What non-food rewards do you give yourself?

I'm all for rewarding milestones along the way on difficult journeys such as weight loss and fitness. I think it's important to keep the motivation and to remind ourselves that it is a difficult path and we are amazing for sticking with it. But all too often is it easiest to reward ourselves with food treats, the things we have been staying away from in order to lose the pounds.

Personally I'm really bad at moderation. If I give myself a food treat, I think oh well, I already screwed up today, might as well have another piece. Also, after all the hard work, often I don't want a food reward to set me back, I'd rather have something else that I can enjoy, without going against my goals.

There are two things that I've used so far.

The first is clothing. I went through my closet over a year ago and tried on every piece of clothing in there. I put the clothes that were too small into different boxes and labelled them with 10 pound weight increments. Each piece of clothing I put in the box with the weight I thought it would fit comfortably. Then when I started losing weight my reward was opening the box when I reached that 10 pound weight goal. I didn't really want to buy new clothes each time because it wouldn't be long until those clothes were too big also. It was like a mini-Christmas every time I reached a 10 pound milestone.

Now I'm 3 pounds away from my final box and plan on going on a shopping trip to buy clothes that actually fit. I haven't been this low in my entire memory (if I had to guess, high school, maybe jr high), and I haven't gone clothing shopping in over a year, so I think I deserve it.

My second idea for a reward is a massage. I just booked my very first professional massage a few minutes ago, for tomorrow, and I'm super excited about it. My body is soooooo sore today, and has been mostly sore nearly every day for the last month and a half when I started doing p90x. I love the soreness, don't get me wrong, but I want to reward myself for sticking with the program as well as I have, and also maybe relax my muscles and help them to heal so I can push even harder next time. I'm on day 45 out of 90, half way there! Time for a reward, no?

I have many more fitness milestones to reach in the next week/month/year/decade and hopefully the rest of my life. What are some good non-food rewards? What do you use to reward yourself for making great progress?


  • katburkinshaw
    I hadn't really thought about it to be honest (I guess I would have gone with the automatic piece-of-cake reward), but a massage sounds like a brilliant idea - I might try that one myself!

    I guess other than that, maybe you could stick with the pampering idea and get a manicure or a facial or something, or perhaps, for the big milestone, a photoshoot? I know I hate having my photo taken, but once you're feeling great it would be a brilliant memento of how far you've come.
  • okerachel
    okerachel Posts: 45 Member
    I let myself have time doing things that are entirely unproductive. Mostly video games. I spend so much time juggling my work and workouts that an hour sitting on the couch not feeling guilty for not squeezing in a good dish-washing session is reward enough.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Mine is tattoos and I want an AK47 :smokin:
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    clothes :-)
  • PrettyBunny
    Lululemon. Love it!
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    23 more pounds to lose until I get my Wii! I get myself cool gadgets/games to keep busy with.
  • toasterlisa
    toasterlisa Posts: 100 Member
    I love massages or professional pedicures as a treat. Of course, shopping is fun too. I only have two more pairs of pants and two blouses that don't fit comfortably, then I'll need to buy more smaller clothes as well!

    Best wishes on your health and wellness journey!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    Shoes // Hair Cut // Tattoo // Books // Movies // Concert that you would like
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Lush products, awesome slipper socks, new jeans, new running shoes (when I finish the C25K prog), ultimate goal reward is a new tattoo.
  • Kay901
    Kay901 Posts: 27
    I reward myself every 10 pounds.
    Ten- Tanning Package
    Twenty- new haircut/color
    Thirty- Toms
    Forty- Massage
    Fifty- This dress that I want reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal bad.

    I will probably do some 5 pound things in there. But those are my tentative ones for now :)
  • zebraspots2069
    zebraspots2069 Posts: 213 Member
    Haven't been on this jorney for long...but i did reward myself with a new cell Phone! so i can keep up w/MFP
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    My biggest things are going to be a new wardrobe (since I hope to lose 150lb total) and we are taking a honeymoon 10 years after we got married so I want to be at goal by 6/19/14 when we are planning to go.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    Clothing, Makeup, Hair Dye, Nail Polish. When I hit my GW it will be a shopping spree, spray tan, and mani/pedi.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I sign up for half marathons. I register in advance to ensure I stay on track.

    I've had ups and downs with training, but now that I'm back on track I've got my 2012 line up for half marathons already figured out.

    Even if I'm not down to what I'd like the scale to read at each race, I've got my own little NSV reward goin' on.
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    I've had several little non-food rewards along the way...but my milestone rewards were my memorable ones :)

    My first real reward was at my 20 pound mark, and I rewarded myself with the Nike+Fitness Sensor shoes.

    Around the 40 pound mark, I rewarded myself with a cut and a color.

    At 60, I went SHOPPING for new clothes. Along the journey I had bought a few second hand items, but didn't want to invest in a temporary size. So, at 60, I rewarded myself.

    At my one year mark, I rewarded my commitment by enrolling in Kung Fu classes!

    We're definitely worth it and should look for those little things that allow us to recognize our accomplishments!
  • 1sweetpea70
    1sweetpea70 Posts: 48 Member
    Books for my kindlefire, tanning, or shoes. I have 3 closets full of clothes, sizes 11/12, thru 3/4...im in a 6 now, and im a shopoholic so, i really dont need more clothes atm...
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I had my hubby get me fitness stuff for Vday instead of chocolate! Although he got chocolate any way! LOL But I got a yoga mat to use @ work & some soft weighted balls for strength training!! Plus they came with a DVD.

    As for personal rewards? I love putting together my progress pics and showing them off on facebook! I know that is very narcissistic, but I need the feedback. It keeps me going that people are rooting for me!

    I think when I get to 275, I'll get a tattoo that I have been wanting. A tribal kiwi-my daughter's nickname. ;)

    261 (100 lbs loss - new car maybe....Lord, I need one now! LOL)

    250 - A weekend getaway with my honey!!

    225 - Is that even possible?? Maybe another tattoo I want....treble clef/bass clef heart

    220 - Wedding weight- 10 year vow renewal (our 10 year is January 4th, 2013)

    200 - ?????

    Ultimate Goal Weight - 175 - I would love to do a Warrior Dash. Google it, it looks like a blast!! But I want to be quite fit then!
  • ryansgrammy
    i was trying to think of rewards as well and will need to have many for my jurny and you have given me some good ones as i do have some cloths that i cant get into right now so your box idea is a great one and i like to buy flowers for the table as well for a reward but a paper me day sounds good for a big milestone a nice bubble bath with candles is one i have used in the past just candles some soft music i like are just some of my little treats and steeling my grandson for a few hours is another one i use just shopping for him is a nice reward
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I'm rewarding myself with shoes this weekend. Not for any scale victory, bc the scale is so misleading and fickle (we're in a fight), but bc I've been active and eating right and I'm ready for a reward.
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Well my boyfriend promised to take me away somewhere if I get to my goal weight, so I'll have to hold him to that!

    Other than that, the weight loss itself is what is keeping me motivated. I love coming on here and putting a new weight in and seeing my ticker change :)