Normally I don't like losing....



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Repeat after me... The scale is not my friend. I will not let it define me.

    My scale only changes about once every 3 weeks. So I weigh once a month.


    And you're right, water makes all the difference in the world.

    Repeat after me... water is your best friend (even though it too should not define you... except that I think on some biological level it does... :tongue: )

    It defines me, all right-- when I was faithfully drinking my 64 ounces a day, I was also faithfully bloating beyond recognition during TOM, thus earning me the lovely nickname of "SpongeMarla Fatback." (Curse you, Batman :grumble: :wink: )

    I have since adopted a "drink according to thirst" program for yours truly-- TOM water retention is now within normal ranges. My body DOES NOT like forcefeeding the water.
  • chelseachick
    good advice all the way around . Way to go for sticking with it and working through the plateau. I haven't lost anything in well over a month but people continue to say ... are you loosing weight? :happy:

    I feel better about me and that after all is really what counts!!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: cheers to everyone of're doing the work...with the ups and the downs...and hopefully learning to love your body in the process.
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    SpongeMarla Fatback - now that is funny :laugh: :laugh:

    I do too, retain the water, then it all comes out the days after TOM, and I end up having to use the bathroom 20 times a day, instead of the usual 10.

    The scale is evil, but weigh-ins keep me accountable. If I know I'm going to be on the scale every Thursday, I workout really hard on F, Sat, M, T and W. Facing your nemesis requires much preparation.
  • applepie
    applepie Posts: 105 Member
    I needed to hear this. Congrats! Plateaus suck! I'm there now, and frustrated as heck. But your encouragement has given me the extra boost to keep things in check and keep going. Thanks, and congrats again. :D
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    YAY~! Good for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was too.... stuck for 6 weeks :noway: . Just started losing again.:happy: ..........whew.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    wtg ..and your right keep pushing and it does pass...stay 100% to your plan and the weight will come off...woot woot:drinker:
  • mom24qties
    mom24qties Posts: 112
    In this case it is great to be a loser!! Way to go!!:happy:
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    Drinking water is something I have to continually myself to do during the day. I get so busy at times I forget.

    I am glad to see that I am not alone in this battle. Thanks to all who have responded. Perhaps we should all band together and form "The Plateau Group". LOL
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    My scale is stuck right now. I HATE it.
  • rower45
    rower45 Posts: 36 Member
    This is a very encouraging blog! I have been faithfully tracking my food in take and exercise for two weeks and my scale said I lost two pounds last week and then gained three pounds back. Since I have been following my food plan pretty closely except for Easter brunch :wink: , and exercising by running for 30 minutes 5 days a week. There is no way I could gain 3 pounds back.

    The water might be the culpret. I really HATE drinking water! Can I drink decaf tea instead or does it have to be water water? I know it cant be diet coke :happy: but let me know your thoughts everyone.

    I also am going to take some of your advise here folks and get on the scale once a week but not worry about it. Keep tracking my food and keep up with the exercise and the weight will come off.

    I do notice my waist is smaller and there is a little less jiggling when I am running the dog!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    My scale is stuck right now. I HATE it.

    I am still stuck, I am going to keep pushing until I get unstuck.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    This is a very encouraging blog! I have been faithfully tracking my food in take and exercise for two weeks and my scale said I lost two pounds last week and then gained three pounds back. Since I have been following my food plan pretty closely except for Easter brunch :wink: , and exercising by running for 30 minutes 5 days a week. There is no way I could gain 3 pounds back.

    The water might be the culpret. I really HATE drinking water! Can I drink decaf tea instead or does it have to be water water? I know it cant be diet coke :happy: but let me know your thoughts everyone.

    I also am going to take some of your advise here folks and get on the scale once a week but not worry about it. Keep tracking my food and keep up with the exercise and the weight will come off.

    I do notice my waist is smaller and there is a little less jiggling when I am running the dog!

    you really should drink your water, I have to drink mine with a lot of ice, can't drink it unless it is really cold. However you could try to squeeze some lemon juice in it.
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