Gas Prices?!?!



  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Gas is cheap in the states in comparison to Canada. I cross the border to Buffalo to fill up. It's $1.29/liter here in Niagara Falls, so that would be $5.13/gallon.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Oh I know we pay for the healthcare! I am just glad that when we go in to have a baby it is "free" in that we walk in and have the baby and walk out no charge. Even with terminal disease it is good as we don't pay for hospital care either. Low medicine prices. It's all good. But it is hidden in there! Our beer prices and alcohol/tobacco prices would scare the poop out of you!
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    I think I'm going to have to buy a motorcycle once I hit my goal weight. Not because I'm a motorcycle enthusiast or anything; in fact the thought of riding one intimidates me a little. But they absolutely sip gasoline.

    my husband sold his car this past summer and bought a scooter to get to and from work and he barely paid any money on gas. like $10 a month if that!
  • jenny031477
    jenny031477 Posts: 53 Member
    I wish I could invest in a bike for transportation. My commute, to and from work, is 28 miles each way, on the interstate. No way can I ride a bike. also, I'm a single mom so it's not very practical for getting the kids around.

    I'm hoping to trade my car in on a hyundai that gets around 40mpg and takes regular unleaded. That will be an improvement over my 18mpg and premium gas.

    I understand the single mom issue, but just a thought: I know some folks who partially commute to work. What they do is map out a decent commute (both in length and road conditions), and then drive there with the bike, then cycle in from that point.

    Another strategy is to alternate drive/cycle. For example, drive to work with the bike on the car, then cycle home. Next day, cycle in and drive home.

    Just some thoughts. Again, I recognize the challenges of being a single mom...

    Unfortunately, it's just not possible for me to cycle in at any point in my commute. I have to be home at a certain time to get the kiddos off the bus or from the sitter and it just wouldn't work with my schedule. In my case, it would make much more sense to trade my gas guzzler in for something economical. Right now, I compensate by not really driving on the weekends and am lucky to have one day that I can work from home.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Guys I live in the UK where we recently changed from Gallons to Litres when measuring fuel.

    One Gallon = about 4.5 Litres

    1 Litre of petrol in the UK costs about £1.09... Or $1.72 in USD.

    That means a gallon of "gas" at UK prices would cost you around $7.74

    Thank your lucky stars and stripes for what you pay!

    Man, I wish we live where you do. We're in Yorkshire & have just paid £1.45 a litre. So thats about $10.30 at todays exchange rate.

    Yes our American friends thats $10.30 per gallon. And most of that is tax.:explode:
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    It's $1.36L here in Nova Scotia, Canada:explode:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I paid $3.41 yesterday... and it was a good thing I got it yesterday, because I saw this morning it was $3.59 and that's one of our "cheaper" gas stations (but not as cheap as walmart)... I can stand $4 gas (though I will not like it) but $5 is way too much... it's a good thing I have a semi-compact car... Oh and I live in the DFW area.
    Guys I live in the UK where we recently changed from Gallons to Litres when measuring fuel.

    One Gallon = about 4.5 Litres

    1 Litre of petrol in the UK costs about £1.09... Or $1.72 in USD.

    That means a gallon of "gas" at UK prices would cost you around $7.74

    Thank your lucky stars and stripes for what you pay!

    That doesn't mean it's any less harder... when you get used to it being a lower price and then it jumps 60 cents everytime you look, it's hard. Besides, we are such an auto-centric society that most of this country doesn't have decent alternative BUT to drive. And I thought Europeans (Brits included) always measured in liters, not gallons... at least this was the case years ago.

    Nope, until quite recently we (the Brits) used Imperial measurement, inches, feet, pounds & ounces. We've been forced to use the Metric system by the EEC, altho the courts have rules that shops can still sell in Imperial if they want. But they have to give prices in Metric.
    Confused, you will be.

    And it's very tough for us. The petrol prices rise almost daily, and to fill our tank cost upwards of £80. We have no choice tho, my Hubby needs the car for work, we live in Yorkshire & ATM he's working either in central London or just outside of Birmingham. He works from home when he can, but it's a very rare week that he's not up & down the motorway, sometimes more than once.
    Public transport is expensive, but he will use the train if he can get a 'cheap' ticket. And I don't mind walking to the next town for shopping that I can't get localy, so thats 4.5 miles each way.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    Besides, we are such an auto-centric society that most of this country doesn't have decent alternative BUT to drive. And I thought Europeans (Brits included) always measured in liters, not gallons... at least this was the case years ago.

    Europe has always been metric in modern days, the UK not so but gradually moving that way - we still use pints and gallons for some liquids, (beer springs to mind), but we also use litres. In shops, fresh vegetables are usually priced in pounds and kilograms. So far it's taken 40 years for us to swap over, (although most under 20's seem to think and work in metric units). Where did you think Gallons came from? We invented them.

    To the original point though - I agree that percentage price rises of that size are hard to swallow. Just thank your stars you're not paying $9.50 a gallon like we do, (and there are plenty of rural places in the UK that public transport isn't on tap for).

  • daphnegetnfit
    I heard demand is down, people are not driving as freely so they are raising the prices to make up for our non use. Actually this is a good reminder. I told myself last fall I was getting a bike - some of my errands could be done with a bike. Gonna start shopping, maybe I will catch a spring sale, but bike prices are probably going up too! :grumble: :grumble:
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    It's $3.99/gallon for regular at the station I normally fill up at as of yesterday. I've seen over $4.00/gallon already at other stations though. :/

    Just like daycare, seems we're working to put gas in the car to go to work. Ugh!

    Orange County, CA
  • whitneyrsmith
    whitneyrsmith Posts: 37 Member
    I have a company car and get free gas and insurance...please don't hate!! :P

    So does my boyfriend, luckyyy.

    Everyone here has oilfield trucks, and the companies will PAY!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Most the gas stations in my town are sitting at 3.45 though Saturday one was 3.15 then jumped to 3.44 by sunday
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    The US offers tons of subsidies to oil producers, which is why the prices are artificially low compared to other countries.

    Keep in mind that it's not all or nothing - in between driving and public transport there's also the option to drive smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. There are a few non-hybrid options now that can get around 40mpg.

    I personally think that if those subsidies were removed & prices went up, car manufacturers would be trying MUCH harder to make more fuel efficient vehicles because the demand would be so high.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Last night I saw a report that the oil company's are shipping gas and oil out of the country, because they can get more money for it else where. That is why the prices are rising.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I wish I could invest in a bike for transportation. My commute, to and from work, is 28 miles each way, on the interstate. No way can I ride a bike. also, I'm a single mom so it's not very practical for getting the kids around.

    I'm hoping to trade my car in on a hyundai that gets around 40mpg and takes regular unleaded. That will be an improvement over my 18mpg and premium gas.

    Looks like you would have a nightmare ride in, I am lucky to be mainly on quite lanes for my daily 42 mile round trip
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I heard demand is down, people are not driving as freely so they are raising the prices to make up for our non use. Actually this is a good reminder. I told myself last fall I was getting a bike - some of my errands could be done with a bike. Gonna start shopping, maybe I will catch a spring sale, but bike prices are probably going up too! :grumble: :grumble:

    You are right - demand is right down and bike sales are up 12-18%.
  • chrren
    chrren Posts: 71 Member
    In Norway it's up at 16kr ($2.82) per Litre... and there's less than 0.3 gallons per litre, so $10.43 per gallon..... It's a crazy prise, and it's getting more expensive by the day!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    The US offers tons of subsidies to oil producers, which is why the prices are artificially low compared to other countries.

    Keep in mind that it's not all or nothing - in between driving and public transport there's also the option to drive smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. There are a few non-hybrid options now that can get around 40mpg.

    I personally think that if those subsidies were removed & prices went up, car manufacturers would be trying MUCH harder to make more fuel efficient vehicles because the demand would be so high.

    My car is very fuel efficiant and I get about 400 miles per tank of gas, and with my short commute to work everyday I can go 2.5-3weeks without filling up.
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    Where I live I have not noticed a big change. Gas has went from $3.30's to close to $4.00 a Gal many of times. The most I have ever saw it was at almost $4.00. I think right now in MD where I am we are around $3.52 I believe is what I paid yesterday. So glad spring/summer is so close. I will just walk to the store. I am not playing these gas games. If gas was to ever hit $5.00 a Gal which I been hearing from Fox news every year for years now that it is "but never happens", I will be parked! Because I refuse to pay that much in gas. They think they are not selling gas now, just wait if they raise it, they will soon find out they are again selling less. From a girl who has family that back in the day was in the oil biz, gas companies will make up all sorts of lies to get more money in their pocket. When their profit is billions of dollars a year, they are laughing all the way to the bank. we are looking stupid because we are being screwed!
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    $8.30 or so a gallon here in UK, keeps going up