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  • bazbun
    bazbun Posts: 11
    whoa, thanks! what a booster to keep going! yes, support system on MFP is incredible! the comments on success stories are one of the sweetest NSV's and can be a great motivation. and motivation is 4/5 of the job! if you are motivated to become healthy - eating healthy and exercising comes along easily! for each of us there is that "thing" holding us down - that once we realize and acknowledge, turns the switch on/off into setting us on a journal towards greater self love and nurturing, and setting your own health and fitness on a higher level on your priorities. whether it's psychological or environmental, once that clicks in our heads - everything becomes a piece of cake!

    for me it was stress/emotional eating. i was taught since little that food is the ultimate gratification for all successes (celebrating everything with it) and the best sedation for all fails ("eat, you will feel better") - growing up to be very emotional (in terms of emphatic and sensitive to the world around me) - this habit turned out to be completely detrimental, as i was always experiencing much joys and the bumps along the way that came along, produced the same effect. also, up to recently my own well being was not high on my priority level -- i was all about the bigger picture, helping others through philanthropy, studying etc. &thinking time for me will come later.

    which is a bad mindset. your time is NOW. and can always be NOW. that doesn't mean you are selfish, it only means that as you take better care of yourself, there is also more YOU to give to the world (of course only if you wish so).

    so, introspect, take your time... and than juice out all the inspiration and motivation you can get from other people's incredible successes on these threads (as i do!) and fuel yourself up for a journey of a healthy life time! because it's so worth it! so incredibly worth it :-))))

    cat x

    This is so true and very inspiring. Well done on your success and thanks for sharing. x
  • thank you so much ladies and gents for the comments, i feel like a star:o), thank you bazbun for reading it all:-)

    you are all brill.

    i am pushing myself really hard to get out of the 150s. fingers xssed the 30DS will work its magic on me too (only on day 8th though... oh la la)...
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