Measuring food while people watch...



  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I want to say i just don't care, but i haven't won that battle yet. I don't measure in restaurants, etc..i rule the roost at home, so not much of a problem there. I know consciously that if someone think it's weird screw them, no one knows my battle, but you know, deep down of course it bothers me to seem a "weirdo"....ugh!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member

    I measure most everything, read all labels and count every calorie. My husband thinks its ridiculous and comments on it regularly.

    However, I've lost almost 20 lbs in 2 months, and he hasn't lost much of anything. So I don't give a *kitten* what people think, it works, and it works well.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Do any of you feel like you are annoying family/friends while you're measuring food, looking at labels that have been tossed in the trash or even talking about weight loss?
    Sometimes I just want to scream!!

    You know what, I think I'd look at people's annoyance as a NSV. It means that I am not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. When you're so committed to eating well that you will even take the scale or measuring cups to family events, it shows incredible dedication. You are doing something a lot of people most lilkey wish they did, but are too lazy to do; and the fact that you're kind of highlighting their laziness is what's rubbing them wrong. Doesn't mean I think you should stop though.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I don't. I don't constantly talk about weight loss though. We have a lot of teens in and out of our house and they've watched me lose the weight before. It's funny because they always have tons of questions for me about weight loss, weightlifting and proper form, etc. They all even go to the gym with me to work out. It's really nice that even the teenage boys (who usually think they know everything about everything) come to me for advice. It makes me feel nice. :smile:
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    A few people at work have thought I take pictures of my food packets when I use the barcode scanner on the Android app!
  • fjsutton
    fjsutton Posts: 60 Member
    Yep! I think I annoy people all the time. But i think it's mainly because, they think i'm looking down on them for what they are eating.. and i'm not! I have to do what's best for me, and looking up the calories of that cassarole before i put it on my plate at the office party is just one of those things. My husband is really supportative but is like one of the other posters hubby's who just cooked without really thinking about how much of what went in it, so i do most of the cooking now and i scoop out of the pots with a measuring cup instead of a serving spoon. He doesn't complain.. anymore that is. Its funny when we go out though and i have my phone next to the menu deciding what i'm going to order based on the calories i will have left for the day. My husband usually tells the waiter, she's gonna need a minute to find something she can eat.. I think it's funny!! I was very self conscious at first, but letting other people see me counting my calories and scaning my food labels has inspired one friend to join MFP, so i think it's worth it. :happy: Live Healthy, no matter what people do/say!!!:wink:
  • fjsutton
    fjsutton Posts: 60 Member
    I want to say i just don't care, but i haven't won that battle yet. I don't measure in restaurants, etc..i rule the roost at home, so not much of a problem there. I know consciously that if someone think it's weird screw them, no one knows my battle, but you know, deep down of course it bothers me to seem a "weirdo"....ugh!

    You're not a weirdo.. if so there are 20,000,000 million other Myfitnesspal users who are also weirdos so at least you have company. How many friends do they have!!!