a PS Vita too.

    The one gaming series I am an absolute sucker for is Final Fantasy! Just completed FFXIII-2 this morning before work, going to Platinum it next. I do like most things though: Zelda, Resident Evil, ex-WoW, Fifa, Parasite Eve, Bushido Blade, Fallout, MGS...I could literally go on forever soo ;D

    Anyway it will be nice to have people in my feed from the app because I hardly ever log in here.

    I've added everyone who requested, thanks for getting me started and - LET'S LOSE SOME WEIGHT GAMERS ;D! Then when we are chilling and gaming we don't feel guilty haha!
  • Froggeh
    Froggeh Posts: 148
    Star Wars: The Old Republic has me hooked!
    EPICUREASIAN Posts: 147 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hey I'm Pete! 26 From the UK & looking to get down from 72kgs to about 60kgs or so...well into gaming and loving this app! The only crappy thing is I don't know anyone else using it :( If you are into gaming too or just looking for someone to my guest :D Good luck losing weight to everyone!

    I'm pretty into MWF 3 right now but kinda sucking at it, bad KD ratio.
  • midgar777
    midgar777 Posts: 17 Member
    I play Guild Wars, sometimes. Do you play?

    I'm afraid I don't - it always looked pretty cool though.

    I resisted SW:TOR too just because I knew I'd become hooked haha!

    I used to raid pretty hardcore on WoW and climbed pretty high up in the european rankings for strict 10 man guild progress...then I got bored ;3
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    World of Warcraft
    City of Heroes
    I get Diablo 3 FREEEEEE when it comes out
    and many many other games I play on and off but right now


    so yeah, trying to balance exp since Im a housewife after workouts/cleaning when hubbys at work I do pretty much a lot of movie watching / gaming.... used to be just gaming til I needed to get my butt back on track and get skinny like i was in my younger days =P

    I also play games on my wii from time to time when servers are down or do my zumba

    longest time ive played a MMO.... 8yrs thats city of heroes

    I gained almost 200lbs when I quit smoking 12yrs ago replacing that habit with junk food and fast food and yeah prolly sitting on my butt & gaming didn't help matters =P

    I was able to drop 156lbs in 19 months but gained some back when hubby & I sold our old house for a new one, but back on track now with 56lbs left, this year I am going to do it, feel free to add me :)

    Just warning I am honest if food diary's and advice I try my best to help everyone, ive lost 3 friends on MFP cause they asked for help then couldn't take the advice, so you want me as a friend (that goes for anyone) add me =D
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I've been playing "City of Heroes" since 2004, and just started playing "Star Wars The Old Republic". I occasionally play "City of Heroes" with my 6 year old, it's quality "Daddy/Daughter kick the snot out of bad guys time" ;)
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    .... so you want me as a friend (that goes for anyone) add me =D

    I iz stalking you T! Squee!
  • jmason66
    I'm addicted to LOTRO, and I also play Portal and Portal 2. Sometimes I play Little Big Planet, when I can wrench the PS3 from my son's hands. I have a WoW account but don't play anymore.

    The cake was real, it was the promise of cake that was a lie.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Yes! Body by gaming. Being changed by gym ^_^
  • jmason66
    Monkey Island - YES!!! "I'm Guybrush Threepwood, and I'm a mighty pirate!" Not too often you run into someone who's ever heard of MI!
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    Monkey Island - YES!!! "I'm Guybrush Threepwood, and I'm a mighty pirate!" Not too often you run into someone who's ever heard of MI!

    "My Grog!"
    "That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen..."
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'm more of a retro adventure gamer - Monkey Island, Discworld, Simon the Sorcerer, Broken Sword, Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango etc...

    I'll add :)

    I think Day of the Tentacle is awesome, first computer game I ever played!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Yup, I don't buy every game out there to play and trade I just get obsessive about a certain few, GTA and Saints Row are the only games I'll pre-order though. Just played Portal a few years too late.

    I also love old tycoon games, like Sim Tower!
  • midgar777
    midgar777 Posts: 17 Member
    I wish they'd integrate the community threads and forums into the app itself. It's not a huge effort to login with a browser but it would be pretty cool to not bother xD!