Weight training and losing weight.



  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    A trainer once told me... and it has been reitterated here many times. Muscle strength increases your metabolism... your internal furnace... and that will burn fat for far longer than your cardio workout. She also told me to do a quick 5min warm up... work out with weights...(what ever regemine you choose) Lift weights til muscle fatigue.... the ones that are the hardest are the ones that are doing the work-building the muscle. When you finish your strength workout., finish out with 20-45 mins of cardio.... not a strenuous pace... just keep your HR in zone. You will burn far more cals doing weights and then cardio than you would just by cardio alone.

    Cardio burns cals..and fat but always increases your exercise ability.. you stamina... you heart strength.

    ALSO!!!!.... the more muscle you have get and maintain NOW... and continue thru out your life... the better off you will be when you are older.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I think Rae gave some really cool insight to that! Definitely check out her link.

    That said, I know I've driven myself crazy trying to analyze all of this. Instead, I finally just put my scale away and pulled out a tape measurer and a camera to track progress. I weigh once a month out of sheer curiosity.


    I'm wearing the same size (and literally the same clothes) that I wore when I was 127lbs, except now I'm 145lbs. The scale just wasn't very useful for me. But I DO get wanting a way to track progress! Measurements and photos :)

    the SCALE was driving me crazy too!!! It's a very evil discouraging device. Throw it out!!! ALL OF THEM!!!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    It's possible. My weight has not changed too much but I can see a big difference on my leg muscles from pilates and squats. And thanks to adding in zumba I've noticed less fat on my tummy and more defination. UGH hate my tummy