What is your biggest pet peeve at the gym



  • littlebigsteve
    littlebigsteve Posts: 75 Member
    people skipping out on paying dues
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    1. People who wear sunglasses while working out- its a basement gym, no sun glaring through windows.

    2. Men who adjust their junk right next to me, boys relocate the boys discreetly in the locker room or off in the corner.

    3. Too much perfume/cologne, annoying and some of us are allergic.
  • verysherri2006
    verysherri2006 Posts: 45 Member
    Maybe I phrased it wrong...
    Technically I could have wrote, "Two dingos and a baby" on that sign-up sheet
    But if someones wants that machine, they are just going to erase it and write their name up there instead...
    It is very easy to write my own name (being that it is only six letters long) but it would make no difference...
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    the guys who sit on the weights machines whilst talking to their friends, when you wanna use the machine!!!! GRRRR!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    My pet peeve is about myself! My boob sometimes bouncing out of my sports bra while I job! Grrrr!!!!


    Wear a regular bra under your sports bra. It works well ;-) Im a 36G! LOL
  • sheclimber
    sheclimber Posts: 176 Member
    mine is the people that are too cheap to buy a lock for the locker, so they carry all of their stuff with them out to the gym floor. normally not a big deal, they stick it into some open corner and its not it the way. but some people are so paranoid they can't be more then a foot away from their little pile of crap. moving it next to them from machine to machine.

    and today, someone was completely spread out in the stretching area. her stuff was against the wall, off to the side, and she was on the other end, stretching. at least, i think she was stretching. it looked like she was doing a tap dancing routine as a warm up. so whatever, i wasn't going to get right next to her, so i went to stretch in the only open area: right in front of her bag, coat, pants, etc. she went to collect her stuff after i was their for about twenty seconds, and shot me a dirty look.

  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    One of mine is the assorted trainers patrolling the floor like strippers looking to get a table dance. Once they figure out you don't want to sign up for a training session they act like you are taking up space.

    Add that to the guy trying to get me to sign up to take HCG and whatever else comes in their "Medical Weight Loss" program.
  • ruskmusic
    The gym is too much a pain in the *kitten* for me.
    Besides you can't grunt like a crazy person swear loudly and be a sweaty gross freak as freely as you can at home.
    I stopped going to a gym years ago, saved up for some weights and a bench, got a lifting buddie, and bought a mountain bike.
    I'll never look back at that hassle lol
  • Rachiewoowoo
    Girls who are going at like - speed *one* on the elliptical pumping like a speed demon all fine and dandy who then look at me, going at speed 10 on an incline, going basically in slow motion in comparison, and then smirking (obviously proud of their own speed).

    GURL - YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING. (These girls are generally also the make-up wearing, hair-doing, designer clothes-sporting culprits).
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    Lets see.. people who don't rack their weights. Guys who leave 5 45lb weights on each side of the leg press.. People who put their dumbells away but put them out of order according to weight.. people who spend text during their sets on the machine.. have you ever heard of people working in with you.. ohh i could go on...
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    lol I'm totally guilty of texting while working out...but, I have swype texting and am not one of those people that needs to hold on to the treadmill like it's leaving so I just continue to jog while I send back a quick text. It works for me!

    Mine is those people who are obviously too busy focused on what others are doing and not paying attention to what they are doing! I sat down to take a short break (I have small tables in the corners at my gym for that purpose) and saw a couple of girls fully clad in makeup who were laughing at someone on another treadmill (I was close enough to hear them) it was so rude! Luckily for me, I don't give a damn what others think when I'm there. I dress how I want, take my purse everywhere with me (so long as it's not in anyone's way), text while jogging, spend only five minutes at a time on each machine sometimes, and if I want to wear mascara, damned if I care who's judging me for it...though I'll add...why?! That **** is too damn messy if you get all sweaty, which most people do (hopefully) :laugh:
  • YMark
    YMark Posts: 65 Member
    My pet peeve is people that do curls in the squat rack. Usually some knucklehead with chicken legs that's never done a squat in their life.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    the size zero that wines and complains LOUDLY to everyone about how she just cant lose the 15 lbs she wants to wile wearing a hot pink freaking bikkini in the gym omg i want to slap this b#$%* every time i see her
    When people don't clean/ wipe off the machines after they use It's soooo gross! YUCK!
  • scott1080
    scott1080 Posts: 109 Member
    people in the gym conversating and not working out so the next person can use the machine
    yes definitly
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    Perfume queens and cologne kings. Sweat + strong scent = eau de parfum of salami. :sad:
  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    The GUYS (most girls do it while they do cardio) that sit on the weight machine that I plan on ripping on and TEXT THE ENTIRE TIME! Hello?!?! You do not get rep credit for texting your #$$!@%^ girlfriend! Get out of my way!
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    So at the gym i go to there is a circuit training room and the idea of the room is to start at one machine and do everything until you get to the last one. The machines are numbered 1-20 and one day i was the only person in the room and i was on machine 5 when a mother and her daughter came in and started doing it also, now this did not bother me...until they started going backwards and doing all the machines out of order making it so i had to skip some and go to the next. The nice person that i am did not say anything but i was really frustrated with it......
    Ok so that was my rant for the day..what is your biggest pet peeve at the gym?

    OMG! You must go to Planet Fitness as well! This kills me when idiots don't follow the rules. Just the other day there was only 4 of us in the 30 minute express room & I had trouble with ALL 3! Finally I said something to the 3rd guy & he got mad & walked out. I've ignored this for far too long and will not any longer. Going to the staff does not help. If you don't follow the circuit as intended, YOU'RE GONNA CATCH AN EAR FULL FROM ME!:angry::mad: :explode: :grumble:

    My thoughts exactly...I belong there!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I have a few of them:

    - Not putting weights back where they go. Example you leave the leg press loaded with like 1000 lbs.
    - Guys using bad form to try and curl that 60lbs dumbbell when they should be only using 25-30lbs at most.
    - Not using a lock on your locker...and you wonder why there is thievery in this world.
    - People in spin class that have zero load on the resistance and they think they are in a race just because they are spinning faster then everyone else.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I do have one annoying pet peeve...

    The gym I go to.... has a room with like 8 hanging bags.... I strongly dislike the guy who decides he needs 7 of those hanging bags to do whatever TAE BO MMA wannabe work out he is doing ...

    Or when couples are making out and touchy feely... in the gym ...I don't pay my 30 bucks a month to watch two people kiss for an hour... Blech... just thinking of sexual contact in a gym makes me queasy