It just ain't right....

I've been dieting, exercising (cardio and weight lifting) like a fiend for six weeks. Every weekend, my fiance and I go on moderate to difficult hikes for HOURS! For two and a half weeks, I gained and lost the same two pounds. I finally broke through that dilemma for a grand total of five pounds. I weighed this morning and I've gained two of those pounds back.

Trying to lose weight in my 50 plus year old body has been the most frustrating experience of my life.

My clothing still fits like sausage casings and I'm about ready to go running, screaming into the night.

Yes, I know that there are challenges that go along with age when it comes to losing weight. But it isn't as if I was a couch potato before I started this journey.

I don't know where to go from here. Giving up isn't an option--but if something doesn't give soon, my frustration level is going to explode through my eyeballs.


  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I looked at a couple of your diary days. Are you eating enough? Also I don't see many fruits/veggies logged. Are you eating those? Sometimes I don't log green veggies because I consider them "Free" so I don't want to assume that you're not eating them just because I don't see them. But not logging things like bananas have come back to haunt me. Lol. I thought just because it was a fruit that it was healthy...& it is...but it also adds 100 calories to my day that I was ignoring. I have noticed that I am eating a ton of carbs unitentionally through the day too. Oatmeal here, crackers there, sandwich get the idea. I'm trying to really cut back on bread & the likes as much as I can. I have seen a visable difference just in the past few days. I hope this helps or inspires you. Good luck!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    My opinion, looking at your diary - you aren't eating enough.

    some days you are only netting 500 calories (ate 1400, burned 900).

    Your body needs a minimum amount of nutrition to perform adequately and without that, it'll be hard to lose weight.

    I'd reassess your calorie goals to between BMR and TDEE. You may not think it will work, but neither is what you are doing now, so it is worth a try :)
  • johnsonje82
    johnsonje82 Posts: 46 Member
    Too little is worse than too much!
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    This used to be so easy....heck, it used to be unnecessary.

    I just can't find the groove between too much to eat or too little.

    Last night, I couldn't even finish dinner--I was stuffed. I'm just not sure how to get around that.

    When I was younger, if I wanted to drop a few pounds, I'd just eat yogurt and soup for a couple of days and voila! Instant weight loss.

    Now it's: "You're eating too little. You're not eating enough veggies. You have to eat back exercise calories. And so on and so on...."

    I have no idea really, how to find that magic food groove between my BMR and TDEE. I don't even really understand what those are.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Exercise + lack of food = your problem.

    Set your goal at .5 lb - 1 lb per week and eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories. It works.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    OP, look at WHAT you are eating, a lot of it is not very nutritious, you need to rethink your daily menu.
  • I owuld say it is time to see a Personal Trainer, Nutrionist or your family Doc for some advice about your eating habits and your metabolism.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    * Not eating enough
    * Lots of exercise
    * Quality of food you are consuming is lacking

    This all creates the perfect storm of stagnation.

    * rethink your menu and drop the excuses. What do you want more? Your actions will say more than your words.
    * your activity level is fine. Keep that.
    * stop starving yourself. Your body has a fun way of telling you to go eff off and its doing so now.

    Part of the battle is not fought on the track or the weight room, but in the kitchen.
  • This used to be so easy....heck, it used to be unnecessary.

    I just can't find the groove between too much to eat or too little.

    Last night, I couldn't even finish dinner--I was stuffed. I'm just not sure how to get around that.

    When I was younger, if I wanted to drop a few pounds, I'd just eat yogurt and soup for a couple of days and voila! Instant weight loss.

    Now it's: "You're eating too little. You're not eating enough veggies. You have to eat back exercise calories. And so on and so on...."

    I have no idea really, how to find that magic food groove between my BMR and TDEE. I don't even really understand what those are.

    What you are doing is obviously not working. What will it hurt to try something different?

    I agree you're eating way too little. Try to eat at least half your exercise calories back with healthy choices.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Exercise + lack of food = your problem.

    Set your goal at .5 lb - 1 lb per week and eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories. It works.

    this sounds good to me ^
  • Its a whole knew learning experience for me too. At 42, I had a hard time learning all the new rules at first. But, with the help of a nutritionist, logging EVERYTHING, and reading as much as I could, after a few weeks it got easier. It isn't just exercise, it really is about what goes in. It will get easier. Unfortunately, it is never as easy to lose it as it is to gain it. Just stick with it. You'll get there!
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    Try adding more vegetables, fruits, and lean meats then eat them first before the more processed items that you have. You might find yourself eating more of the veg/lean meats then the other things. I wouldn't STUFF yourself though just because you are trying to get to a certain calorie goal. If you find that you are lacking in calories try to pad your meals with higher calorie but better for you items like an avocado, or PB with an apple.

    It may be worth it to see a nutritionist for at least one session just to get your basics.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Please don't give really is possible to lose the weight at our age...I am 52 and gained the weight in very much the same way as you. I have lost 25lbs since last August although the loss has slowed significantly now.

    As long as you stick to your calories then you don't need to exercise like a fiend unless you really want to and enjoy it. I exercise twice a week for 45 minutes (gym or swimming) and have a desk job. You can look at my food diary but as I am in the UK it may not be much help.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    eat more calories, good calories of course, but still eat more. you sound like you're doing a lot. I don't think it's your age, you just need to eat more.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    This used to be so easy....heck, it used to be unnecessary.

    I just can't find the groove between too much to eat or too little.

    Last night, I couldn't even finish dinner--I was stuffed. I'm just not sure how to get around that.

    When I was younger, if I wanted to drop a few pounds, I'd just eat yogurt and soup for a couple of days and voila! Instant weight loss.

    Now it's: "You're eating too little. You're not eating enough veggies. You have to eat back exercise calories. And so on and so on...."

    I have no idea really, how to find that magic food groove between my BMR and TDEE. I don't even really understand what those are.

    I know what you mean. I have been bobbing up and down with 3 pounds and never going below a certain point. I have tried cutting back a little, because I have been (almost exactly) what MFP suggests. I am afraid to increase my calorie intake for fear I will jump up another 5 pounds, which has happened in the past. I tried eating half of my exercise calories back and also cutting my suggested daily calories (1540) down to about 1300. Dah!! So, I just keep plugging along *hoping* I will start losing. Not sure what else I could try except maybe 1200 cals/day for a while (which I did yesterday). From the beginning, I believed MFP over estimated my BMR. Other than doing a very painful (back injury) 30 minute cardio 3-4 times a week, I am totally sedentary.

    Don't give up. I'm going to hang in there too. Just wanted you to know; you are not the only one.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I have no idea really, how to find that magic food groove between my BMR and TDEE. I don't even really understand what those are.

    you don't have to. I was happy losing 20pounds before MFP on my own. maybe that may work for you as well. just eating when you get hungry, sometimes a great tool such as MFP can complicate things. I still like MFP because I like to see where I'm getting my calories from, but eat when your hungry and eat frequently
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Exercise + lack of food = your problem.

    Set your goal at .5 lb - 1 lb per week and eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories. It works.

  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Exercise + lack of food = your problem.

    Set your goal at .5 lb - 1 lb per week and eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories. It works.

    Adding my vote to this.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    This is a really great article you should read. It is all about ways you can BOOST your metabolism.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Exercise + lack of food = your problem.

    Set your goal at .5 lb - 1 lb per week and eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories. It works.

    Adding my vote to this.
