


  • sassika
    sassika Posts: 95 Member
    um...this may be a stupid addition to my previous question...but:embarassed:

    What do you wear when you run?

    I wear old track suit bottoms, and a tshirt under a hooded top, it's cold and dark here, so not to fussed atm. But will get some new pair of bottoms soon and hope to wear running shorts of some kind in the summer. Oh but I do wear a proper sports bra, just to make sure every thing stays in place :).
  • Graciecny
    um...this may be a stupid addition to my previous question...but:embarassed:

    What do you wear when you run?

    I actually snickered when I read this because my first thought was "clothes?!" :laugh:

    Seriously, I just started but I'm doing this indoors on the treadmill and the most important thing I did, other than buying good shoes fitted at the local runners store, was buy a lock-and-load-hold-em-in-place-no-matter-what bra. Without it, I'd literally knock myself unconscious after about three strides. :laugh: Other than that, whatever pants/leggings I had laying around and a big old shirt to cover my giant hiney. :noway:
  • BradyMommy
    BradyMommy Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in the middle (week 4) of c25k right now. I am LOVING it And I am not a runner by any means. I felt the exact same way as you (will only run if chased, and even then it would probably depend on the size of the weapon) I can only echo all the advice given here about starting slow, getting GOOD shoes (especially if you are a big girl like me you need good shock absorbers) and going at your own speed.

    I downloaded the Robert Ullrey podcasts into my iPod for my c25k series. They are totally free and the music is great! He also comes on and tells you when to run/walk and the music changes tempo for the runs and walks so it helps with pacing. if you google him the c25k website comes up.

    Honestly, I haven't had to walk during a run interval yet. I go slow, and I breathe deeply and I just put one foot in front of the other.

    I'm also signed up for a 5K the Saturday that my training weeks end. That is totally motivating me!
  • iwillberipped
    iwillberipped Posts: 27 Member
    I was never a runner, I actually use to say I hated running and would never be able to run more than a mile. At 29 rIght before I got pregnant I decided to start running to lose some weight. Honestly, it was pathetic...I could barley make if from electric pole to pole ( I run in the country). I refused to run with anyone b/c I was so embarrassed at my condition (cardio and strength). But every time I went out I made it a mission to go just a tiny bit further. THen I was running every other pole and so on...I was having a lot of back, knee, and feet issues from running. I had my ACL replaced with some of my hamstring a few years ago so I assumed there was nothing I could do. I went to the chiropractor and then helped with the back and feet issues. Someone recommended going to a running shop and getting fitted for the right type of shoe for me and I have not had much problem since. The more in shape I became the less my body issues seemed to get in the way. After having my daughter I am back at it and excited that I am up to 6-7 miles - which I never thought I would see in a million years. I am not out to run any races or marathons...I run for me, it is my therapy! SO whenever I hear someone tell me they will never be a response is never say is never too late :)
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I've always hated running too and then a friend talked me into training for a 10k with her. The Hal Higdon program is great because it varies your activity, not just walking and running like some other programs. I also found the right shoes for me - Nike Airmax 2009. The last factor is a great song list on my ipod - I googled songs for 12 minute mile and then picked the ones I liked. Good luck!
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Same as what others have said...Couch to 5K
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    Here is my advice, coming from someone that used to HATE running, and has bad knees. (Countless years of pretty extreme skiing and racing tends to do that). Also had acl replacement and a scope or two..
    First invest in the right shoes. Go to a store that specializes in running shoes, they will have the right equipment to figure out the best type of shoe for you. It will make a huge difference. Nothing will put u off more than bad shoes.
    Second the couch to 5k program is a break way to get started slowly and get your body used to it.

    Third, and I will say, To me, this was a game changer. I was given the book Chi Running. It changed the way I run and my knee issues went away. It basically teaches you how to run "naturally" . Your body knows how to run and if you do it right it shouldn't hurt. It really changed my feelings about running. I still won't say I love it, but I do enjoy it a lot more.

    Good luck..
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    Couch to 5K

    Yup, this!

    It really works!