what made your day so far, today?



  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    2 things:

    I was somehow accidentally able to fit a skinny white mocha latte and two chocolate chunk cookies into my macros!

    I realized, while looking at reports I've actually lost 10lbs in two months. Trust me, thats huge!

  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Happy Day Everyone! Two favorite classes at gym today; so will I take 1st, 2nd or both?... love them both! Also seeing friends later :heart: so my day is made!
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    Being told by my plumber that he doubted the conservatory roof would hold his weight, despite it holding mine lol.
    And he wasn't even overweight ;)

    (After spending the last 2 yrs weighing more than my OH, I was pleased to hear that lol!)
  • jjohnboy2000
    jjohnboy2000 Posts: 67 Member
    Getting an e-mail from a very close & good friend, made for a wonderful start to the day.

    Then my boss just saying has anyone else noticed the skinnier Johnny!!
  • missloo12
    missloo12 Posts: 10 Member
    I found these boards!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Coffee...coffee always makes my day. Yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow, too....
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    My Caribou Coffee nothern lite vanilla latte this morning that I paid for with a giftcard. Yeah buddy! :happy:
  • kkjay
    kkjay Posts: 62
    It happened last night but... a couple coworkers and I were discussing who would win if we were to get in a fight. As I was preoccupied my one coworker told the other he would win against me because he had the weight advantage (even though I don't think he does XD). Still.. it made my day and was great to hear!
  • the 4oz of orange juice I drank with my oatmeal. I never drink juice (too much sugar) so it was a real treat.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    oh lets see, i had signed up to do a fundraiser snack bar at my work, and was totally stressed because i'm on tight, tight deadlines and feel swamped already, but some of my work peeps totally pitched in and helped get it set up and so far it's been a big success!!
  • Brittany1979
    Brittany1979 Posts: 381 Member
    the guy i've had a crush on accepted my invitation to my senior prom! :)
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    Won a free coffee on roll up the rim! (yes my life is that sad)
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Same guy who makes my day ... everyday ! ~ :tongue:
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I had over 35 encouraging messages on my last "lost weight" MFP posting... got the warm and fuzzies from all the love from them.

    I can proudly say that my MFP friends are the best and most encouraging people around....

  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    He knows who he is. :heart:
  • Getting on the scales to find ive lost another 2lbs...awesome feeling :smile:
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Bought new pants 5 days ago, got them back from "stitch it" (had them hemmed) and wore them for the first time today to discover they are now too big.