Overcoming an Eating Disorder...

Is anyone else here struggling AGAINST an eating disorder? It's a scary thing to let go of, and I was kind of hoping to find some more people who were trying to leave their ED behind. :] Support and all that fun stuff, yes? :flowerforyou:


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am not but I can help you figure this stuff out and get you into a group of highly supportive, high calorie friends!
  • Lifelesson
    i am
  • hyper_focus
    hyper_focus Posts: 5 Member
    I am. I've struggled with various unhealthy eating patterns since childhood, all related to being overweight and harassed. I'm hoping that by losing weight and getting to a healthy, fit size will raise my self esteem and I'll finally "get over it"
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    This is about the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with.
  • CameronYKB
    I ate because I was bored or depressed. So yeah. Its the hardest thing ever
  • emilymeanssuccess
    I've dealt with overeating and anorexia. But it's possible to overcome! Your never alone. :)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I am.
    It's hard, but it is possible to beat it.
    Add me if you like, I would be happy to support you.
  • TurnLeftNow
    I am trying to overcome mine, if I even technically have one. Sometimes I am not so sure.

    I don't eat enough calories and every day I say I am going to put some weight back on and eat more because it's healthier, but every day it doesn't happen. I really do want to overcome whatever this is to be able to eat, be healthy and be stronger.

    It's rough. Especially on here. I want to try and use this site to help me get to a good maintenance of calories but it seems to do the opposite and make me afraid to eat when I see the numbers go up too high.
  • bfhayes
    Hey :) I have struggled with Bullimia Nervosa since I was a senior in high school. I am now a sophomore in college. I have been binge eating for much longer than that. I thought initially that the reason I would throw up was due to my anxiety disorder but through therapy I have come to realize that it is this eating disorder, that causes me to want to act in such a way. For the last three months I have been in a lot greater control than previously. I love to be supportive and I can try to help you the best way that I can. Because I have been, and still am to some extent, there. I just want to be healthy and giving in to an eating disorder isn't the way to do it. Let me know if you need to chat :)
  • lalalalalaflying
    Hello everyone.
    As a child I was very skinny, in fact, I was underweight according to doctors. When I was about 6 years old, my parents got a divorce. It destroyed me. I started eating for comfort and I gained a lot of weight.
    I kept at this until I was about 17 years old, when I started eating more healthy and I started exercising.
    I was losing a fair amount, and things were going fine. However, I still wasn't happy with my body, my stomach was flabby, so were my arms and thighs. I hated it and it felt like I'd worked so hard for nothing.

    After my eighteenth birthday I stated restricting what I ate. Not too much to start with, but it progressively got worse.
    I have been what you would call "anorexic" for the past 6 months or so. I've lost a ton of weight very quickly. Yet, my stomach is still flabby and my thighs look disgusting.

    Three days ago my mother had a serious talk with me and I've started eating more these past days.
    My diet normally consisted of 300 - 400 calories/day. Now I am forced to eat all three meals plus snacks (about 1.200 cals/day total)

    I feel constantly bloated, my stomach is sticking out extremely much and I look horrible. (Keep in mind it's only been 3 days since I started eating like this)

    The worst part of all is, I've already gained 5lbs.
    5lbs IN THREE DAYS!
    I feel terrible and it feels as if I'm going to be overweight again if I keep going like this.
    I am feeling very lost and I don't know who to talk to. I don't know where to go for advice.
    I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm seriously considering going back to eating 300 cals/day to loose these 5 lbs.
  • Rruni1
    I've never really had any good things to say about my body, and have always turned to restriction to cope with things, you know? And after one incident it just sort of...Exploded. The lowest I've ever had my intake wassss I think 600-800, and I would exercise a lot of that off. I've been steadily pushing up my calorie intake, and I only exercise when I know that I'm doing it for me, and not for my eating disorder.

    It's hard though. Food is still the enemy. :/ I don't even want to get thinner anymore, I just want to enjoy my body, which looks good. (Or so people say.) I just want to be a normal teenager and be able to eat like one.

    @lalalalalfly: My advice is to GRADUALLY step up your calorie intake. Your body isn't used to that sort of stuff yet. :[
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Yeah. I binge and secret eat. Had an unhealthy relationship with food my whole life and it's a daunting task to try to overcome it.

    I'm hitting it from every angle... full on tactical assault: psychotherapy, medication, workouts and trying to change my relationship with food and see it only as a fuel source. It's working so far but I know it's a wiley enemy so I'm wary of claiming any long term success over it.
  • learningloveandpeace
    I have struggled mightily against an eating disorder. I consider myself in recovery at the moment. I joined MFP partially to try and become more active/lose weight for my wedding in May 2013. I hope so much that I can stay in recovery and not let this be triggering. I have a treatment team that is aware of my goals (I'm currently at the low end of obese according to my BMI...but it's just a number) and is supportive given I am healthy about this all.
  • kbee784
    kbee784 Posts: 27
    I am currently recovering from an ED. It's the hardest thing I've ever done.... people who have not struggled may think that's crazy.... I understand you. Much love, support, and strength. You CAN do thi!
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    I was anorexic in high school. I worked on eating a healthier diet after I left for college, since I was able to get out of my house and was around students who weren't as cruel as high school students can be. While I was anorexic, I ate just a few calories. It didn't matter how thin I was, I still saw myself as fat when I looked in the mirror. I had therapy and as I got older and wanted children I started eating more. I was a thin but healthy weight until my late 30s. Then I had a series of illnesses which put weight on me. I went back and forth - what they call yo-yo dieting. I never was happy at any weight. Now that I am losing the extra weight on MVP and have found all these supportive people, I am doing the best I ever have. I wish you peace and comfort as you go through this. I really think you need to have professional help...I don't know of anyone with a true eating disorder that overcame it on their own. Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • kimmahboo
    Hi all,
    I have struggled with Bulimia Nervosa since I was 10, and Anorexia Nervosa while in my teenage years. I have had a hard time letting go of ED, it's been one of the only constants in my life. I went through a nasty separation, leading to divorce which triggered my Anorexia again in 2002-03, and ended up in the hospital weighing only 87 lbs. I have had my struggles since then and my weight has yo-yoed up and down.My ED caused me to lose a child, but I was blessed with my daughter in 2003. Although her father and I are not together anymore, I am happy that I was able to recover enough to have her. I still have problems with binging and purging, and sometimes I feel MFP feeds into the negative thought patterns that I built up over the years (ie: having to know exactly how many calories are in every single thing I put in my mouth), but I am trying to see past that, as I have met so many lovely people here and it does help me keep control over my intake and exercise. I had a bad car accident which made it impossible for me to exercise for over a year and that made my disorder that much worse, not to mention being on LTD which has emotionally crippled me as my career as a nurse meant so much. Stay strong all of you, feel free to add me, love to you all. You are beautiful, and you are worth being healthy!!! :heart: :smile:
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    I am recovering from emotional eating/binging. Its been quite a journey since the onset in August, then finally going to see a counselor in September for it. However I feel I am on the home stretch... even though I still have bad days. Add me if you would like and we can support one another. :)
  • fluecok
    fluecok Posts: 52
    i am an emotional eater

    if im happy i eat
    sad, angry, anxious...
    for anything!!!!! =(

    then i binge .....

    it is such a struggle

    im am enjoying this site and the support from all u guys
    looking forward to fighting this demon in me =)
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Binging and purging is an issue for me but I have tried my hardest not to do it :)
  • jessicajoy87
    Hi, my name is Jessica and I am a compulsive overeater....And it sucks! But taking it one day at a time, sometimes one moment at a time helps me.