Does it bother you when people take your food?



  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i offer if i want someone to taste my food...otherwise, hands off!
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    The only time its okay is when It is my 20 month old.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Oh YEAH! It's ridiculous too...even when my 8 year old starts swiping berries off the top of my yogurt, I about flip out! For heaven's sakes, there are more in the fridge and mine are weighed and measured already...get your own!! It's just annoying to me. For some reason, the food on MY plate is infinitely more attractive to my family members than what's on theirs or in the fridge :laugh:
    Drives me NUTS!!!
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    It annoys me if I have my meal all portioned out and calorie counted....then it's like "grrr! I have to refigure it!" lol

    I so agree! It would make me mad either way but seriously sometimes it's hard to get everything figured out and then you just help yourself...I am with another poster in that they would find a terribly painful fork somewhere in their body! LOL!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    LMAO ! I measure EVERYTHING and if some moron thinks they are taking anything from my plate ... well, there will be a rude awakening ! LOL !

    Truth is .. I would share somethings on certain occasions with someone ... but that is sooooo the exception to my RULES !!!!! Ha ! :drinker:
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    it use to but now i look at it like i'm sharing calories.If they take a little of my food i will eat a little less.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It depends. When we're eating out, I do it to my husband more than he does it to me, so I can't complain, but we always ask. If someone does it without asking, or if they take the last of your food when you're obviously still eating and hungry, I find it extremely rude. I also hate it when there is something for the table (like bread) and someone hogs all of it without asking if someone wants it. There are three people, and three rolls, do NOT take a second one without asking.

    At home, I will weigh/measure certain things out, and then my husband will come take a bite/sip. This irritates me, but he doesn't know it. For example, I'll measure out a half cup of blue machine smoothie, and he will come and take a "sip," and then I have to guess how much I consumed vs. what he consumed. I always want to say, "go get your own, since you don't bother to measure out your food" (it's not at all necessary for him, so I don't blame him for not doing this). I probably should say something one of these days. Oh, and his bites/sips, are like 3 times the size of mine. WTF?
  • depends on who it is - I dont mind if my bff or my husband do it - but anyone else should stay OFF it..
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    YES! Because every one of those calories count for me. haha. I also hate when people eat "my healthy food," at home. It's expensive!
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    It wouldn't occur to ANYONE I know to reach over and take something from my plate unless I offered it.
    First, I don't hang out with rude people.
    Second, well, I hang out with people smart enough not to piss me off like that :laugh:
  • farcry66
    farcry66 Posts: 47 Member
    The nly time it bothers me is when my little one steals cheese! I always weigh out my cheese and put it on a seperate plate if I am adding grated cheese to anything. Without fail he will always take cheese of my pile rather than the big one which is meant for everyone else! Other than that, don;t really mind!
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    Like, they just take some off your plate and eat it?
    Personally, I'm VERY stingy and hate it. If someone does it, I openly tell them not to/to stop. let's face it, it's on MY plate for a reason.

    I agree, my wife and I fight about this all the time.

    I hate going to restaurants with her, "can I try that?" "Sure, if you order it"

    It just grosses me out, I won't touch my food after she does it.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    If anyone's hand comes near my plate you can guarantee it's leaving with a fork stabbed into it.

    My food, not yours. Eat your own, not mine.
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    At resturants I don't mind when my son takes something off my plate. The place where I get stuck is at home when I have a portioned out snack and he takes 2 or 3 of it. Then I have to go replenish it lol I'm a little OCD with my food these days!
    He's getting really good at counting though, because I ask, "How many did you take!?" lol

    My friends and I usually split a meal to make the portions more real, so we don't worry about the stealing off the plate thing:)
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    they know they would be leaving with a stub if they tried it on my plate lol
    you crack me up
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    Oh yea I do this all the time, but only with the hubby & my family. They do the same with me, it's not a big deal. With friends, we usually ask, and with co-workers or anyone else I don't really know TOOOO well, I usually don't take ANYTHING off their plate without them offering, which happens alot actually. I have never really been too selfish with my food, I also have a 5 year old and a 2 year old who hop up on my lap and start digging in, my plate always seems to taste better that theirs lol.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Yes...but only if I'm eating at meals are measure out and accounted for so let me have the damn thing...I eat over my sink so I don't have to share my 1/2 a sweet potato with three kids...but if I made them those own they don't want it....annoying!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Like, they just take some off your plate and eat it?
    Personally, I'm VERY stingy and hate it. If someone does it, I openly tell them not to/to stop. let's face it, it's on MY plate for a reason.

    I detest that and always have done, I wouldn't do it to them, they best not do it to me.
  • feb06momma
    Unless asking was involved and a positive answer was received, they might find a fork someplace painful.....

  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I will slap your hand and holler Back off Helen! I mean, really! Get your own!