Starvation mode hysteria

Can anyone here post me a picture of a fat African famine victim? Those people twittering on about starvation mode need to get a life, start losing weight, and stop scaremongering. I don't advocate starving as a weight-loss method, but fasting for a day or two never did anyone harm. I am SICK and TIRED of hearing the SM term used on here, and feel it is a popular phrase used by people who eat too much...

Sorry for the short rant, but this has bugged me for a while. Feel free to crucify me...

Regards, David


  • Sullerson
    Sullerson Posts: 21 Member
    Agreed! The most over used term in the diet communities. If you're not losing weight, eat less or move more.
  • So you are advocating 700 or less calories for people unable to lose weight? I have seen some diets of people trying to lose weight and that is their calorie count for the day, not even mentioning the amount of exercise they are doing besides. Yet they haven't lost any weight. So they eat even less! And exercise more! And they still aren't losing. What do you call that then? They are told to eat more and viola! They start losing weight again. Why? In your most infinite wisdom, how do you explain that?
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    I disagree, respectfully.

    I am very active and my body is very smart. I was eating 1300 calories a day and burning 1300 calories a day. So, I was moving plenty and eating less. Guess what? No weight loss.

    Your body doesn't know you're on a diet. It thinks that there's a food shortage. So, yeah, starving kids in Africa are skinny but because the body is so smart they are alive. Their bodies are using the few calories they get extremely efficiently. The body wants you to survive. If I kept at 1300 calories a day, I would eventually lose weight. Muscle is "active" tissue so it's the first thing my body would want to stop supporting. Fat doesn't need much to keep it on you.

    For people who think that starving their bodies of food is the right way to lose weight, I just flat disagree. Yes, you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, I get it. But a combination of moving and slight calorie deficits are, in my opinion, the best way for permanent fat loss.

    Oh, and after increasing my calories to 2000 I broke through. :) I guess you can call me a convert :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I think the term is used for lack of a better word.... No one is using the term starvation mode in the context of not eating food for days on end, or some sort of famine diet..... They are basically using this term in the form when you run a large caloric deficit for sometime that it eventually will cause your metabolism to slow to the point that your weightloss stalls and you hit weeks of plateau's. That is the way I have used the term in the past and will continue too for lack of a better one....... And I don't use it because I eat to much but through trial and error I can tell you for me now I have to eat more to lose weight. I am in the camp of eating to fuel my workouts and I am losing a pound a week 32 months and 302 lbs. lost into this journey..... Just my 2 cents.......
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    If you're not losing weight, eat less or move more.

    The problem is this blanket statement doesn't apply to all situations (the inherent danger of blanket statements). While I think there is a bit of hysteria revolving around "starvation mode" and exercise calories on MFP, I think the most dangerous thing someone can do is drop blanket statements everywhere on the message boards.

    If you aren't losing weight the only solution is to eat less.

    You absolutely need to eat more to lose.

    Never eat your exercise calories.

    Always eat your exercise calories.

    No wonder newbies here are overwhelmed. I prefer to take a "hey, this works for some, but it may not work for you" approach. There is no one size fits all when it comes to weight loss. These boards would be a little more friendly if people were a little less opinionated and a little more open. People lose a couple of pounds and suddenly we are all weight loss and nutrition experts.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I think the term is used for lack of a better word.... No one is using the term starvation mode in the context of not eating food for days on end, or some sort of famine diet..... They are basically using this term in the form when you run a large caloric deficit for sometime that it eventually will cause your metabolism to slow to the point that your weightloss stalls and you hit weeks of plateau's. That is the way I have used the term in the past and will continue too for lack of a better one....... And I don't use it because I eat to much but through trial and error I can tell you for me now I have to eat more to lose weight. I am in the camp of eating to fuel my workouts and I am losing a pound a week 32 months and 302 lbs. lost into this journey..... Just my 2 cents.......

    OMG - fantastic lost. I am so happy for you! Absolutely incredible!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I think the term is used for lack of a better word.... No one is using the term starvation mode in the context of not eating food for days on end, or some sort of famine diet..... They are basically using this term in the form when you run a large caloric deficit for sometime that it eventually will cause your metabolism to slow to the point that your weightloss stalls and you hit weeks of plateau's. That is the way I have used the term in the past and will continue too for lack of a better one....... And I don't use it because I eat to much but through trial and error I can tell you for me now I have to eat more to lose weight. I am in the camp of eating to fuel my workouts and I am losing a pound a week 32 months and 302 lbs. lost into this journey..... Just my 2 cents.......

    I completely agree and HOLY CRAP. Phenomenal weight loss, you are an inspiration!
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I disagree, respectfully.

    I am very active and my body is very smart. I was eating 1300 calories a day and burning 1300 calories a day. So, I was moving plenty and eating less. Guess what? No weight loss.

    Your body doesn't know you're on a diet. It thinks that there's a food shortage. So, yeah, starving kids in Africa are skinny but because the body is so smart they are alive. Their bodies are using the few calories they get extremely efficiently. The body wants you to survive. If I kept at 1300 calories a day, I would eventually lose weight. Muscle is "active" tissue so it's the first thing my body would want to stop supporting. Fat doesn't need much to keep it on you.

    For people who think that starving their bodies of food is the right way to lose weight, I just flat disagree. Yes, you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, I get it. But a combination of moving and slight calorie deficits are, in my opinion, the best way for permanent fat loss.

    Oh, and after increasing my calories to 2000 I broke through. :) I guess you can call me a convert :)

    I think more or less the OP was trying to say you're not actually starving.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Wow Ed! Congrats on the weight loss. I love to hear from people with experience and thanks for the info!
  • Agreed! The most over used term in the diet communities. If you're not losing weight, eat less or move more.

    That and "exercise calories". haha!
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    I love your rant and think your on tghe money with this one :happy:
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Would you feel better if we said people were bringing themselves to a point of "inadequate overall nutrition leading to the body's need to leach from itself, and insufficient metabolic support to encourage efficient mobilization of fat stores as fuel" ?

    It's a lot longer, but if it would help.....

  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
    I think the term is used for lack of a better word.... No one is using the term starvation mode in the context of not eating food for days on end, or some sort of famine diet..... They are basically using this term in the form when you run a large caloric deficit for sometime that it eventually will cause your metabolism to slow to the point that your weightloss stalls and you hit weeks of plateau's. That is the way I have used the term in the past and will continue too for lack of a better one....... And I don't use it because I eat to much but through trial and error I can tell you for me now I have to eat more to lose weight. I am in the camp of eating to fuel my workouts and I am losing a pound a week 32 months and 302 lbs. lost into this journey..... Just my 2 cents.......

    WOW! You are SUCH and inspiration! Congrats on your weight loss and your journey to get healthy! :-)
  • Sod the thread! 302 lbs lost! Wow! Amazing, well done you! :D
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    I think the term is used for lack of a better word.... No one is using the term starvation mode in the context of not eating food for days on end, or some sort of famine diet..... They are basically using this term in the form when you run a large caloric deficit for sometime that it eventually will cause your metabolism to slow to the point that your weightloss stalls and you hit weeks of plateau's. That is the way I have used the term in the past and will continue too for lack of a better one....... And I don't use it because I eat to much but through trial and error I can tell you for me now I have to eat more to lose weight. I am in the camp of eating to fuel my workouts and I am losing a pound a week 32 months and 302 lbs. lost into this journey..... Just my 2 cents.......

    ^^^^ When this guy speaks up, I tend to listen.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Thanks all!
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    If you're not losing weight, eat less or move more.

    The problem is this blanket statement doesn't apply to all situations (the inherent danger of blanket statements). While I think there is a bit of hysteria revolving around "starvation mode" and exercise calories on MFP, I think the most dangerous thing someone can do is drop blanket statements everywhere on the message boards.

    If you aren't losing weight the only solution is to eat less.

    You absolutely need to eat more to lose.

    Never eat your exercise calories.

    Always eat your exercise calories.

    No wonder newbies here are overwhelmed. I prefer to take a "hey, this works for some, but it may not work for you" approach. There is no one size fits all when it comes to weight loss. These boards would be a little more friendly if people were a little less opinionated and a little more open. People lose a couple of pounds and suddenly we are all weight loss and nutrition experts.

    HAHAHHAHAHAHAH AWESOME and to the point
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I think the term Starvation Mode is aptly named. It isn't "slamming" the starving children in Africa. This isn't where it's coming from. Starvation Mode is a term that relates the body/ mind of our ancestors during the caveman days. Thier bodies had to learn to compensate (preserve energy= calories) through the long cold winter months and times of famine. It really has nothing to do with today's plight of the Africans. This is an evolutionary term, not a current day tragedy of over-breeding in a famine struck country.
  • Oh and the huge tummy, that's Kwashiorkor's disease caused by lack of protein in the diet :( Poor kids :(
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    I disagree, respectfully.

    I am very active and my body is very smart. I was eating 1300 calories a day and burning 1300 calories a day. So, I was moving plenty and eating less. Guess what? No weight loss.

    Your body doesn't know you're on a diet. It thinks that there's a food shortage. So, yeah, starving kids in Africa are skinny but because the body is so smart they are alive. Their bodies are using the few calories they get extremely efficiently. The body wants you to survive. If I kept at 1300 calories a day, I would eventually lose weight. Muscle is "active" tissue so it's the first thing my body would want to stop supporting. Fat doesn't need much to keep it on you.

    For people who think that starving their bodies of food is the right way to lose weight, I just flat disagree. Yes, you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, I get it. But a combination of moving and slight calorie deficits are, in my opinion, the best way for permanent fat loss.

    Oh, and after increasing my calories to 2000 I broke through. :) I guess you can call me a convert :)

    GREAT POST - You summed it up very well. :)