Best exercises to lose fat? (Please!!!!!!!)



  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    Anything that you love cus they you will stick at it!!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    To be honest a combination is best. Weight training when done properly will increase your metabolism and burn more calories overall. The only calories youburn with cardio are the ones DURING your exercise with the exception of HIIT (High intensity interval training). A good combination would be 30-45 minutes of strength training 3-4 times a week followed by 20-30 minutes of HIIT cardio (an RPE of 9-10 for 30-60 seconds followed by 60-90 seconds of recovery at about an RPE of 4 repeated). If you can't afford a gym membership, I highly suggest resistance bands. Bodylastics makes a great product you can get on amazon for cheap, and you can approximate almost any move you can do with weights or cable machines.
    Where do I begin?

    HIIT is not cardio. It's an ANAEROBIC exercise, basically it's almost like your working out. When cutting bodyfat, dropping weight, anything in a calorie deficit you want to maximize recovery. With your suggestion, you're almost stacking anaerobic activities back to back.

    To OP. As some have stated, you're best bet is to be in a calories deficit and do something ANAEROBIC (weight training, sprinting). However, do not use cardio as means of creating a deficit. If you do want to "burn" a few extra calories, I would suggest walking everyday.

    I would also like to add, people who suggest such routines are able to do them? Why? It's because that they are taking drugs that are anti-catabolic (clenbutral, etc).
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member

    So, question, should I up the cardio and stop focusing on strength?

    Absolutely not. That is probably the worst thing you could do. All that would do would increase muscle loss, slow metabolism, and create an undesirable effect on your body composition.

    Strength training is very important

    I agree! It's best to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time! Builds your metabolism and in the end... more weight loss. In the beginning I concentrated on running. It worked for me for a while, but it stopped after a while and I was stuck for months doing the same routine. I just got Insanity and WOW is it working wonders for me!!! It is great for building muscle and burning fat! (Toning out basically...) That is the best kind of exercise. High Interval Training :)
  • Crossfit!!! Cardio & Strengthening with increasing flexibility!
    KMPOWELL79 Posts: 14 Member
    Try crossfit!!!! its awseome
    Shock your body into something new!!!!
    or try exercises like sport climbing, hiking, power yoga or pilates along with interval fast swimming are all great ways to kick start your body again.

    didnt want to overwhelm youve had some intense answers :) good luck
  • i found swimming twice a week has helped with my weight and toned me up all over 20 lengths of the pool is my goal and i feel great keep going its worth it all when you see the results good luck
  • I would like some answers to this also as I am the same.
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    get off computer reading posts and move. You will burn more than those of us sitting here.

    I lost it ALL just walking - when I could not walk I just calorie counted alone.

    Caloric Deficit.

    Strength training and nutrition makes sure fat is targeted in the burn, not important things like muscle.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I would like some answers to this also as I am the same.

    You should read the posts that have already been written - excellent info to apply.
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    get off computer reading posts and move. You will burn more than those of us sitting here.

    I lost it ALL just walking - when I could not walk I just calorie counted alone.

    Caloric Deficit.

    Strength training and nutrition makes sure fat is targeted in the burn, not important things like muscle.

    Haha. :) I like this response most. I am guilty of thinking too much about how I should do something, and not actually doing something. =P
  • brentsblog
    brentsblog Posts: 60 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor and train at 80%+ of you max heart rate for 20 minutes 3 times a week doesn't matter what the exercise is as long as the heart rate is up.

    For example:
    Row 30 seconds - Easy / Medium
    Row 30 seconds - Flat out as hard as you can
    Rest 30 seconds
    Burpee - 30 seconds
    Rest 30 seconds
    Row - 30 seconds - Flat out
    Rest 30 seconds
    Split jumps 30 seconds
    Rest 30 seconds

    Do that 5 times and you will melt the fat away plus the heart rate should be right up there
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks all. After the Shred, I will try to maintain at least 5 days a week of cardio, even if it isn't hard core. I'm thinking Couch to 5K since it's something I've never done and hopefully the MN weather will cooperate. I'm still interested in any suggestions for resistance band DVDs.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks all. After the Shred, I will try to maintain at least 5 days a week of cardio, even if it isn't hard core. I'm thinking Couch to 5K since it's something I've never done and hopefully the MN weather will cooperate. I'm still interested in any suggestions for resistance band DVDs.

    If you do all that great activity, you'll need to feed that workout better, or your body won't get much stronger and you'll just run into problems of using up glucose stores and digging into muscle breakdown.

    I say that because of lower calories, and intense workouts many days in a row - you can reach that state pretty easily.

    And that'll hamper your efforts, besides metabolism slowing down anyway.
    Remember, if your exercise just used up 800 of the 1300 you ate, on a regular basis, you only gave your body 500 to work with, when a healthy BMR estimate for you is probably upwards of 1500. So it'll have to slow way down to compensate.