Why you need a food scale



  • TurnLeftNow
    I have been really thinking about getting a food scale because of how drastic people say the difference is when measuring. However I have been a little reluctant in getting one because they are slightly pricey.

    Watching this video, I can see how things would add up quickly when you simply just use a measuring spoon. But honestly, if you are using the scoop and the oatmeal is OVER the line... what do you expect? That's not 1/2 of a cup, that's more than 1/2 of a cup. I mean you are supposed to level everything out. Although that would still make it slightly more if you brush off everything, it wouldn't be as much more.

    I really would have liked to see some fruit and vegetable measurements. Like one big banana vs a small banana, a big apple vs a small apple. If anyone has any pictures of those to show the weight difference between sizes, I'd be interested in seeing that.
  • BrandiD56
    After reading all these comments I think I will go buy a food scale.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    LOL I really doubt the "average" person overscoops like that and expects it to be accurate. But I do get the point. I have a food scale. I find it especially useful for nuts, cheese, and meat.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    LOVE my food scale, but can anyone answer this....When I measure out half a cup of ice cream (not a lot for a serving size, is it?)
    It is totally different than when I put it on the food scale and measure it in grams (I forget exactly how many it is for my slow churned pistashio!!) I get to eat WAAAAYYYY more than when I try to stuff it in the measuring cups. WHY IS THIS----I am not complaining!

    I noticed the same thing.... so I stuffed it in a measuring cup, then dumped that on the food scale and made a mental note of what it weight in grams. Then I just use that number of grams to measure it out later.

    You should be going by the serving size in grams. That is the most accurate. The 1/2 cup is an approximation of the serving size. The grams is the exact serving size.

    x grams = x calories, 1/2 c. = ? calories....that's why food scales are more accurate than measuring cups. :flowerforyou:
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Food Scale, measuring cups and measuring spoons.. couldn't live without them... I weigh and measure everything! Now if I could just get a decent HRM I'd be in great shape!
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    I have considered a food scale for a while for things. especially meat. i usually eyeball it but i always try to over-estimate just to be safe.

    when i measure stuff though.. i NEVER overscoop. i always level off. I thought that was normal? The girl in this video thinks it isn't i guess lol.

    but even still, this is a big realization. anyone know where i can get a good and cheap food scale?
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    I love love love my food scale. It's perfect for meats, cheeses, and nuts since it's so easy to be inaccurate with those measurements. I still continue to use measuring cups for sauces, soups and oils but it's perfect for anything and everything solid. Very good investment.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Does a food sacel really help? I have never thought of using one....... I just kind of guess at what I am eating? Maybe that is why I am not losing a lot of weight?

    For sure! You can be a few hundred calories out over the day if you don't get the food weights correct and that few hundred calories will add up over the week and can be the difference between losing weight or putting weight back on see. Especially with foods such as butter (even low fat spreads), meat, CHEESE is a big one - hell a tiny bit out and you are underestimating just how many calories you are taking in.

    I have a digital food scales that measures in grams. Seriously worth its weight in gold.

    Dang I luff me scales so much I am going to call them tickles!
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Ohh yes, I've been meaning to get a food scale for some time and keep forgetting! Thanks for the reminder!

    Any recommendations on a good, reliable scale? Checking Amazon right now.. they're not badly priced!
  • jeccalou
    jeccalou Posts: 92 Member
    if you have any discount department stores in your area like Tj,s, ross, marshalls, etc. They always have them for under $10.
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    if you have any discount department stores in your area like Tj,s, ross, marshalls, etc. They always have them for under $10.

    yeah we have something like that in canada called winners. i've seen food scales there but they seemed too cheap... too good to be true. i'm scared of getting a cheap inaccurate one
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    I just got a digital scale today! Oddly excited about it.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I know this is a sort of advertisement for Leigh Peele's book, but it is an excellent example of how easy it is to underestimate caloric intake, even when measuring your food.


    That Youtube video is one of the best informational vids I have ever seen, seriously. A perfect, perfect example of underestimating calories.

    Hell, this video should be displayed all over MFP!!! Gonna stick the link to it on my own wall for those on my friends list.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    Digital is the only way to go, IMO. I lucked out and found one at Walgreens on the 50% off shelf, already marked down. Got a $20 scale for 5 bucks! I am getting better, but no where near being able to accurately "eyeball" a serving size. And don't forget, if a serving is "4 oz" you have to know if that's 4 liquid oz (measurng cup) or 4 oz in weight (=grams)
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I am completely reliant on my food scales. I am USELESS at estimating and I know it!
  • karadawn14
    BUMP for later this is crazy. need to get one
  • kirstand
    yip...i weigh my food too! it's so easy to under-estimate, especially with cheeses, sauces, cakes and nuts, etc...
    my 14yo son thinks im "stupid", "crazy", "obsessed" and "weird" doing this...to the point where i have to justify (argue) to him why! he thinks i dont eat much, but the truth is the type of food (high calorie) i choose to eat thats the reason i need to keep track