It just ain't right....



  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    If you are putting your body through that amount of exercise you need to feed your body. Having a goal of 1200 calories with everything you do is not helping your body at all. Also just because you stick to 1200 or 2200 it doesnt mean that you can eat crap until you reach that calorie goal. You need to feed your body with more nutritious foods.

    In your diary I saw that you eat fries...burgers....chips etc Try getting some fruits, Vegetables, greek yogurt, Chicken.

    One thing I learn a long time doesn't matter how much work you do to your body if your constantly feeding it foods that do not help you. YOu can work out 15 hours a day but if your feeding it Fries and burgers your not going to get the results you need. 90% of weight loss results is based on your eating habit. (% may be high lol)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Your struggles sound much like mine. I could lose weight, but it was difficult and hiccupy. It turned out I am hypothyroid, and that's why I struggled so much. And deficient in vitamin D and B12. Amazing how much easier weight loss is when you take care of silly things like that.
    I'm not saying this is your answer. I struggled through my 20s to lose. Now at 33, I'm finding it a little more difficult, but not impossible. But I do have my doctor behind me all the way. Perhaps a little blood test might be in order, just in case.
    I hope somewhere you find the answers you're looking for!
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I am in the same boat, at 46 yrs old this weight loss is driving me nuts. Same with you, used to drop lbs in weeks with yogurt and such. I'm eating too little, i'm exercising too much, increase your calories, then i gain weight. They say it's just good old fashioned math but I still have no idea what i'm doing. But one thing is for sure i'm not giving up either. Hang in there
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I've been dieting, exercising (cardio and weight lifting) like a fiend for six weeks. Every weekend, my fiance and I go on moderate to difficult hikes for HOURS! For two and a half weeks, I gained and lost the same two pounds. I finally broke through that dilemma for a grand total of five pounds. I weighed this morning and I've gained two of those pounds back.

    Trying to lose weight in my 50 plus year old body has been the most frustrating experience of my life.

    My clothing still fits like sausage casings and I'm about ready to go running, screaming into the night.

    Yes, I know that there are challenges that go along with age when it comes to losing weight. But it isn't as if I was a couch potato before I started this journey.

    I don't know where to go from here. Giving up isn't an option--but if something doesn't give soon, my frustration level is going to explode through my eyeballs.

    Off the subject: I bet you are a hoot to get to know. Being around you is probably a fun thing! :glasses:
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you all for your input. I've reset my weight goal from 1.5 to 1 pound a week. I've been on the 1200 calorie diet because that is what my trainer told me to do. Guess there's some knowledge lacking there too.

    I have some food issues, yes--but not from a lack of desire to eat right.

    I leave my house at 6 AM and most nights, I don't get home until 7 PM. The moment I walk through the door, my 15 year old son with the forest fire metabolism hits me with, "what's for dinner, Mom?"

    I barely have time to shop, let alone prepare food that will do double duty for his calorie burning machine and my less than stellar metabolism. He won't touch most veggies and truthfully? I can't afford to feed us both something different every day. I have no help, either in the form of a hubby or child support--so finding something we can (will) both eat that I can afford is generally a challenge.

    However, if anybody has any ideas as to how I can start getting more healthy foods into our diets (I'll have to sneak them into his) believe me, I am ALL ears!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I am 55 and have lost 26 lbs just by diet alone. 1200 to 1600 calories per day. I am losing average of 0.5 pounds per week. So it can be done even in middle age :smile:

    I don't have an answer as to why you are not losing but looks like some good ideas for you to try have already been posted. Good luck and hope you find the answer.
  • shadyj26
    shadyj26 Posts: 102 Member
    Doing the cardio with weight trainning is great. I suggest that you continue to watch what you are eating but make sure that you are eating enough. If you are burning off 800 calories do to execrise and only taking in1500 your not going to lose weight. Your body is trying to survive off of 700 calories. So, your body is holding on to the fat to use it for energy later.
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked?
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    ooh your from poway- do you do woodson a lot? what are some other good challenging hikes in the area? coming from colorado/vermont I am finding a lot of the local hikes are way too easy :)
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    ooh your from poway- do you do woodson a lot? what are some other good challenging hikes in the area? coming from colorado/vermont I am finding a lot of the local hikes are way too easy :)

    I've climbed Woodson. Try Iron Mountain. I think the length of that one will get your motor going. Switchbacks make it somewhat easier, but it's a heart pounder nonetheless.

    Try the Daley Ranch hike too. There are hills--but again, it's the length plus hills that are the kicker on that one. There's also the San Pasqual Valley Trail--about nine miles one way. Straight up Raptor Ridge and through the San Pasqual Agricultural Preserve.

    Lovely scenery and hills that will make your legs ache and heart pound.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked?

    I think that my thyroid is problematic--I have symptoms other than weight gain (insomnia, mental fog, disappearing eyebrows) but both my OB and endocrinologist won't do anything other than the standard TSH and T4 testing. I'm probably one of the 14 plus million Americans who go undiagnosed every year because the medical field refuses to look at any other numbers when it comes to thyroid inadequacies.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Have you had your thyroid checked?

    I think that my thyroid is problematic--I have symptoms other than weight gain (insomnia, mental fog, disappearing eyebrows) but both my OB and endocrinologist won't do anything other than the standard TSH and T4 testing. I'm probably one of the 14 plus million Americans who go undiagnosed every year because the medical field refuses to look at any other numbers when it comes to thyroid inadequacies.

    insomnia and mental fog.. my vitamin D was deficient. took about 3 weeks and i am out of the fog. i was starting to wonder if i had alzheimer's (sp).. also, if you take any of the stomach acid inhibitors like pepcid, tagamet, prilosec, etc, they can make you iron deficient and also cause some mental cognisance problems. you can look up the vitamin D deficiency thing on webmd. if you are taking medications it can cause lots of deficiencies. i actually had to go to a neurologist because my family doctor didn't have a clue what could be causing my symptoms. good luck
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked?

    I think that my thyroid is problematic--I have symptoms other than weight gain (insomnia, mental fog, disappearing eyebrows) but both my OB and endocrinologist won't do anything other than the standard TSH and T4 testing. I'm probably one of the 14 plus million Americans who go undiagnosed every year because the medical field refuses to look at any other numbers when it comes to thyroid inadequacies.

    insomnia and mental fog.. my vitamin D was deficient. took about 3 weeks and i am out of the fog. i was starting to wonder if i had alzheimer's (sp).. also, if you take any of the stomach acid inhibitors like pepcid, tagamet, prilosec, etc, they can make you iron deficient and also cause some mental cognisance problems. you can look up the vitamin D deficiency thing on webmd. if you are taking medications it can cause lots of deficiencies. i actually had to go to a neurologist because my family doctor didn't have a clue what could be causing my symptoms. good luck

    I'm pretty luck in that all I take on a daily basis is vitamins. I never have heartburn or any other condition that requires anything more than the occasional Advil.

    However, I think I'll try upping my Vitamin D. I'd do anything to sleep more than three or four hours a night (other than sleeping pills, that is).
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    My life changed (for the better) when I started taking 1000 mg of Vitamin D3 every morning, amazing vitamin. I have so much more energy now
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Have you had your thyroid checked?

    I think that my thyroid is problematic--I have symptoms other than weight gain (insomnia, mental fog, disappearing eyebrows) but both my OB and endocrinologist won't do anything other than the standard TSH and T4 testing. I'm probably one of the 14 plus million Americans who go undiagnosed every year because the medical field refuses to look at any other numbers when it comes to thyroid inadequacies.

    A lot of those symptoms are also involved with malnourishment which could be another indicator of not eating enough. BTW, do yourself a favor, up your calories to maintenance for a week and do not exercise. It's possible your body just needs to repair. Muscles get tired and worn and require rest. This has helped me and others kick start their weight loss in the past.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658

    I'm pretty luck in that all I take on a daily basis is vitamins. I never have heartburn or any other condition that requires anything more than the occasional Advil.

    However, I think I'll try upping my Vitamin D. I'd do anything to sleep more than three or four hours a night (other than sleeping pills, that is).

    oops i didn't want to put the whole double quote and messed it up. the above was written by the OP :blushing:

    good idea. the medical community has recently acknowledged 1000mg per day of vitamin D (D3) is good for the heart and gives a person a better chance at recovery from a heart attack if you DO have one. i am taking 6,000 mg per day because of my deficiency, but the neurologist recommended 2000mg per day in the winter time and 1000 per day in the summer months for a normal healthy person. just a guideline for you, but you should do your own research so you feel comfortable with what you are putting into your own body.