Can anyone look at my diary for me?



  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Are you using any oil to cook your eggs in the am? I'm always shocked at how even a tiny amount can add up.

    Nope, no oil to cook my eggs. I spray the pan with a bit of cooking spray.

    I do use a little oil to sautee my cabbage or broccoli though. But I make sure to count it.
  • min_lyn
    min_lyn Posts: 68 Member
    Your diary looks similar to mine in respect to food choices and tastes--even down to the folgers caramel drizzle k-cup:) Hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Looks good to me. Seems like you try to have balanced meals--a protein, a starch, and vegetable and you have fruits as snacks. That's the way to do it in my book! Looks like your averaging an intake of around 1500-1600 a day and exercising regularly. I mean I just don't see why you wouldn't lose weight!

    Some people will find things to scrutinize, but they forget that no one is perfect.

    To know if you should be eating more or less, the real question is: how do you feel? Do you feel satisfied or deprived? Are you sleeping well at night? How are your nails (they're usually a good indication of any vitamin deficiency) are they strong and white or are they brittle with little white marks in the area that should be pink (if you bite your nails it might not be as accurate)? Do you have energy throughout your day or do you find you're always tired? Do you feel pleasant and positive or irritable and moody? And most importantly, are you losing weight and/or inches? Do your clothes feel a little looser?

    Those are the real tests if you're doing the right thing.
  • macylane4
    You look like you're doing great! I wouldn't stress over it! You won't lose fat without cardio, but you need to build lean muscle as well, so I would definatly add in strength training to your routines! I was thinking your calories were low too..until I saw your height and weight! I only get 1500 a day and I am a lot taller and bigger then you!!
    You will be successful!!!! Good luck on your journey!
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Thank you ALL for your advice and tips!
    Looks good to me. Seems like you try to have balanced meals--a protein, a starch, and vegetable and you have fruits as snacks. That's the way to do it in my book! Looks like your averaging an intake of around 1500-1600 a day and exercising regularly. I mean I just don't see why you wouldn't lose weight!

    Some people will find things to scrutinize, but they forget that no one is perfect.

    To know if you should be eating more or less, the real question is: how do you feel? Do you feel satisfied or deprived? Are you sleeping well at night? How are your nails (they're usually a good indication of any vitamin deficiency) are they strong and white or are they brittle with little white marks in the area that should be pink (if you bite your nails it might not be as accurate)? Do you have energy throughout your day or do you find you're always tired? Do you feel pleasant and positive or irritable and moody? And most importantly, are you losing weight and/or inches? Do your clothes feel a little looser?

    Those are the real tests if you're doing the right thing.

    The scale is being a stubborn *kitten*, that's for sure. But, I've lost 2 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips in 3 weeks, so I'm not complaining too much. It's just that damned scale has such a power over me!

    All in all, I feel great! I don't feel like a blob, ya know?
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    I'm 29 years old, 4'11 and 182 pounds. I wear a body media fit HRM and I've figured that my body burns 1600 calories a day, just doing nothing. If I slept all day, I'd burn 1600 calories. So, I try to eat 1600 calories (at least 1300) so that I'll have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. 1000 calories per day x7=7000 calories a week= 2 pounds lost per week. So, I have MFP set to 1200 calories, but it looks like I'm eating my exercise calories, but in actuality, I'm not. I'm just eating towards my deficit.

    I want to lose 60 pounds.

    i want to burn 1600 calories doing nothing! Wonder if i am eating too less. But I cant even get 1400 calories in a day...too much food. I can't eat steak or chicken all day either. I need to get me one of those arm bands.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    breakfast so far looks ago to me :)

    The only thing I would do differently is swap the fully fatty cheese and do either 2% of fat free cheddar and save yourself 10 grams of fat and calories.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm 29 years old, 4'11 and 182 pounds. I wear a body media fit HRM and I've figured that my body burns 1600 calories a day, just doing nothing. If I slept all day, I'd burn 1600 calories. So, I try to eat 1600 calories (at least 1300) so that I'll have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. 1000 calories per day x7=7000 calories a week= 2 pounds lost per week. So, I have MFP set to 1200 calories, but it looks like I'm eating my exercise calories, but in actuality, I'm not. I'm just eating towards my deficit.

    I want to lose 60 pounds.

    I think your eating just fine. Being that your shorter, I don't think having your calories set to 1200 is a bad thing as long as your not hungry/cranky all the time. If you are, I would try adding calories back slowly. Maybe go to 1250, then 1300, etc etc....

    Contrary to what other people might say, I pretty much thing its just calories in and calories out. Being over on Fat, Carbs etc are not as big of a deal, and fruits from sugars are totally fine. For me I watch my sodium, but that's because I bloat like a sponge. :grumble: But some people don't even have to watch that. I wouldn't get to caught on being perfect for every single meal and everyday...As long as you are under your calorie goal everyday AND exercising you should lose weight just fine. (sometimes it does take a while to get started, so don't get discouraged the first 2 weeks if your not seeing it happen fast enough).

    Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    Try using evoo, or peanut oil for frying or cooking veggies.
    Also there are different cheeses out there that are less in fat.
    Weight watchers, and mini baby bell are just a few i use.
    I also get the low moisture part skim milk cheese when i can. But over all it looks awesome!!
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    you may consider upping your calories. 1200 is simply not enough for most people. MFP is set so you can eat your calories back.
    on the other hand, the foods you are eating are pretty good! :smile: best of luck!
  • Psufilmgirl
    Psufilmgirl Posts: 93 Member
    It looks like you're doing great! I need to cut back on my carbs a bit.

    If you really do want some pineapple, my trainer told me I can eat it before I work out with her or do any sort of weight training. Or just use it as a treat every once in awhile!

    Also be careful of not eating enough, but I think it really depends on your body, so if the scale continues to stay the same, try eating a little bit more for a week. That seemed to help me.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I think your diary looks GREAT! Do you feel good? Are you losing weight? Are you sated and energetic after meals? If so... keep it up.

    My only advice would be to find what works for you. Stick with it, and don't pay mind to what strangers on the internet are doing. There is LOTS of advice to be had on the internet, not all of it is good and some of it is downright bad or just doesn't apply to you.

    For example, I ate a veritable truckload of pineapple and strawberries while I was losing weight. I had no problem losing 50+ pounds, and I even lost at a rate faster than MFP predicted. Those fruits were fantastic for me, but I see others here saying to avoid them because of the sugar in pineapple or because strawberries slow down your metabolism (never heard that one before!)

    Do what works for you!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm 29 years old, 4'11 and 182 pounds. I wear a body media fit HRM and I've figured that my body burns 1600 calories a day, just doing nothing. If I slept all day, I'd burn 1600 calories. So, I try to eat 1600 calories (at least 1300) so that I'll have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. 1000 calories per day x7=7000 calories a week= 2 pounds lost per week. So, I have MFP set to 1200 calories, but it looks like I'm eating my exercise calories, but in actuality, I'm not. I'm just eating towards my deficit.

    I want to lose 60 pounds.

    I think your diet looks great. I do think that a 1000 cal/day deficit is too large for you though. I would suggest a maximum of 750 cals/day, when you get down to your last 40lbs or so that should change to 500 cal/day deficit.

    FYI: You can chand the % macros on MFP to better align with your diet. I notice you eat higher protein and moderate carb. To do this go to goals > change goals > custom, and change your % of each nutrient. Fat should be 20-30%, protein 20-40%, and the remainder in carbs.

    Good to know, thanks!

    I'll switch out the pineapple (CRY) for more berries and apples. I love those so it shouldn't be a problem. So, the triscuits are okay? I'm trying to do no processed foods but I freakin' love triscuits and hummus and try to have them every day.

    I exercise at least 5 days a week for 60-90 minutes per day. All cardio-bike, treadmill, elliptical.

    Add some strength training to your workout.
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    That's a lot of water... Be very careful with that :)
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Looks pretty good, the few things that really jumped out at me were pan fried sirloin and the sushi. Pan frying generally is not a good idea, and sushi, can most certainly be healthy but the publix one I saw listed was over 500 calories. I also agree with the person who posted about tropical fruits, another to avoid is strawberries as it tends to slow your metabolism.
    Keep it up, you're doing great!

    haha I'm cracking up at the idea that strawberries slow your metabolism. Berries of all kinds are SO good for you (Strawberries in particular are packed with antioxidants like vitamin C, ellagic acid and flavanoids that are good for your heart, phytochemicals that decrease joint inflammation, potassium that helps decrease blood pressure and lower cholesterol, fiber for healthy digestion, and of course they are naturally low in calories)

    As far as I know, there is not a fruit on the planet that could slow your metabolism.

    In fact, here is an article by a nutrition specialist that suggests strawberries actually speed up your metabolism:

    And dear god, if the girl wants sushi, she should have it... she didn't go over her caloric limit, so who cares if it was 500 calories?

    Pan frying is fine as long as you're not using too much oil or butter (even the sprays can have more fat than you expect because a serving size is usually one spray and who really sprays the pan only once anyway?)
  • luvmypwds
    I think it looks fabulous to me. Good for you on the exercise front!! You're rocking.
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    I'm 29 years old, 4'11 and 182 pounds. I wear a body media fit HRM and I've figured that my body burns 1600 calories a day, just doing nothing. If I slept all day, I'd burn 1600 calories. So, I try to eat 1600 calories (at least 1300) so that I'll have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. 1000 calories per day x7=7000 calories a week= 2 pounds lost per week. So, I have MFP set to 1200 calories, but it looks like I'm eating my exercise calories, but in actuality, I'm not. I'm just eating towards my deficit.

    I want to lose 60 pounds.

    I think your diet looks great. I do think that a 1000 cal/day deficit is too large for you though. I would suggest a maximum of 750 cals/day, when you get down to your last 40lbs or so that should change to 500 cal/day deficit.

    FYI: You can chand the % macros on MFP to better align with your diet. I notice you eat higher protein and moderate carb. To do this go to goals > change goals > custom, and change your % of each nutrient. Fat should be 20-30%, protein 20-40%, and the remainder in carbs.

    Good to know, thanks!

    I'll switch out the pineapple (CRY) for more berries and apples. I love those so it shouldn't be a problem. So, the triscuits are okay? I'm trying to do no processed foods but I freakin' love triscuits and hummus and try to have them every day.

    I exercise at least 5 days a week for 60-90 minutes per day. All cardio-bike, treadmill, elliptical.

    Add some strength training to your workout.

    I plan on it! :) I just saw you're from SC...where about? I'm 20 miles from Columbia.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    I have scrambled egg whites every day, and I actually make them in the microwave. As much as I hate relying on the microwave, it means I don't have to use any oil. The won't be as fluffy, but I don't really eat them for the taste or consistency, just for the protein.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    As far as your diet it looks pretty good for the most part. I would change two small thing...well one of them could be bigger, but anyhow. I saw that cheese was in a lot of your days. Cheese is ok but just watch out for that one. One thing that I would also watch is your sodium intake. You are not tracking this currently but IMO it would be good to look at. Too much sodium leads to water retention and to the mid-section. For the most part though looks good to me. Keep up the good work.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    If you like pineapples, please eat them. Unless you are a diabetic, pineapples are good for you (diabetics would have to watch the sugar/carbs but they could still eat them in moderation).

    Benefits of pineapples: high in manganese (critical to bone health--one cup of pineapples gives you 75% your daily recommended amount of manganese), high in bromelain (which breaks down proteins to work as a digestive aid--great for weight loss and also good for joint inflammation), high in vitamin C (countless reasons why that's good for you), naturally low in calories and they are FREAKING DELICIOUS! Don't deprive yourself of something that is both healthy and enjoyable.

    There is nothing wrong with tropical fruit. The one to really be careful with would be avocados, but 1/5 of an avocado has a TON of health benefits (it's just a surprisingly small serving size).

    Eating a reasonable amount of pineapple will not give you anything but beneficial results to your health and weight loss.