Do you have a physical disability that



  • Becky great job. I have a son that is 31 years old and has CMT and the type he has does cause him some problems but he can eat like a horse and not gain any weight but he is having problems with his job because of the muscle lose and lack of being able to build any muscle. When he is not working he will sleep all day and stay up all night he has problems with sleeping and the daylight not sure if that has anything to do with the CMT.
    I think it is wonderful that you still work and take care of your family. I try to help with my ex-mother-in-law who has the CMT and she is 71 years old but has battled with her weight all her life.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    What a good idea about the Wii shakybabe. I have a Wii Fit and I need to dust it off and get to work.

    Thanks, I've just realised I can also play a new game I got the same way as can use nunchuk against hip as walking so would work with nunchuk strapped to leg as I'm pedalling. It's called Step to the Beat in Europe but is difficult to get hold of. I think US it is called Walk It Out, you can also step on balance board or use a dance mat if you are able to stand and walk in place.
  • Oh my gosh.....I had no idea that there are so many of us on this site that struggle with health issues that prevent us from being active....from within both the physical and emotional realm. I know for myself there is an isolation that happens, the feeling of being disconnected from others. When you feel alone the small things become larger and the larger things often seem insurmountable. The more alone some of us feel the more we eat in an attempt to soothe ourselves.

    I'm inspired by your openness in sharing, by your courage and hope. Many years ago, when my son was young and very ill, we spent months in a Children's Hospital. l met so many people, children and their parent during those months, all in varying degrees of distress and pain. There was a valuable lesson there for never judge how severe another persons physical and/or emotional pain is and to never compare yourself with others. To do so is to diminish them and yourself. All of you have reminded me of that lesson.
    If any of you would like to be friends I would like to be friends too.

    Not everyone likes poetry but....this is short and one of my favourites.

    “Hope is the thing with feathers
    That perches in the soul
    And sings the tune without the words
    And never stops at all.”
    ― Emily ****inson
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I got a bad right ankle that's related to my cerebal palsy. At times I visibly limp when I walk around on it. It's not as bad as it looks it's only really bad after a long cardio session and it's sore. It's one of the primary reasons my doctor was against me jogging when I started @ 400+ lbs. It obviously was bad for me at my heavy weight and besides having diabetes at the time my doctor said I needed to drop the weight or I'd have a very high chance of having it collapse under my weight and needing surgery to fix it. I didn't listen and jogged anyways. My doctor eventually gave in months later on trying to convince not to jog and refered me to a physical therapist. The therapist has helped in showing me ankle strengthing exercises to help it and I also wear a brace when I do go on my jogs. If anything the only thing it will stop me is from being super fast on my jogs. But I was never concerned about being fast to begin with.
  • Not technically a disability but I've had asthma since I was little and it can be aggravated by running/intense physical activity. The more complicating factor of this for me is that I've been on some sort of medication related to it that causes tachycardia for years. So to compound my already out of shape heart, it speeds up ridiculously quick because I'm on these medicines and causes me to cap out much more quickly. Exercises that I feel physically aren't bad will have me near my max heart rate pretty quickly!
  • I have 6 chronic stomach disorders (including Chron's) and I also have endometreosis. There are some days I physically just can't work out due to nausea, I try hard on the days I can. I keep my food diary closed b/c I fear others would not understand why I eat the way that I do, I stick to a lot of protein b/c (per GI Dr) I'm not allowed most fibers, lactose, grains, or nuts. I become really ill if I have them.
  • I have been confined to a hospital bed, about 22 hours a day, since 1990, as I am only able to sit upright for about 20 minutes at a stretch. Can not stand for more than a few seconds. As you can imagine, over-eating, not eating healthy, medication and lack of exercise has caused me to gain well over 100 lbs. during that time. I am now determined to do something about it and I think MFP i going to be a great help. Is there any chance that we could start our own group?
  • sakurajade
    sakurajade Posts: 32 Member
    i had 2 strokes so i cant do full on workouts cant go to the gym or do jumping jacks stuff like that
  • I understand! This is a great question to have posted.

    I have back problems. I suffer from Degenerative Disc Disease in my L4 and L5 vertebrae. Right now one of my disc is bulging inward and pushing on my nerves. It has caused a lot of pain and problems. When the disc really started to bulge a few weeks ago, it rendedred me bacially immobile for almost a week due to the pain. I have been on muscle relaxers and and motrin since. It helps mostly but there are days that it does no good.

    Being a mother of a 5 and 6 year old I cannot "afford" to be immobile like this. So I get up and get moving if only to do a thorough house cleaning. It is exercise and I feel a lot better not only that the house is clean, but I was able to move.

    I refuse to let my back stop me. It may hinder me from doing some things, but will not stop me!

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey. If you would like, you are more than welcome to friend me.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Not on the same level as a disability, but just an impairment?

    I had two ankle surgeries over the summer, and just got kicked out of physical therapy.

    I tore the lateral ligaments, deltoid, and calcaneal ligaments. I also have an osteochondral lesion on the talar dome, and according to my physio and my chiropractor, the tib/fib do not sit on the talar dome in correct alignment.

    Every step is a crunching, painful affair. Lots of walking, ANY jogging / running / jumping jacks, etc causes intense pain everywhere the ligaments were re-attached. All the ligaments have stretched back out, so sudden movements can cause my ankle to dislocate.
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    I am not but my Husband has Secondary Progressive MS, he has had it for 20 plus years. He is still mobile around the house, has cognitive issues, and is losing his sight. I struggle with holding everything together. I have good and bad days coping with it all... We are both trying to lose weight, I am on MFP, he is not. If anyone is curious about more, please read my profile, if you can offer me some support and need some as well please add me as a friend and tell me you saw my name on this post.


  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Wow lots of people battling health problems like me! We can do this! I've got fibromygia. I'm also very poorly with low blood pressure at the moment due to me being poorly with my gall bladder. Its gets infected and puts back my surgery. I finally got to a surgery date last friday and my operation didn't go ahead because there are shadows on my liver that need to be investigated first. I've been told only slow walks and gentle cleaning but I'm not well enough to even do that. Before the gall bladder issues I was managing my fibromyalgia well and exercising a lot helped and the weight fell off. I'm terribly frustrated right now and my weight is at a standstill because I can't exercise and in all honesty now and then comfort eating kicks in... I wish you all luck and there's some of you worse of than me so I should consider myself lucky. Zara X
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have a very rare bone disease called Congenital Multiple Osteochondromatosis or Mutliple Hereditary Exostoses (it has 2 names). I have bone and cartilage tumors on ever joint of my body and have had mutliple orthopedic surgeries since I was 3. I never thought I could exercise, but as it turns out, I can.
  • BBoros
    BBoros Posts: 67 Member
    I am 52 and a diabetic. I was diagnosed with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, about a year and half ago. I also have arthritis and a couple degenerative discs in my spine. It makes it hard to stay motivated to exercise because of the pain. I used to use an electric cart to shop, because it hurts to bad to walk or stay for very long. I have in the last couple days have tried to walk as much as I can. I got 40 minutes in the other day and only 4 in yesterday. I’m going to try and walk today with my daughters. Being on this site and seeing so many positive things, does help me stay motivated. It is nice to have others that are going through what I am and be able to talk about it and know people understand. Need friends...You can add me as your friend.
  • I am 40 years old and 'they' think I have 'Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita' c/w Congenital Muscular Dystrophy, I was 'Born This Way' to steal a line from Lady Gaga and at birth my parents were told I'd be lucky to last a week and if I did I'd be a 'vegetable' and best they chuck me in a home and forget about me.

    I didn't die, I'm not a vegetable and they didn't put me in a home. As a result of this I have struggled with weight issues ALL of my life. Six months ago I bit the bullet and had Weight Loss Surgery. It has been THE best thing I have ever done. Failing this I would have gotten immobile completely.

    If anyone wants to add me, talk more etc - please do so - it has been INVALUABLE to me to be able to share the truth about myself on here with other people in similar situations and I've got lots of advice, ideas and tips from others also including getting a motorised pedal exerciser while I am still too fat to manage my normal exercycle :P
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    I do, use a wheelchair currently...and for a bit over a year. You really have to think and plan how cardio will happen with a disability. Unlike what everyone thinks, pushing a wheelchair does not burn calories, sitting all day causes the fat to blob on:-) I use a foot pedaled cardio 'bike', can sit and use while watching TV. Seated Zumba is a fun, terrific, upbeat way to get a small burn, too. I also try to do stretching, rolling fast--but mostly what helps me is a *low calorie* day. I do NOT eat 1200 cals, I eat closer to 750-900. It works for me and I had to take months on MFP to find this out. Welcome and thanks for posting!

  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    How did you get kicked out of physical therapy? That seems odd! I broke my tib/fib over a year ago, still not walking. can be very tricky.
    Not on the same level as a disability, but just an impairment?

    I had two ankle surgeries over the summer, and just got kicked out of physical therapy.

    I tore the lateral ligaments, deltoid, and calcaneal ligaments. I also have an osteochondral lesion on the talar dome, and according to my physio and my chiropractor, the tib/fib do not sit on the talar dome in correct alignment.

    Every step is a crunching, painful affair. Lots of walking, ANY jogging / running / jumping jacks, etc causes intense pain everywhere the ligaments were re-attached. All the ligaments have stretched back out, so sudden movements can cause my ankle to dislocate.
  • I am 5 foot 2" & am morbidly obese;I currently weigh @ 294 lbs. (Ideal is @150 for my age,build & size)
    As a result, I have a bad case of both Asthma & Sciatica. So right now as my weight goes, I can barely walk across the street without experiencing excruciating pain in my lower back & getting out of breath! :cry:
    Needless to say, once I get done losing all 144 pounds, I'll then be able to do the one thing that (practically) everyone takes for granted: Walk & run, without any pain!:happy:
  • I found that there is already a board here on MFP called "I'm a person not a diagnosis". A very up beat title I think. No matter what type of disability/challenge we have we are a person first and foremost. The group is listed on the Community page. I posted there about 4 days ago and not one read.....there are a lot of us here though, all of us with varying degrees of challenges. 39 posts so far on this thread. There is no one using this group in the past quite some time.

    We could use this group about some of the everyday stuff that we deal with, offer help, suggestions, and just good plain old support. There are certainly enough of us to keep a board like this active. I know there are more people out there. People that are shy or private about themselves. Even when there are only a few posts there could be other people reading that are being helped, reading suggestions, implementing those in their own lives. Even helping one person through one more day. Often that is what we have to minute at a time. It could also help bring others on this site to more understanding. Care givers, family members, the other folks on this site, if they wish to read there. We aren't "special" but we are different in some ways.

    One of the most valuable ways to understanding is to share. One of the best ways to help ourselves is to help others.

    I'll start and post one of the things I'm having a difficulty with. I really would appreciate some input.
  • mld2003
    mld2003 Posts: 31 Member
    I have cerebal palsy, I use crutches or a walker to get around. For me I want to get serious about getting healthy being healthy because I think if I put real serious effort into it, my walking and flexibility will greatly improve. When I was younger I could walk without my walker or crutches when I was outside in the yard, or in the house/ classroom. After my last surgery, I tried again and couldnt. I would fall every time. Now, I want to try again, I know some of my problem is fear of hurting myself in the falls (doesnt really bother me I just get up, but I have had falls that required stitches on the knee and who wants that ). I think that by working out getting healthier and stronger it will help ease the fear and I may finally be able to do it again, and I think it would be pretty awesome :)