30 Day Shred



  • bunniehops
    bunniehops Posts: 22 Member
    Ive just finished the whole 30 days ....... and OMG if i had started with 5lb weights I wouldn't have made 2 minutes the firt day. You did great by hitting 10 mins with those weights. every day gets easier I couldn't do more than 6 jumping jacks at a time when I started now I can do all sets including those in level 3 with weights. It's a great DVD don't give up :)
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    You have gotten lots of great advice! I used 1 lb weights b/c that is all I have. I know at times in the beginning I put the weights down in an attempt to just keep going. Maybe try it with no weights (or light cans or water bottles). If you are having a hard time with the easier movements just do them at your own speed for the duration, even if you have to stop and take 5 sec. breaks. I sometimes take 5 sec. here and there because they do help. I also have a glass of water sitting there with a straw because I would not make it through without small sips of water. Also, if you really are having a hard time with a move, modify it even more. Just try something similar. Or if you need to cut the duration of time doing the exercise for now. It WILL get easier and you WILL be sooo happy after you have completed the workout each day. Your body will feel so strong (ok after the first few days of being sore).

    I am on L2 D8 (waiting for my kids to finish watching a show so I can have the tv). I think Level 1 got easier faster than Level 2, but I can definitely tell a difference from D1 L2. This all does kick your butt but I lost 2.5 inches after Level 1!!!! It is worth it. Just keep doing your best!!! :bigsmile:
  • AlliO2
    AlliO2 Posts: 32 Member
    I got my copy this morning, and did my first session this evening when I got in - my legs still feel weird when I'm walking down the stairs!! I managed to do it, but did have to stop through the "bum kicks" as I was worried I was going to knock myself out!!

    Well I'm going to keep at it, twice a week along with 2 sessions of spinning as well - this had better work!!

    Also on a different note, what do people log the 30 DS as in their excerise? I just logged it as general aerobics...is this ok?

    I also want to know what people log it as in their exercise diaries!!!
  • AlliO2
    AlliO2 Posts: 32 Member
    I just finished ALL of Level 1 Day 2!!!!! I did make some modifications such as running/walking in place when the jumping jacks and butt kicks were killing me and I did use water bottles as my weights today (so basically 1 lb weights) and I made it the whole way. I lasted longer than my husband who tried to do it with me today! Ha!!! Thanks for all of the encouragement and advice! I will take tomorrow off because of church and stuff, but I will pick back up Monday morning, Lord willing! :-)