Worst binge ever?



  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I've had lots of binges. They usually revolve around chocolate. I usually can't stop at just one piece of cake, brownies, m&ms, etc. But I eat pretty well during the week and I exercise often so when it happens(and I do feel guilty and horrible) I just resolve to do better the next day and I do.

    Sweets are hard to resist... it's even harder to stop once you've started =/
    I love chocolate, but don't eat it often for that reason.
  • The other night, I got back to my dorm and wasn't even hungry.
    I proceeded to eat a yogurt, pretzels, two granola bars, almost an entire bag of pop-chips, almost an entire bag of these baked fry chips, some pistachios... I think there was more, but I didn't log it all. It sucked, but you know what? It happens and you have to move on. Don't punish yourself by fasting, don't dwell on the guilt, just plan for next time and move on.
    Next time I have that urge, I'm going to go for a walk, call my mom, wash the dishes, take a shower, etc. I know for myself that distractions work best.
    What was your worst binge ever? How did you react? What is your plan for next time?

    your worst binge was nothing hun...mine...let's see..each of these were their own binge

    1. an entire box of fiber one cereal, milk, cocoa, and several servings of these dried pea things.
    2. 1.5 quarts of actual ice cream---so something like 12 servings I think.
    3. 8 bagel thins with cream cheese, 6 oz dry roasted edamame, and several bowls of cereal
    4. 10 string cheeses, 1/2 box cereal, brownies, rice cakes, and 5 fiber one bars

    Hmmm...sometimes I move on.

    Sometimes I try to offset the calories a bit/compensate by working out harder--NEVER STARVING though. That's not for me.

    Usually I move on and have a normal day but I'm rarely hungry after so my calories are NATURALLY a bit lower than they would be had I not binged.

    I know that I will ALWAYS work it off somehow--usually over several days though--cutting 200-300 calories until I'm back at a net maintain. I don't do anything crazy drastic.
  • The other night, I got back to my dorm and wasn't even hungry.
    I proceeded to eat a yogurt, pretzels, two granola bars, almost an entire bag of pop-chips, almost an entire bag of these baked fry chips, some pistachios... I think there was more, but I didn't log it all. It sucked, but you know what? It happens and you have to move on. Don't punish yourself by fasting, don't dwell on the guilt, just plan for next time and move on.
    Next time I have that urge, I'm going to go for a walk, call my mom, wash the dishes, take a shower, etc. I know for myself that distractions work best.
    What was your worst binge ever? How did you react? What is your plan for next time?

    That's a binge? That sounds like my post-workout meal.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    lol how do you choose just 1..... lol I had a standing take out order on friday nights at our local pizza place.. I would order a 21 inch with pep, a 14 inch with pep, green olives, and banana peppers, would grab a box of little debbies swiss cakes and a gallon of chocolate milk... My wife would have 3-4 pieces of the 14 inch pizza and over the course of the next 3-4 hours i would finish the rest of 14 inch, all the 21 inch, the gallon of chocolate milk and 4-5 of the 8 packages of swiss cakes leaving a couple for breakfast and 1 for my wife... That was a typical friday night........ Now we go in to that same pizza place on a friday night to sit down and eat and I skip the milk and swiss cakes and get a respectable 12 in. pizza and a pop and am pretty much stuffed at the end of that meal.... I once ate 4 Big Mac, 2 large fries, a extra large shake and a apple pie at 1 setting...... Good Lord it was no wonder I weighed 560 lbs.......
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    It has been a long time since I had one. Up until last Saturday that is.

    Fried Catfish, hush puppies, and onion rings.
    It had to have been 2500+ calories in about 20 minutes.

    The sad part is that it used to be my normal order at that place.
    I have had binges much worse than that, but they were a couple of years ago.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    boy i hate to say this...i am a big binger, it was nothing for me to go to McDonalds and get 10 double cheese burgers, 5 fries and i always got two drinks so they would think it was for 2 people....oh in the mornings I would go to McDonalds and get 3 sausage biscuits, then go across the street and get 2 sausage egg and cheese biscuits at Krystal, then drive to Burger King and get whatever i could still put down, it was like i never got full....

    I can or i say could eat 2 or 3 tripple whoppers...with fries and or onion rings....and dont even talk about BBQ buffets,,,they always lost money on me....Chinese buffet, I would put myself up against anyone then....
    i loved going to the breakfast buffet and eat plates sausage and bacon and eggs covered in saw mill gravy....

    I won a cheese burger contest at my work ( Police Department) and won $100 ...i ate 17 regular cheese burgers from McDonalds...people were amazed..

    I am not proud of all that... I have type 2 diabetes now and weigh so much I dont even post my weight... recently I went on a great low carb plan and in 2 weeks I have lost 17 pounds and blood sugar has gone from 309 down to 143....very respectable...

    If any of you guys are friends with Ed Davenport , you have a great friend...his story has inspired me and got me on the right path....my friend oberon0124 is also a great inspiration..

    never again and I am just glad I am on the right track for life now.....
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    Just this past Sunday, i went to an-all-you-can eat-buffet with my mother and my son. Their choice. I silently vowed to eat chicken and steamed veggies. Before i knew what happened, i had eaten two overflowing plates containing: pizza, garlic rolls, teriyaki chicken, mini egg rolls, fried rice, mac-n-cheese, broccoli, brussel sprouts, mashed potatoes, a chocolate chip cookie, bourbon chicken, popcorn shrimp, seafood salad, chocolate mousse pie, coconut shrimp, and a piece of meatloaf.

    i probably forgot a few things. i felt like i couldnt walk afterwards.............and felt like a big JERK. i attempted to log it in my diary.............. exercised twice later that day/night....
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    My first ever binge I baked cupcakes and ate about 6 of them.
    After that every time I baked cookies I would eat the either batch!
    I realized I was feeling deprived so I am trying to have small treats everyday so I dont make it a habit. It would be nice to be able to bake again.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    It has been a long time since I had one. Up until last Saturday that is.

    Fried Catfish, hush puppies, and onion rings.
    It had to have been 2500+ calories in about 20 minutes.

    The sad part is that it used to be my normal order at that place.
    I have had binges much worse than that, but they were a couple of years ago.

    It's crazy how our eating habits change and things that used to be commonplace, well, we realize how much harm we were doing to ourselves.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    boy i hate to say this...i am a big binger, it was nothing for me to go to McDonalds and get 10 double cheese burgers, 5 fries and i always got two drinks so they would think it was for 2 people....oh in the mornings I would go to McDonalds and get 3 sausage biscuits, then go across the street and get 2 sausage egg and cheese biscuits at Krystal, then drive to Burger King and get whatever i could still put down, it was like i never got full....

    I can or i say could eat 2 or 3 tripple whoppers...with fries and or onion rings....and dont even talk about BBQ buffets,,,they always lost money on me....Chinese buffet, I would put myself up against anyone then....
    i loved going to the breakfast buffet and eat plates sausage and bacon and eggs covered in saw mill gravy....

    I won a cheese burger contest at my work ( Police Department) and won $100 ...i ate 17 regular cheese burgers from McDonalds...people were amazed..

    I am not proud of all that... I have type 2 diabetes now and weigh so much I dont even post my weight... recently I went on a great low carb plan and in 2 weeks I have lost 17 pounds and blood sugar has gone from 309 down to 143....very respectable...

    If any of you guys are friends with Ed Davenport , you have a great friend...his story has inspired me and got me on the right path....my friend oberon0124 is also a great inspiration..

    never again and I am just glad I am on the right track for life now.....

    That's incredible how much you have improved your health! You're truly an inspiration.
  • Just the other night I ate a whole family bag of funyuns then felt so guitly,I declare I need to see a therapist.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Two of my worst (previously routine) binges were homemade bread with butter or butter and jam and these super-cheap-and-easy chocolate "wacky" cakes that I got into the habit of baking almost every night and eating the whole thing. I think they had a cup of sugar in them plus the icing. I could easily eat a whole birthday cake or apple pie in one night, and I did it somewhat regularly. Binge was my middle name. I still have to fight the urge, and I can't have any of my trigger foods in the house -- that includes any type of cookie or granola bar, and as I recently discovered, corn flakes!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Please keep in mind that I am a tiny person:

    Large bag of Tapatio flavored Doritos
    1 pint of butter pecan ice cream from Oberweis
    1 order of shrimp pad thai
    5 Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies
    16 Oreo cookies
    2 Cinnamon Crunch bagels with hazelnut cream cheese from Panera

    All within 2 hours.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Just the other night I ate a whole family bag of funyuns then felt so guitly,I declare I need to see a therapist.

    Great idea to get to the source of the problem... let us know how it goes. We're rooting for you <3
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    when i polished off A JAR of soy nut butter, a whole sleeve of graham crackers, 4 cans of soup (rich and hearty kind with meat), the uncooked beans from all the rice n bean mixes from the cabinets, a jar of salsa, and an entire package of rice cakes all alone at 3am in my kitchen, trying to be as quiet as possible as i raced from cabinet to cabinet. that was the night before going out and eating a huge breakfast with an old friend....

    disgusting, fat, ugly feelings of regret berated me months after that ridiculous binge.

    i never want to feel that out of control and desperate for food again.
  • aprilgraciete
    aprilgraciete Posts: 37 Member
    Well tonight I made a really healthy dinner. Baked cod with spinach and tomatoes....Then my daughter wanted to make a snack of her own. She spread tons of peanut butter on a flour tortilla and sprinkled it with Lucky Charms. Sounds weird but it was AWESOME. So much for my healthy dinner. Feeling guilty about it now
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    I've done plenty that were higher in terms of volume of food, but I think the worst one, in terms of WTF-ness, was an entire 1kg (2.2lb) package of bacon. The fatty streaky stuff, not the leaner Canadian type, either.

    it was just, that wasn't even necessary, and BACON? WTF was that about? I have no idea - it was just so tasty I couldn't stop going back for another piece or two.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    I wouldn't consider it my worst binge, but it was a binge I was able to move on from, which shows change in the repetition.

    This past weekend I was having very high strung emotions (I have bipolar disorder so this is something I go through). Although I intended to eat healthy, I was just going through the motions of trying to cope. I had no energy or desire to workout and then I felt that I was lacking the consistency to make a change in my lifestyle which reciprocally made me feel worse. AND my wisodom teeth were aching since they're growing in -____- Any ways, I bought myself Mcdonald's chocolate chip cookies, ate banana wafers, had some mochi ball, ate two frozen greek yogurt popsicles, ate a dinner WAY to high in sodium, and ate two pieces of cake for my dads birthday, (even though it was organic without frosting, doesn't make it okay!!) And had noooo intention to work out.

    My natural tendencies are to put myself down and bash my body. It was hard to push through those hateful thoughts, but it was worth it. Instead of making my self feel even worse, I rationalized that I am human, and I will always have my days. Tomorrow will be a new day to work a littler harder, eat a little better, and run a little faster.

    Yesterday, I met all of the goals I had planned and I felt amazing about it. :)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    I just ate 12 oz of yogurt and almost half of a loaf of homemade French bread.
  • diletta24
    diletta24 Posts: 91 Member
    you know what? It happens and you have to move on.

    What was your worst binge ever? How did you react? What is your plan for next time?

    Not a worst binge ever, a lot.
    Some of these over last month or, generally speaking, when I am too self demanding.

    That's what I binged on recently
    4 aeromint bars + 3 dairy milk bars at SAME "meal".

    Some days before, my "dinner" was 6 pitas.

    I binged +than once on a whole box of wheat shredded in one "session" (sometimes I avoid to buy trigger foods)

    I agree, sometimes it JUST HAPPENS AND YOU HAVE TO MOVE ON,

    Additionally, I self question about what was "wrong" or a trigger. Most of the time answers are 1) emotional pressure, being hard on myself. 2) Unbalalanced meals during the day, sometimes running on low kcals or severe lack of sleep, then...in evening...

    as for the "next time" I promise to myself to learn ways to SLOW DOWN and self questioning again, BUT BEFORE. Well, it works most of the time.