Cutting Back Alcohol



  • erlehmkuhle
    A clear head makes clear decisions.

    True words!

    After a glass of wine or two my decisions are certainly not the best or in line with what I'm trying to do. When struggling with a decision/choice I ask myself "What is it I want, What am I doing to get it? Is it working?" and it always helps. BUT...after wine I can't remember the questions. :blushing:

    Please do cut back and see what a huge difference it makes. I had a very hard time cutting back but after finally putting my foot down, I have had the time of my life. My kids like me more and my marriage is not falling apart. Do it for yourself and your future. And that glazed look that everyday drinkers have will go away.
  • chellebelle315
    I'm in...i have given up wine or beer during the week, and have way cut back my intake on the weekends. I don't deny myself a good beer if I'm out with friends, or a couple of drinks if I want, but I always plan for the calories, and decide before the night starts how much I can drink, and STOP when I get to my limit. That's easier than trying to make the decision after that second drink.

    i also volunteer to be DD pretty regularly, then i'm automatically limited to one drink, or don't drink at all.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I'm in. I enjoy a glass or two of wine at night, but am trying to only have it occasionally on the weekends, and not overindulge. I'm going to start tonight. Good luck everyone. :smile:
  • WantToBeMoreActive

    Please do cut back and see what a huge difference it makes. I had a very hard time cutting back but after finally putting my foot down, I have had the time of my life. My kids like me more and my marriage is not falling apart. Do it for yourself and your future. And that glazed look that everyday drinkers have will go away.

    I find when I drink alcohol I want to eat and I'm not talking fruit and veg :laugh: chocolate, chips, nachos, burgers, fries, pizza...I think you get the idea. I decided when I joined MFP to give up alcohol until I got closer to my goal weight. Today is day 105 for me without drinking alcohol. My weight loss has been slow because I hurt my knee in February trying to learn how to downhill ski :noway: and was sidelined from exercising for awhile. That alone was enough to make me give up on my fitness goals & throw in the towel.
    People have to find what works for them & sometimes it takes a long time to figure that out.
    I gotta say I like me more now that I'm not drinking like I used to and it is better for my marriage.
    I will drink again but I'm very proud of me for doing what I did and I'm hoping that I will be better able to drink in moderation from now on. Kind of like how I'm changing my eating habits for life, I'm hoping that my drinking habits will be changed for life too!
  • heather93277
    I'm in... not sure how successful I'll be but I'll sure try!! :laugh:

    I have chronic pain, and as much as it sounds bad to say I use alcohol as a crutch... can't help it, I do.. and if you've ever had chronic pain, you understand LOL. But at least I don't pop pills and do other hurtful things to my body.

    Then there's the social aspect. All my friends are drinkers. :drinker:

    I will say that since I've started here on MFP, I have cut back on the beer/drinks A LOT. So I am headed in the right direction. We'll see if I can continue on this road and cut back even more.
  • malmom
    malmom Posts: 6
    So, I'm wondering - if you still have a 5 ounce glass of red wine at night and it fits in your calorie count for the day, what's the harm? I'm new at this, so I'm asking seriously. I found myself at work the other day debating between 2 Hershey Bliss milk chocolates (45 cal each) for an afternoon treat or saving the calories for a 5 ounce glass of wine when I got home. The wine won.
  • blackchick38
    good thread,i need help in this department also.i can drink 12beers and a pint of vodka and milk a day with ease,alcohol always interfer with my weight ,i cant exercise with a hangover and exercise helps me a whole lot when it comes to losing weight.but im doing much better now,it use to be everyday that i drink,now its every other 3 or four days.well today is mon and im starting fresh,hope i can make it to thur
  • skinnymel
    skinnymel Posts: 85 Member
    So, I'm wondering - if you still have a 5 ounce glass of red wine at night and it fits in your calorie count for the day, what's the harm? I'm new at this, so I'm asking seriously. I found myself at work the other day debating between 2 Hershey Bliss milk chocolates (45 cal each) for an afternoon treat or saving the calories for a 5 ounce glass of wine when I got home. The wine won.

    nobody said there's anything wrong with your scenario. I think most of us are NOT just having a puny little 5 oz glass of wine within our calorie range, at least not me! if i did, i wouldn't need to cut back!
    only you know when you need to cut back or try harder in anything.
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    There isn't any harm! I'm just looking on cutting back. Because 1 glass will lead to another ... or will lead to also eating those Hershey kisses...
  • jeffwyeg
    jeffwyeg Posts: 105
    The radio station I work for subscribes to a "show prep" service (basically, it's topical info & stories - cheat sheets for us stupid radio-type didn't think we were actually THAT smart did you? Ha ha!) and this story about Booze & Calories really hit home:

    If you're trying to lose some weight . . . (--and who isn't?) . . . then the first thing you might want to cut out of your diet is . . . ALCOHOL. Why?

    Because, according to Britain's Department of Health, the average wine drinker takes in 2,000 extra calories a month . . . or 24,000 extra calories a year . . . just from alcohol. Over the course of a year, those extra calories add up to SEVEN extra pounds of FAT.

    And drinking just FIVE BEERS a week adds an extra 44,200 calories a year from alcohol . . . which is the equivalent of eating 221 doughnuts. Overall, that adds up to 12 extra pounds of fat a year . . . or one pound a month. And listen to this . . .

    If you drink an average of two glasses of wine every day . . . which is about one bottle every two days . . . then by the end of the year you'll have packed on an additional 28 POUNDS in fat just from alcohol.

    I've never been much of a drinker, but if you are THIS should be enough motivation for you to cut back (or even cut it out)!
  • wildkat318
    wildkat318 Posts: 326 Member
    Good morning! Just wanted to report no wine for me last night, didn't even miss it. Day one! Yippee me. :bigsmile: I hope everyone else is meeting their goals where alcohol is concerned!
  • erlehmkuhle
    Good morning! Just wanted to report no wine for me last night, didn't even miss it. Day one! Yippee me. :bigsmile: I hope everyone else is meeting their goals where alcohol is concerned!

    Congrats!!! Keep at it.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I want to offer support and encouragement to everyone who wants to cut back. You can do it.

    For many years, I drank a glass of wine every single night. The only time I didn't drink was if I was sick, pregnant, or nursing.:laugh: I did this for years. I did not see the big deal. Until, one glass turned to two and I asked my doctor if I had a drinking problem. She assured me that I did not but said there are definite health advantages to cutting back on alcohol. Including some startling information about the health risks for people who consume more than 15 drinks a week.

    If you are struggling, try to workout daily, workout hard once or twice a week, and stay hydrated every day. Hard workouts and staying hydrated helped me cut back. When I first started running, at the end of the day, I was so tired I'd forget to have my nightly glass of wine.

    Over time, I got stronger and started my nightly glass of wine routine up again only to discover that I was just thirsty. Try drinking water in that bottle or wine glass. If you like green tea, have a cup of hot tea after a tough day.

    If you just have to have a drink, try alternating the drinking with water. So if you are going to have a beer, you have to have 2 glasses of water before you can have another beer.:tongue:

    You can do it and your body will thank you.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    None for me either! Although, Mondays are usually pretty easy for me to skip since I drank all weekend. :laugh:

    None tonight.
    Tomorrow is hubby's bday so we will probably have to celebrate with a couple cold ones!
  • wildkat318
    wildkat318 Posts: 326 Member
    None for me either! Although, Mondays are usually pretty easy for me to skip since I drank all weekend. :laugh:

    None tonight.
    Tomorrow is hubby's bday so we will probably have to celebrate with a couple cold ones!

    Congrats, it starts with one day and we build from there! :drinker: (that's water in that there mug) :bigsmile:
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I didn't do very well last night, but tonight will be better. None for me tonight.
  • mbmempireranch
    I'm totally in this !

    I loved the article about the weight loss gain.. why .. because that was me.. except mine was turning into a bottle of nice red wine a night.. over the course of say 5 pm to 11 pm... still... I added those calories up.. not to mention the money and :noway:

    so lastnight I thought no more... I've always used it to unwind... I will admit I had one beer with my husband lastnight ( we are home brewers so it's something we share as a hobby ) but one beer vs my bottle of wine... first step.. my plan is to cut it out except on the weekends.. Not only for cost, mood but for my health !!!!

    We can do this !!! We should make an official topic... Maybe the No Whiners ! LOL

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have cut way back on alcohol. Where I used to drinkat least 5 nights out of the week, I have only had a handful of drinks since New Years.

    Instead, my husband and I will have herbal tea at night.
  • laurenjill
    laurenjill Posts: 94 Member
    I drank this weekend, but I fit it into my calorie requirement and really didn't manage to get drunk! I think I had maybe six ounces of bourbon and a glass of wine over the past couple of days, but Friday was kinda bad. I got a flat tire, but luckily(heh), I just happened to be in front of TGI Friday's during happy hour, and had a couple of tall Amber Bocks while waiting on roadside assistance. Oops!
  • skinnymel
    skinnymel Posts: 85 Member
    I'm totally in this !

    I loved the article about the weight loss gain.. why .. because that was me.. except mine was turning into a bottle of nice red wine a night.. over the course of say 5 pm to 11 pm... still... I added those calories up.. not to mention the money and :noway:

    so lastnight I thought no more... I've always used it to unwind... I will admit I had one beer with my husband lastnight ( we are home brewers so it's something we share as a hobby ) but one beer vs my bottle of wine... first step.. my plan is to cut it out except on the weekends.. Not only for cost, mood but for my health !!!!

    We can do this !!! We should make an official topic... Maybe the No Whiners ! LOL

    the no whiners-i love it!