


  • bugs5697
    eating my 7 jelly beans for the day as we speak....

    and I'm not sure if sweet tooth is accurate for me, since every ounce of my being craves sugar all the live long day.
    and night

  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Chocolate is my weakness. I have been trying really hard to stay away but don't always do well. Today is a bad chocolate day. Feel free to friend me.
  • sunray2275
    SWEETS? did someone say sweets?? where are they? i just ate something sweet and am already wanting more - don't care what it is as long as it's sweet. i'm not picky!
    i'm just starting on my jouney and sweets are going to be my biggest battle! i know i will face others along the way, but this one will probably be the death of me...
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
    see my profile pic?

    This is me enjoying a chocolate crepe! You hardly ever see me smile this big! And because of my close attention to calories, I also knew this was my one and only chocolate crepe for quite some time... ah, the memories.. :tongue:
  • trina433
    i have a sweet tooth and dentist bills to prove it!! add me!!
  • lilmendel35
    Hey! I am a super chocolaholic myself and I think it will always be something I will struggle with. I have recently started a dessert night. I only allow myself to have dessert one night a week, but it can be anything I want and if I go over my calories that day it is alright. It has been really fun to think about what I want my treat to be every week. I usually go out to a restaurant to get it so I don't have to keep anything to tempting in the house, and I bring my friends along to make it extra exciting! This has been working out great for me so far! There are also some pretty good lower calorie treat recipes try undressedskeleton's chewy chocolate chip cookies, they are great!
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    every time someone writes on here "hello Peeps." my mind goes straight to yellow and pink bunnies and chicks.
    but trust me my weakness does not stop there. I love hot cinnimon rolls dripping with icing. OK, add me, gotta go :)
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    :love: LOVE- Yummie homemade goodies. Just so good and goowie.
  • justfungrandma
    justfungrandma Posts: 91 Member
    I have a horrible sweet tooth..mostly chocolate, but ice cream is a close second. The absolute only way that I can control it is by not having ANY! I have no willpower whatsoever in the case of chocolate, so one bite equals the whole bag/container. It seems like once I can get passed a couple weeks without it, I don't really crave it anymore. It really is an addiction with me and I understand how hard it is for people to quit smoking/drinking, etc.
  • kayleigh_1988
    I LOVE sweets, especially really sour sweets! Not saying I don't love chocolate either though! So far this week, I have polished off a big block of galaxy over two nights and lots of pancakes with nutella and ice cream tonight! I feel really bad now though :( I have gone over my calories (1300) a total of 6 times out of 16 :(

    Lately, I just cant seem to resist this and I'm lacking motivation to go to the gym after work! Need a serious kick up the bum!
  • terwhitcomb
    terwhitcomb Posts: 43 Member
    Oh my yes - sweets are my downfall! I am sitting here at my desk right now wondering what in the world I can steal from someone to satisfy this craving!!!! Please add me - I would like to get the updates :blushing:
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I like sweets , chewy candies mostly like jellybeans and such but my teeth are suffering and even tho I don't to lose any more weight then I already have I need to stop eating a whole bag of gourmet jellybeans in a week!! These are the big bags too! UGHHH!!
    My poor teeth are not happy but my dentist will be.. I am giving them up so anybody who wants a buddy I am there for you and I am good at kicking butts!
  • okerachel
    okerachel Posts: 45 Member
    ::Pulls fresh baked King Cake out of oven::

    No I don't really do sweets.
    ::Gives powdered sugar glaze a final stir::

    Don't you know giving that crap up makes you stop wanting it
    ::Pours glaze over cake and watches as sugary goodness cascades down the side of golden brown cake::

    I haven't had sweets in ages
    ::Liberally sprinkles purple, green and yellow sugar over melting sugar glaze on top of fresh baked cake.::

    Mmmphmmm pmm
    ::dips hot cake in leftover glaze and sweetened cream cheese filling before stuffing it in her mouth::

  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    Oh, I have a major sweet tooth -- my favorites are Cinnabuns (which are like 40 bajillian calories per bun, and that's before the extra icing) and vanilla cupcakes. I also love ice cream. I have been trying to find substitutes -- things are are sweet but not quite so ridiculous. Lately I've been enjoying Greek yogurt with honey, or a banana or apple slices with honey drizzeled on top. I also do fruit with light cool whip. I try to control myself by putting sweet things (like the cool whip and the honey greek yogurt) in the freezer, so that I have to wait for it to thaw before I can eat it. This forces me to reconsider if I really want it.
  • cpierzchajlo
    I have a bad sweet tooth as well. HELP!!! Im not big on most fruit either!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    I really love chocolates, puddings and cakes

    feel free to add me
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    We had game night last weekend and I knew we were expected to bring a snack. It was just one other couple and both of us are on a diet do we challenged each other to bring something that was calorie friendly. I ate lighter all day knowing that two treats is still going to add up.

    My snack?

    I bought a pound cake from the frozen section, thawed it and sliced it for portions. I chopped up strawberries and piled it on and measured out some whipped cream. Such a yummy dessert and it was about 170 calories!
  • sprincess88
    sprincess88 Posts: 17 Member
    I love sugar :love: Bread-type sugary things are the best! honey buns, cinnamon rolls, cakes, cupcakes...also pies, candy bars, ice cream. MMMMMMM I love it all. I find the best thing for me is to just have it. I usually can stop after just one of whatever it is. So I log the calories and ENJOY! I just had a bowl of edy's chocolate fudge browny frozen yogurt for breakfast yesterday YUM!!! I put what I am going to eat in my bowl or whatever then the rest gets put away immediately. The main thing is keeping track. Anyways anyone can feel free to add me! I could use the encouragement and give it out too!