Eating Clean



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    This website is very informative! I love the part about 10-20%. My only problem is it's obviously written for "healthy" people and/or bodybuilders. I am very far from that category but it was interesting and I will be keeping it in my favorites as a reference.

    Not really it applies to everyone, if you get the majority of your cals from whole nutrient dense foods, some "bad" foods don't make a whole lotta difference.

    And for weight loss, holding calories and protein constant, it doesn't matter if you eat all unclean or clean foods, you're results will be the same and blood markers of health would improve just from losing eight, even if done eating unclean foods
  • subigirl
    subigirl Posts: 53 Member
    What do you guys eat for carbs that are 'clean'?

    Fruit, rice (I've especially grown to love black rice...get it in bulk at Whole Foods), potatoes...there are many, many possibilities. One thing I noticed is how many things have MSG in it! I've even had to resort to playing around with making my own dressings and dips for veggies, because even the mixes have the crap in it!

    It's really all about getting back to cooking your own meals, and if you must take a shortcut (like if you aren't great about making your own sauce), taking the time to read the label!
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    Do you guys track your sugar intake? It seems like sugar may be off the chart eating this way unless you limit that as well.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I saw dramatic changes in my energy levels and swelling in hands and feet within 4 days of changing to a healthier way of eating.
    I have almost non existent cravings (what I do have I would descibe as mildy fancing some food type rather than the old 'dont stand between me and my food of choice unless you want to get hurt")

    I am not hungry because the meals are huge so no battling with binging behaviour either.
    Its the best move I have ever made for my health and I never want to go back to feeling how I did before.
    I love eating food that taste good and knowing it is great for my health.
    Its freeing to have no guilt associated with eating.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    I haven't heard a negative comment yet so I think I'm ready to give it a try. Thanks everyone!!!!!!!
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    What do you guys eat for carbs that are 'clean'?

    I take a grain and starch free approach, with low sugar.

    my sources of carbs usually include:
    nuts and unsweetened peanut/almond butter
    naturally occuring sugars in dairy
    berries (in my protein shakes and sometimes salads)
    and last but certainly not least, a TON of all sorts of starch free vegetables. love me some artichokes or eggplant or zucchini or fresh dark leafy greens and spinach salad or a good vegetable stir-fry.

    but of course I ate 5 pieces of chocolate on Valentine's Day :)
  • subigirl
    subigirl Posts: 53 Member
    I was watching my sugar anyway...hence why I was drinking all kinds of diet sodas and using artificial sweeteners before reading that book. I learned a lot from back in my days of doing super low carb. I try to stick with fruit that has a lower glycemic index. I love berries! I also eat a lot more green veggies than I ever had in my life...lunch and dinner always have some sort of green veggie thing to it. I find that I simply make more healthy choices. Yes, the fam still likes to go out to eat on the weekends, and then there is the fajita Tuesday they like so much...but even then, I make the best choices I can. Here is a web site that could help with finding places that serve better meat:

    Like where I live, Mighty Fine Burgers uses grass-fed I get a burger with no cheese and no bun (gluten intolerant), and that is basically our go-to hamburger joint. Chipotle also claims to serve meat that is free of hormones and antibiotics. Of course, any time you eat out, you can't be 100% sure what is in the other ingredients you use...but if you can be comfortable with the main ingredient, you are better off than if you went someplace that served cheap, hormone and antibiotic ridden meat!
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I was eating healthier since last summer, and recently been eating more clean...probably 90% of the time now. I actually feel 'sick' when I eat out/eat something that is heavily processed.

    Wish it was easier, but when we go to a friend's house for dinner, it's hard to not ask "what did you use in the sauce?" So I try to plan for it. I 'save' my calories for dinner at their place, and have to totally guess at everything-I don't want to look like a diet freak!

    In reality, GMOs (genetically modified organisms), rBGHs rBSTs (cattle growth hormones) and all the other things are so new to our food chain (since the early 90s), we can't really say 'it won't hurt us'. Milk from the cows injected with the growth hormones can possibly trigger a higher cancer risk. (The hormones are digested thru the milk at such a high concentration and then enter a human's bloodstream) Why take that risk?

    Those are my reasons for eating clean.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I do around 80-85% of the time. Even when eating out (it isn't that hard were I live.)

    I eat about 75-85% organic, and around 60% locally sourced. Trying to increase these numbers. Stick to hormone free/etc meat when I am buying it, generally local as well. About 60% of restaurants I go to do this as well.

    My health is pretty good, but of course I have weight to lose. I have been eating pretty clean for around 8 years at this point. Calories still matter. I gained ~ 30-40 pounds since I started eating cleaner.

    I definitely feel off when I have most processed junk food and most fast food. I read labels, look for things made out of normal stuff. And tread carefully around processed sauces.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I also eat clean (non-processed) about 80-90% of the time. I read Jillian Micheals' book "Boost Your Metabolism" last year about this time...seriously scared me organic! No joke! When I read how additives could dork with your hormones and such, I quit all kinds of things! I haven't had a soda of any kind in nearly a year. I've become a major label reader...avoiding MSG, BHA, BHT, dyes, etc. like they were the plague! I try to eat meats that are hormone-free, antibiotic free, grass-fed, is a bit more expensive, but after finding out how all impacts you. I've even gone so far as watching my plastics (there are many lists on line which tell you which numbers are more prone to leeching into your drink or food); use paraben-free cosmetics, lotions, etc.; got rid of most of my plastic food storage containers and replaced with glass; and watch the chemicals I use around my house. I have gotten rid of my migraine headaches, cleared up my skin...the list of symptoms I no longer suffer with day in and day out is crazy!

    You are my twin!:wink:
  • subigirl
    subigirl Posts: 53 Member
    I was eating healthier since last summer, and recently been eating more clean...probably 90% of the time now. I actually feel 'sick' when I eat out/eat something that is heavily processed.

    Tell me about it!!! We went on a cruise a few weeks ago, and though I was mentally not ready to come home, I was physically ready! All that rich food on the ship had me feeling terrible! I swear, I came home and ate nearly all fruit and veggies for a solid week! I was so ready to go back to doing my own shopping and food prep!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    check out Tosca Reno for some clean eating plans/recipes. Also, Oxygen mag uses the clean eating premise in all their recipes. Good stuff.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    What do you guys eat for carbs that are 'clean'?

    Turnips, radishes, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet potatoes and fruit are the ones that I have been sticking to :)

    edited to add:
    most fruit and veggies already have carbs in them so I just stay away from anything processed, like bread, rice, oatmeal any crackers or chips for the days I eat clean on, then I can have then on the 2 days I don't eat clean on :)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    What do you guys eat for carbs that are 'clean'?
    Brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread (no high fructose corn syrup, or weird preservatives), whole wheat or spelt tortillas, whole wheat or rice or jerusalem artichoke flour pasta, potatoes (sweet and reg.), fruit (it's got plenty of carbs)

    I'm sure there's plenty more but that's a start.
    ^ Thanks to you and everyone who replied to this but I was wondering about 'more natural', high fiber completely non processed stuff. Preferably something that's not a fruit because I eat so much fruit, go over on my sugars by allot compared to everything else, and hardly get any fiber?

    Thanks again for the ideas everyone :)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    What do you guys eat for carbs that are 'clean'?

    Turnips, radishes, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet potatoes and fruit are the ones that I have been sticking to :)

    edited to add:
    most fruit and veggies already have carbs in them so I just stay away from anything processed, like bread, rice, oatmeal any crackers or chips for the days I eat clean on, then I can have then on the 2 days I don't eat clean on :)

    Thank you!!! That's exactly what I wanted, non processed. If you get any other ideas let me know. That had a few non sugary things I wasn't eating already so that's perfect.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Jicama! Sweet potatoes. Winter squash.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Jicama! Sweet potatoes. Winter squash.

    I love sweet potatos
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Generally speaking I eat clean. I've read and made a lot of the recipes and followed a lot of the tips from Tosca Reno's book The Eat Clean Diet.

    However, I don't make any hard and fast, all or nothing rules. For example, today I had a skinny cow candy bar (I also had a granola bar come to think of it). I know skinny cow foods are packed with artificial crap, but it was a treat. And I didn't chose it because it's supposedly low-calorie, but I chose it because I really like this specific bar (even more than non-diet candy bars). I bought it to enjoy after I took a ballet class, something I haven't done in over 5 years and that took a lot of courage to get back out there and do,

    Generally speaking I eat clean and the benefits are COUNTLESS! However, I also don't deprive myself. If I'm going to a birthday party, you can bet I"m going to have cake (with all it's white floury, egg yolky, refined sugary goodness!)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Eat clean for 1 month and then you will have trouble even looking at the low quality food that abounds.
    I've been on it for 13 months now, and have never felt better.
    The only way to know is to self experiment!
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    What do you guys eat for carbs that are 'clean'?
    Brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread (no high fructose corn syrup, or weird preservatives), whole wheat or spelt tortillas, whole wheat or rice or jerusalem artichoke flour pasta, potatoes (sweet and reg.), fruit (it's got plenty of carbs)

    I'm sure there's plenty more but that's a start.
    ^ Thanks to you and everyone who replied to this but I was wondering about 'more natural', high fiber completely non processed stuff. Preferably something that's not a fruit because I eat so much fruit, go over on my sugars by allot compared to everything else, and hardly get any fiber?

    Thanks again for the ideas everyone :)

    As far as I understand it, eating clean can still mean eating processed foods (like brown rice for example), just not chemically altered foods or foods with artificial ingredients. But as far as I understand it, eating clean doesn't have to be 100% of the time either... because that would be practically impossible in modern society lol

    But all the lovely options that people have suggested are, in my opinion, tastier and more nutritious than brown rice anyway. I was just putting in a little aside :)