Elliptical vs. Treadmill



  • Smudjie
    Smudjie Posts: 126 Member
    I actually have an elliptical here at home but it is on too much of an angle and it is not adjustable, whenever I use it my shins scream at me for days after. I do the elliptical at the gym and that doesn't happen.

    I like both, I am using the treadmill until my cardio will allow me to do more than five minutes of the elliptical. I try to do five or ten minutes of elliptical and 30 minutes treadmill when my knees will allow both.
    I do find the elliptical much easier on my knees, and with arthritis in the one knee thats a blessing.

    I am getting rid of this elliptical at home and either looking for a better one or a good treadmill :happy:
  • denalc
    I agree the treadmill is gruesome! I'm constantly watching the timer thinking is it over yet. The elliptical seems to make time go by faster and I really like the amount of energy you exert using it. I also prefer doing my walk/run outside, but unfortunately the weather does not always cooperate.
    Kudos on your weight lost.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Which one is better?

    Which one do you like, why?

    I love the treadmill, but when I used to go to the gym I used the elliptical a lot. Both are very good cardio exercises imo
  • skinnieminniemouse
    I way prefer a treadmill because I love running. Although, I am trying to do more on the elliptical because I have heard it is great for fat burn. I just find it so hard, my legs are weaklings!!
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    Treadmill = higher calorie burn
    Higher calorie burn = more food to eat
    More food to eat = happy human

    Treadmill wins this battle :)
  • apretz1
    I like the elliptical better because it seems to burn more calories in the same amount of time as the treadmill. Because of back problems I only set it to "manual". My question is concerning heart rate. On the elliptical (or treadmill) that I use, there is a little chart with three columns (age, 60% fat burning, 80% cardio). From what I understand, you are supposed to find your age and then look at the column to the right of it and there is a heart rate for fat burning and also one for cardio. I try to stay within that range, but a lot of the time my heart rate is much higher than what it says for my age. So I slow down to bring my heart rate down (usually from a 3.5 down to a 2.5mph). When I look around at other people on the treadmills or ellipticals, their heart rate is a little higher than mine and they are going anywhere from 4.2-6.5mph. Am I doing this correctly?

    If you don't have heart problems it's okay to exceed the heart rate posted on the chart. My heart rate is almost always a bit higher then what is posted. Don't try to stay within the "fat burning" heart rate. Even though it is still effective, ultimately you want to burn as many calories as possible and that is achieved through having your heart rate in the "cardio" zone.
  • 1sweetpea70
    1sweetpea70 Posts: 48 Member
    I love my treadmill. I have a bad back. I cant do a lot, but, i CAN do the treadmill. I can very my workout according to how im feeling, either have an incline, or not. I have found i get winded very quickly on the elliptical. Ive lost almost 11 lbs using my treadmill, so, i'll stick with it :)
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I love the Elliptical, but I sometimes have an affair with the treadmill.

  • akjstyles
    akjstyles Posts: 75 Member
    Both are great! I had a treadmill for 2 years and loved it, then got bored of the same old, same old so I sold it and bought an elliptical. I've been using the elliptical for 5 months now and the only real plus to it over the treadmill is that it is less impact on the joints. They are both great options for sure!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i prefer the elliptical, i seem to burn more calories. i set the resistance to 12 (out of 25) and do a Hill setting...usually Around the World. (terrains from different parts of the world).
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Depends what you are trying to do. I use the treadmill when I can't run outdoors due to weather. I'm usually training for some race or another, so the elliptical doesn't do that for me.

    If you aren't concerned with any of that, the low impact of the elliptical is definitely better for your knees and ankles.

    All personal preference.
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    I prefer the elliptical over the treadmill, for some reason the treadmill makes me dizzy, maybes its because it moves for me.

    But my favorite machine that I always use at the gym is the Arc trainer.

    I loveeeee it, and it gives me such a great work out.
  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    Why chose? do both, If I were purchasing one I would choose elliptical, better on the joints in the long run and for me it burns more calories than treadmill and that is with me using my own HRM. Its all preference really! Good luck :wink:
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    I have a treadmill and I love it! I have tried the elliptical and its not my thing. I love to run etc though so maybe thats why. With that being said I have psoriatic arthritis and well, my treadmill DOES NOT hurt me. You just have to know when to stop lol
  • chub_b_gone
    chub_b_gone Posts: 18 Member
    To cvmcgaha

    Everyone has a different level of fitness so what gets your heart rate up and how much effort is going to be different from others. Youre doing it right if you stay w/in that range you are in a "fat burning" mode and they say anything above that is burning sugar. Now if you ask Jillian Micheals shell tell you that it doesnt matter a burn is a burn especially if you are overweight. Thats based on information Ive found from various plans.
  • PrettyLydie
    PrettyLydie Posts: 54 Member
    Why choose. Do both on different days. Keep the muscles confused. Elliptical seems to burn more calories for the same length worlout.

    ^^^^ THIS!!!! I love both, the elliptical is if I want to up my burn after a 30 minute run, but don't feel like running for a full hour. Plus I have it in my house, and it fits perfectly in front of the TV, so me and hulu can have a nice long workout date, lol. But I get really *****y these days if I don't actually get in at least a short run...lol.
  • siems56
    Elliptical, because it burns more calories in less time,
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    I have tried many times to use the eliptical but it hurts my knees. I read someone elses reply and they said they were too short for it. I feel like i am too. I would love to be able to use it because the treadmill does get boring.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Why choose. Do both on different days. Keep the muscles confused. Elliptical seems to burn more calories for the same length worlout.

    ^^^^ THIS!!!! I love both, the elliptical is if I want to up my burn after a 30 minute run, but don't feel like running for a full hour. Plus I have it in my house, and it fits perfectly in front of the TV, so me and hulu can have a nice long workout date, lol. But I get really *****y these days if I don't actually get in at least a short run...lol.
    Actually, I believe they are pretty much same leg muscles for both. My training plan for running calls for cross training on 2 or 3 days a week, and they specifically say not to use the elliptical as cross training for running because it is the same muscles.
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I much prefer the treadmill.
    I've always found that the ellipticals makemy joints sore becase I can't get a full range of motion.