Any artists on MFP?



  • gloriashaped
    I make wall art out of duct tape as a hobby. I have a lot of pieces but here are a few I figured I'd share.
    - Nichele

    You And I

    Bruno Mars


    John Lennon

    Amy Winehouse


    Nicki Minaj

    Custom Piece

    Awesome work.
  • gloriashaped
    A lot of great artists here!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I grew up with art. Both my parents were artists, my mother was an Expressionist and my father was a Surrealist. It's in my blood. I paint my emotions and past surgeries mostly.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    desk I made 100% hand made, its art I think

    its a Eddie head I made out of plywood for Halloween

    snoopy, I made this for my oldest dorm room

    smoked meat, now that's art

    Your art is pretty awesome!! Particularly dinner... when am I coming over again? :laugh:
  • ElzbthStths
    ElzbthStths Posts: 26 Member
    You wanna know what my art outlet is these days ( I mean, we GOTTA get it out somehow, right!?)?
    Since I can't combine art with business...
    I have collected, organized and filed all of these do it yourself interior design projects in my house.
    I have files with pictures, insutructions, paint and fabric swatches, TONS of design mags with projects I've marked and noted in them
    I've even done some minor electric work, and plumbing , and for a BIG treat, I (casually...unassumingly) look at the trash people put out here and see what i can make with it, or use it somehow in my house!

    I have this transom window over my front door, everyone one in my neighborhod does, but guess what *I'M* ging to do to that glass?? I bought a piece the same size and I am designing and creating a stained glass to fit right in there!! No one else has that!
    I'm so excited, it will be gorgeous with the sun shining through it in my foyer! If I ever move, I'll just take it with me!

    The economy is not so good for us artists right now....when it started to pick up a little in 2010 ( you can get statistics by checking the sales of wine collections, and art. They go hand in hand.), I started checking ads for needed gallery directors and consultants from galleries in the DC/MD/Northern VA area. Guess what they are doing???
    They're free!

    NO experience, NO way they have as much knowlege! But they don't get paid a salary.

  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Some very, very talented people around these parts. I have really enjoyed looking through this thread and checking out everyone's work! Love it!!!

    I'm an artist as well! :) I went to school for Fine Arts, but painting is my specialty. Right now I'm working at a bank - just trying to figure out what to do with my degree or what to pursue for a master's that will actually ensure me a job at the end. I wish there was more work in the art field!

    I have a website:

    Wow, you have an amazing grasp of realism and colours. It's obvious that you've worked very hard to hone your eye.
    Do any of the artists here have the ability to use your art in your career?

    I started out as a game artist in the videogame industry, but I wasn't nearly skilled enough to keep going with it. It requires a lot of quick concept art and extreme flexibility, and I was never able to let my imagination fly under my base skills just aren't at the level they need to be at. (My approach to art is too rules-based and so everything I do is rigid and lifeless. :\)

    I know someone who runs a cafe/art gallery and sells her work there. She has a studio space in the back of the cafe and hires young artists and art students for cheap to work in the cafe, giving them studio and some exhibit space as a perk. That seems really idyllic to me, though it must require a lot of work to get set up and maintain. I used to go there all the time!
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member

    thats mine!!!! :D:D im more a cartoony type sculptor/painter... i LOVE bright colours..
    iCACTUS Posts: 113
    Wow, everyone is so good! ^^;;; I dapple in just about anything creative or artistic, but, I'm not really EXCEPTIONAL at any of them. I am more or less a jack of all trades but a master of none. I paint like a 6 year old. I have just as much fun as a child finger painting in kindergarten, too...*cough* =^__<=;; I write poetry. I attempt to make jewelry. Like I said its nothing to write home about but I greatly enjoy doing it.
  • mfpdannimac
    This is my favorite thread since coming to this site- you are all so gifted!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    You can view some of my past artwork here if you want:

    But like the title says, NSFW. There's boobies.