Squats vs Lunges



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Since.. we're all here discussing squats, I'm going to just ask.

    Can I do bodyweight squats to practice form (I want to get my *kitten* closer to the grass) on days when I'm not lifting, or would it be a dumb idea? :(

    My squats are only hamstring parallel at this point... I'm not sure if it's due to the back injury that's kept me down, since I used to have pretty fine looking squats.. or if it's just disuse of the glute.
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    Since.. we're all here discussing squats, I'm going to just ask.

    Can I do bodyweight squats to practice form (I want to get my *kitten* closer to the grass) on days when I'm not lifting, or would it be a dumb idea? :(

    My squats are only hamstring parallel at this point... I'm not sure if it's due to the back injury that's kept me down, since I used to have pretty fine looking squats.. or if it's just disuse of the glute.
    No its not a dumb idea at all ( actually its a very good idea :happy: )
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Since.. we're all here discussing squats, I'm going to just ask.

    Can I do bodyweight squats to practice form (I want to get my *kitten* closer to the grass) on days when I'm not lifting, or would it be a dumb idea? :(

    My squats are only hamstring parallel at this point... I'm not sure if it's due to the back injury that's kept me down, since I used to have pretty fine looking squats.. or if it's just disuse of the glute.
    No its not a dumb idea at all ( actually its a very good idea :happy: )

    I really did not expect to be so pleased with the answer to this question. I totally expected a, "You already worked your legs, go sit down!" type thing. I feel like you've handed me the key to an unstoppable *kitten*.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Since.. we're all here discussing squats, I'm going to just ask.

    Can I do bodyweight squats to practice form (I want to get my *kitten* closer to the grass) on days when I'm not lifting, or would it be a dumb idea? :(

    My squats are only hamstring parallel at this point... I'm not sure if it's due to the back injury that's kept me down, since I used to have pretty fine looking squats.. or if it's just disuse of the glute.

    You've been stretching?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Since.. we're all here discussing squats, I'm going to just ask.

    Can I do bodyweight squats to practice form (I want to get my *kitten* closer to the grass) on days when I'm not lifting, or would it be a dumb idea? :(

    My squats are only hamstring parallel at this point... I'm not sure if it's due to the back injury that's kept me down, since I used to have pretty fine looking squats.. or if it's just disuse of the glute.

    You've been stretching?

    Yeah, my lower body is fairly flexible- I have side splits, but no center.. so not sure if they're flexible enough, but they definitely feel -weak- past a certain point in the squat.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I do both, but I'm wondering if the work the same muscles? I feel like my butt and the tops of my thighs hurt the same, but is it due to one or both?

    Do you do squats and/or lunges? How many reps?

    also, when doing lunges, should the weight be pressed onto your forward leg, or pulled from your back?

    No, not really. Back Squats work your quads, glutes, and hamstrings to a point, as well as your back, ab's, and even shoulders to an extent. Lunges are a great exercise too but not a replacement for the back squat.

    Recommend doing Back Squats with a heavier weight, sets of 3 to 5 and lunges for sets of 8-10 or 12.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    it works the same muscles but the isolation of each leg that comes with lunges are an added plus
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Also to really hit your butt make sure you go all the way down in the squat, just past parallel.

    like knee to the ground?

    Go down until your upper leg is parallel to the floor, or just past that.


    That's awesome! Do you have more of those? lol

    That diagram is deceptive, you don't want to be bent over that far. Go to YouTube and watch, "So You Think You Can Squat" if you want a good idea about form. That diagram actually looks like a squat with a good morning combination.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I find lunges to be aggravating to chondromalacia patella, however, heavy, full squats (lower than parallel) have actually diminished my knee pain.

    I stick to the squats.
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    My technique is...

    keep my head looking straight forward, then move my buttocks down slowly as if i want to sit on a chair and take my quads to parallel (not below), push through the heels and come back up. That way my buttocks are worked anyway :)

    Amber, when you are in the squat, think 'push through heel' that way you know your legs are being worked, rather than causing any problems to the knees

    I just learned this a month or so ago. I wish someone had told me a long time ago to 'push through the heels.' I avoided squats for so long because they hurt my knees. Once I got that tiny bit of info, squats magically no longer hurt my knees at all. :laugh:

    I'm still on the outs with lunges, though. Hate them.
  • footballmom12
    footballmom12 Posts: 100 Member
    Prefer squats...hurt my knees less. Lunges isolate the muscle and can be good for superseting with calf raises or dead lifts.