"You don't need to lose weight"



  • I've found the same reaction when I say I want to lose a few pounds or am trying to stay with healthy foods. But for some reason saying "I'm just not that hungry, I had a late/huge lunch" or "I'd love to have some but that kind of food gives me such bad gas!" always seem to quash any arguements!!
  • Yes! Thank you for this topic. I get people all the time saying, but you're so thin! You look great, etc. And compliments are nice and all but still. I am very long limbed and while my arms and legs look thin I carry all my weight in my stomach hips and thighs. So unless those people have seen me naked and not clothed to disguise my flaws, they have no idea how unhealthy I really am (was, I'm getting better!)

    It also seems silly that society would think someone who is perceived to be thin or actually is thin doesn't need to exercise or eat well. Again my mantra for the year fits: There's a differnce between skinny and healthy!
  • I feel you. I'm technically at the lowish end of the weight range for my height, and my BF% is "normal". But I'm not toned, and I don't like the way I feel in my clothes. I get tired of people saying "You're so skinny...blah blah blah." Yes, I am height weight proportionate. But I'm not HEALTHY and I'm not toned. Making better eating choices is part of changing that. So, yes, I will pass on the fast food, and I will have my burger wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Same here. I've just stopped talking about it around people who don't understand.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    That drives me crazy too. Usually when some one offers e something and I decline and say it's garbage or too high cal or something I get "please you don't need to lose any more weight". I often respond with wellI'd like to not gain it back if that's alright with you. I probably sound like a b*tch but personally I think it's rude to concern yourself with others diet choices.
  • Same here. I've just stopped talking about it around people who don't understand.

    ^^ Agreed. I get it a lot too - people that thing they are telling you what you want to hear by telling you that you dont need to lose weight, but really all you want is them to be realistic about it.
  • It drives me nuts. I am legitimately over weight and don't consider it healthy. When people tell me "you don't need to lose weight!" I get very frustrated.
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    When people tell me "You don't need to lose weight" when I refuse some offered food, I simply reply with "I will if I eat that."

    Love that quote!

    I hear it all the time too.
    Yes, I know I am tall. However it doesn't mean that I want to weigh the same or more than my husband!

    i want to be a skinny minnie - and it is up to me how I look. Whether that is fat or thin, it is up to me.

  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    I too get the same comments and DITTO to all of you. At least my husband is being very supportive and I have my friends on MFP, so to all of you THANSKS!!!
  • Rant on! I love it. You are very right it is not their business. They just need to support you!
  • jak111
    jak111 Posts: 36
    Well said!!!! I also hate it when family and friends know you are watching what you eat and you get "is THAT on your diet". I smile and simply say "you can have anything you want as long as it is in moderation and within your calorie count for the day." Then I change the subject.
  • couldn't agree more! Its also love when they tell you to "go eat a cheeseburger!" Because that's not at all rude....
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    I agree, so much! I don't tell people I diet, because of this. It's like people won't let you choose how your own body is supposed to look. As long as I eat and am healthy I want to choose for myself, thank you.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    I love the girls with > 40% BF so from me you won't hear any argument. :tongue:
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    My friends always say "why are you counting your calories" or "you don't need to lose any weight!!" but I'm still like "well...guys I am still about five pounds overweight...I'd like to be at a healthy weight" so frustrating sometimes.
  • brittanyla077
    brittanyla077 Posts: 79 Member
    Hah my mom told me this morning" just becareful not to lose too much " of course I used to be very annorexic (100 lbs or less in high-school at 5'6")
  • my friends always do the same thing to me, but working out and eating healthy is a personal goal that I want to maintain and it doesn't help when they're very insensitive about it... feel free to add me, I haven't learned how to add people yet on here :-)
  • It drives me nuts. I am legitimately over weight and don't consider it healthy. When people tell me "you don't need to lose weight!" I get very frustrated.


    Your kitten is so adorable!
  • daisysmamu
    daisysmamu Posts: 29 Member
    I'm there, too. I've been 20 lbs overweight and I guess don't look it and have gotten those comments. I'm afraid, too, I have been on the other side, and made those comments myself, so thanks for the heads up. I need to pay more attention.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i only had 1 person like that..she would invite us over for bbqs and stuff, and tho i could not count cals since it was homemade food, and i didnt know what went into some dishes, i would eat smaller, and TRY for healthier..then she would get upset because i wasnt trying to consume 10,000 calories in one meal like i USED to before i started this journey..i think she was just jealous because i wasnt consuming mass amounts of food and alchohol anymore, and she still was, and i had lost weight:laugh: needless to say, we have stopped going over there..