Do people even look at diaries before they comment?



  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    I don't comment on peoples eats because I know nothing about nutrition. I had WTG's on chips and cola days. I know then that people don't read the diary.

    I will never meet my calorie goal. I set it to 1200 to take care of the fitbit adjustment.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Not this again.

    The "well done" is for logging food. The message that comes up says so and so logged their food.
  • _greeneyedgirl_
    I know a lot of people don't. I wouldn't comment unless I looked at it, but that's just me.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I don't have time to check all of them, I try to as much as I can but mostly I just notice the other comment and drop a "WTG" but what I really like is the people that post even when they have went over or had an awful day. seriously, they are awesome not being afraid to lay it all out there.

    and I think it's funny when people comment on my beer consumption, with out it i wouldn't hit my calorie goals :)
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I always look before I comment, if they are not hitting 1200 min. and not having nice fruit and veg and protein I don't say anything but if it looks like a day I would love to have then I say so
  • joemomma3d
    i know it is terrible !! I see people complementing people on there food / exercise diary and i have a peek and i am horrified !! I am shocked at how poorly so many people eat !! I work hard at making sure i eat a balanced diet, I don't eat alot of breads & pastas (they really bother my stomach) I try to eat clean and eat 5 or 6 times a day. It is horrible when i look at people's diarys and see they eat alot of crap, very little veggies. Oh well. I am losing slowly but i know it will not come back and it will be easy to maintain since I eat real food . I cringe when i see the soda and fast food people eat :( i can't figure out why people would choose a coke 160 cal over a cup of plain yogurt and a sm pc of fruit with water ??
  • needtolose50lbs
    I have mfp friends that regularly or semi-regularly log very VERY low nets cals. And I mean 600 or below, or even regularly in the 3-400s.

    If I see a diary that low and it's unusual for them fine. If someone has had a massive burn and is struggling to plan the extra cals in, I might offer support with some advice on how to plan in extra snacks etc, or say not to worry if they "overeat" the following day because the body wont reset at midnight.

    BUT if someone is regularly netting very low, even apparently successfully, with regular weight loss, I'll comment that I think cals that low are unhealthy.

    However I see lot, and I mean LOTS of "well done", "wtg", "great job" replies on these ridiculously low net diaries.

    What I dont know is, do these people think that is a good number of net cals? or do they comment without even opening the diary?

    I look at every diary before I comment because sometimes I'm looking at what my friends are eating so that I can get some ideas on eating for myself. I don't understand how someone can say good job or wtg without looking at someone's diary, that's just fake to me. I personally like it when someone looks at my diary and gives me advice, that's why we have friends on here to encourage us, not to appease us.
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    I have mfp friends that regularly or semi-regularly log very VERY low nets cals. And I mean 600 or below, or even regularly in the 3-400s.

    If I see a diary that low and it's unusual for them fine. If someone has had a massive burn and is struggling to plan the extra cals in, I might offer support with some advice on how to plan in extra snacks etc, or say not to worry if they "overeat" the following day because the body wont reset at midnight.

    BUT if someone is regularly netting very low, even apparently successfully, with regular weight loss, I'll comment that I think cals that low are unhealthy.

    However I see lot, and I mean LOTS of "well done", "wtg", "great job" replies on these ridiculously low net diaries.

    What I dont know is, do these people think that is a good number of net cals? or do they comment without even opening the diary?

    I do look at the diaries, but some people you also have to understand what is going on with them.

    Me, for instance, I am working with my OB/GYN as I lose weight and I meet with her monthly for a full check up and weigh in. I went in yesterday and asked her if I should eat my exercise calories back, or just eat the 1200 calories per day. She told me that for now she does NOT want me to eat my exercise calories back, so my diary always shows a net calorie number of around 700-900.

    I am sure as my weight comes off, she will have me start eating some of my exercise calories back. However, I started out eating almost nothing except dinner and was only eating 400-500 calories a day and still working out, which stalled my metabolism and allowed me to keep on baby fat from my daughter.

    So going up to 1200 and not eating exercise calories back for me is a huge difference.

    I don't delete someone just because of daily numbers. If I think numbers are too low, I ask them why they are doing this to get the full picture so that I can motivate them to do what is right giving their situation.
  • Amy_Lynn74
    Amy_Lynn74 Posts: 134 Member
    If I am using the app on my phone I can't look at other people's diaries, so I just tell them they did a good job being under. I also have some friends that have their diaries blocked so you can't look at them. Occasionally I'll go and check out people's diaries on the web but not very often because I don't have a computer at home.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    If I am using the app on my phone I can't look at other people's diaries, so I just tell them they did a good job being under. I also have some friends that have their diaries blocked so you can't look at them. Occasionally I'll go and check out people's diaries on the web but not very often because I don't have a computer at home.

    that too
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    i use my iphone and i am able to look at ppls diaries..
  • southernyankee716
    I always look at diaries before commenting. I cannot comment on everyone's but I try to comment on half one day and the other half the next. When I comment, it's rarely regarding the amount of calories- my friends seem to meet their goal, come pretty darn close or go over by a few. If everything looks good I will say "well done" or "nice job" but I also try to make it more personal by mentioning one of their foods "Great choice-you're salad for lunch sounds delicious" or something to that affect. If your diary is public- you better bet I'm going to comment. Isn't that why it's public in the first place? For guidance, tips, suggestions, etc?

    On the other hand- it really sucks getting a "well done". I have a few friends who give valuable advice such as limiting my sodium or ways to lower my carbs (I have PCOS) but when I only get 1000 calories and you're telling me "nice job", I know it's insincere. I hate hearing that people are deleting people because they don't meet 1200 calories. Sure, for some it's intentional but for others, like myself, it's absolutely unintentional. I'm so focused on getting my carbs and sodium down that some days I don't realize I have an extra "x amount" of calories left. Many days, I'm completely full. Rather than getting a "great job", or being deleted, I would love to hear advice on how to get more calories without going over my carbs/sodium.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I had never really thought about it before, but I think you are on to something. I try to keep my "net" calories around 900-1000 every day. This means that most days i eat more than that and burn it off with exercise. Any less than that is bad to me as far as I am concerned. I noticed a lot of people don't allow others to see their diary, which for the first month or so I didn't either. I think they are afraid of what others will think. I try to give positive feedback, but I will also be honest if I see that they are making the same mistake everyday and try to give them a positive way to fix that if I know one. I don't ever want to discourage someone, but certainly if they are intaking dangerously low calorie amounts, I would want to say something about being concerned. It's a hard thing to bring any fault to someone's attention when they are trying to better themselves.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I got deleted for commenting on a ladys diary that I thought she was netting way tooo low!!
  • southernyankee716
    If I am using the app on my phone I can't look at other people's diaries, so I just tell them they did a good job being under. I also have some friends that have their diaries blocked so you can't look at them. Occasionally I'll go and check out people's diaries on the web but not very often because I don't have a computer at home.

    ^^ This too
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    This is why I dont make my diary public. I dont always have time to log my dinner calories so when my "friends" give ma a WTG it is because I logged in for the day, not because of my caloric intake.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I offer to run dietary numbers for them.
    If they say they dont have a problem i'll make a list of how many cals they have had vs what they should have had with a big soapbox speech about BMR yaddah yaddah.
    If they dont go for it then I kick em to the curb!

    So far I have 6 girls on high cal diets building muscle and losing fat but the other 75 got deleted!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I know exactly what you're talking about and I don't understand it either. If I can't see a persons diary, I won't comment, because I haven't got a clue what they ate, if it was enough, or if it was healthy. If I can see a persons diary, I will look at it and will typically comment if the net calories are way low b/c I'm concerned for them. It infuriates me when people are saying "WTG!" on someone's diary and they've netted or eaten way below what they should have. A deficit is fine, but when you're talking 600 calories, that's not good.
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    I always wonder if my friends look at my diary and go "WTF how does this girl manage?"... I've lost 7lbs since I started here a month ago and some days my diary is SO out there (so what if I ate a box of Hamburger Helper?) or SO over the calorie limit.
    I don't usually comment on diaries myself, I'm not the best MFP friend but I often take a peek.. I'm nosy.
  • MissGatekeeper
    A pal on here had not logged in during the past three days, so of course, that "(....) has not logged in" message. She got an "WTG!" reply on it. No, I don't think people check diaries, some people clearly don't know at all what they're commenting!