Keeping within calorie range



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I know what you mean. When I was on 1200 I literally felt like I was starving to death. I felt cold and faint all the time. It just isn't enough calories to live on for any length of time.

    Not true. I'm 5'6" and I'm 140 lbs. I'm very active. I'm actually taking in WAY over 1200 but I'm NET 1200. So, on an average day I burn 400-500 calories and actually eat all day long thus NETTING the 1200.

    Don't make a general statement that it's not enough to live on. I'm not overweight and it really is because I eat clean and eat whole foods.

    It's NOT enough to live on. You couldn't net 1200 as a sustained amount for years on end without getting seriously underweight. The whole point in us all being here is to lose weight, so it's natural that at some point, your body is going to notice that. Hunger is NORMAL. There's no prizes for denying that.

    I am 5'5" and very active, and weigh 123 lbs (not that I understand where your stats come into this). If you are eating more than 1200 I don't really understand your point. I am fine eating MORE than 1200 cals. My point was it is normal to feel starving ON 1200 cals or less. In fact I would go so far as to say it would be abnormal not to feel hungry on so little. Really the net vs gross thing is misleading. Your body doesn't base it's hunger on the net. Well, mine doesn't anyway.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    It's NOT enough to live on. You couldn't net 1200 as a sustained amount for years on end without getting seriously underweight. The whole point in us all being here is to lose weight, so it's natural that at some point, your body is going to notice that. Hunger is NORMAL. There's no prizes for denying that.

    What are you basing that on? Most days I actually TAKE IN NEARLY 2,000 CALORIES. I also typically burn 400-500 calories per day. So yes, I net 1260 when I'm trying to lose 1lb/week. I'm 1460 to lose .5/week and 1660 to MAINTAIN. And that's NET.

    So you're telling me I'm starving myself?

    Please. I eat all day long and NET 1260. How is NETTING 1260 not sustainable long-term? Show me some proof. Because I'm really eating close to 2,000 calories per day and doing something active each day. I am actually a very healthy woman!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Here's me the past week. Can someone explain to me how me NETTING 1260 is starving myself?

  • As stated before you may have your cals set too low.

    I have found that eating a snack between meals helps me. I try to get in fiber throughout the day too. For snacks try a protein and good carbs for example an apple w a serving of peanut butter. I also love laughing cow cheeses. They have them in small portions and they are great for snacks. Or string cheese... For me, a quality snack keeps me from being overly hungry at my next meal. And I drink at least 64 oz of water.

    Sometimes I want to eat but I'm not actually hungry. I'm still trying to get over those hurdles.

    This is just my experience and opinion. :). Good luck to you.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Hunger is NORMAL. There's no prizes for denying that.
    I have lost weight without getting hungry. That is a prize in itself. But please, feel free to do it your way.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    To several of the posters as well as the OP.

    Still hungry - great!

    Means your metabolism hasn't dropped yet. That's a good thing.

    While at a healthy weight you can live easily on a suppressed metabolism, compared to where it could be, I'm not sure why someone would want their weight loss slower than it needs to be by doing it before you reach healthy weight.

    Because if your healthy estimated BMR could be 1500, and you eat 1200 (don't include exercise yet) constantly, and you get to the point of functioning fine, your BMR is NO longer 1500.
    It is below 1200.

    So now your orginal figures that got you to 1200 are not correct.

    1500 BMR x activity selection of sedentary 1.2 = 1800 maintenance.
    1800 maintenance - weight loss goal 2 lbs wk or 1000 calories/day = 800

    Guess what, MFP stops at 1200 - you weren't going to get 2 lbs a week anyway.

    So with true BMR now at 1200 x 1.2 (if that is even true) = 1440 maintenance.

    So now you are eating at 1200, and your true BMR is lower than it could be, so now your deficit is really only about 240 calories.

    1/2 lb a week, almost.

    Gee, I wonder why stalls and plateaus happen? And any overeating is added on as fat to store, instead of raising the metabolism.

    You just lost a potential of free 300 calorie burn each and every day. Plus the fact your daily activities don't actually burn the number of calories you think.

    This is the WRONG direction. You can only follow that downward spiral for so long, you body will win, and you will lose your willpower, or muscle very easily.

    Add in exercise, and especially not feeding the workout at that low level, you just accelerated the whole situation and made it worse.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    For any that want their metabolism to burn at max while they are trying to lose weight.
    And not have to worry about exact exercise calories, eating them back, varying amounts each day, suppressed metabolism, not understanding BMR and metabolism and just want safer way:
  • Leahjensen7
    Leahjensen7 Posts: 11 Member
    I really find that exercising helps and the tools that show on your food intake where it breaks down carbs, protein, fat and sugars. is definitely a wake-up call. Increase your protein and fiber and try to cut back on fast carbs / sugar (which includes fruit).
    One of my daily favorites in Chobani Greek Yogurt....tons of protein and it holds you. You may have to slow down your weight loss to allow for more calories per day. 1200 isn't much and your body may be in "starvation mode" - which in that case, you're going to hang onto fat anyway.

    Good luck - hope this helps! :)
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 499 Member
    Up your calories and make sure you eat a good lean source of protein at EVERY meal! This helps you stay full longer.

    Bottom line is if you are "starving" you need to eat. Being a little bit hungry is fine between meals and a great way to leanryour actual hunger cues from you body.

    I was on 1200 cals for about 2 months and I did fine eating at that level but I had NO energy! Now I eat at least 1440 cals...have no idea what I NET because that doesn't matter to me. I eat 1440-1500 a day and burn at leat 500 in exercise 5 days a week. On the weekends I only eat 1440 or so and no exercise.

    I don't eat back all of my workout calories but they are there if I need them! The thing is if you eat a healthy well balanced diet of lean protein, plenty of fruit and veg with a reasonable amount of startchy will be satsified and have the energy you need to be active all day!
    BUMP YOUR calories up!!!! It is the only way! Weight loss is not an over night process. it takes time and the slower you lose it the more likely you are to be successful! The slow and steady approach is best! I work out like a maniac and have NEVER lost 2 pounds a week. I was hitting 1,000 cal burns a few months ago and eating only 1200 cals and even THAT did not make me lose 2 pounds a week!
    I now eat 1440 cals per day and burn 500-750 cals a day and have a pretty steady weight loss of 2-4 pounds a month. EAT!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    You could perhaps log your entire day before hand to see the end result.. adjusting all the portion sizes to make sure it's within acceptable range.
  • nlkoelle
    nlkoelle Posts: 23 Member
    Under guidance from my endocrinologist, I eat about every 3 hours. I have the 3 standard meals + a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. Because I also work out in the evening, sometimes I have a little something before bed. My goal is 1490 cal/day for a goal of losing 1-2 lbs per week, though with exercise I'm also 1000 cal or more lower than my allotted calories for the day with exercise figured in. With the exercise (30 min morning & evening of cycling) last week I lost 3.8 lbs. I was happy with that.

    High fiber works for me... veggies, veggies, and more veggies. I definitely agree with the raw/whole foods. I bring individual sandwich/snack bags with things like baby carrots, radishes, snap peas, & celery. (I prepare them on Sunday so I'm ready for the week for throwing quick lunches together before work.) I have an apple (or two) a day as well. Since starting with MFP, I really haven't felt deprived or hungry unless I've gone well past the 3 hours for a meal. I also keep hard boiled eggs ready in the fridge as a snack option.

    I try to shy away from packaged snack foods (not that I "never" have them), but it's because they do nothing for sustaining me until the next meal. Most of the time, they just make me crave more.

    Good luck!!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Up your calories and make sure you eat a good lean source of protein at EVERY meal! This helps you stay full longer.

    Bottom line is if you are "starving" you need to eat. Being a little bit hungry is fine between meals and a great way to leanryour actual hunger cues from you body.

    I was on 1200 cals for about 2 months and I did fine eating at that level but I had NO energy! Now I eat at least 1440 cals...have no idea what I NET because that doesn't matter to me. I eat 1440-1500 a day and burn at leat 500 in exercise 5 days a week. On the weekends I only eat 1440 or so and no exercise.

    I don't eat back all of my workout calories but they are there if I need them! The thing is if you eat a healthy well balanced diet of lean protein, plenty of fruit and veg with a reasonable amount of startchy will be satsified and have the energy you need to be active all day!
    BUMP YOUR calories up!!!! It is the only way! Weight loss is not an over night process. it takes time and the slower you lose it the more likely you are to be successful! The slow and steady approach is best! I work out like a maniac and have NEVER lost 2 pounds a week. I was hitting 1,000 cal burns a few months ago and eating only 1200 cals and even THAT did not make me lose 2 pounds a week!
    I now eat 1440 cals per day and burn 500-750 cals a day and have a pretty steady weight loss of 2-4 pounds a month. EAT!

    Great explanation. I knew we were MFP friends for a reason. :)
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Eat more!

    1,200 calories works for some people but like some posters have said, if you constantly eat too little your BMR will go down.

    I really don't understand why people prefer to suffer eating only 1200 when they could eat a lot more. If you are hungry make different choices and eat more. Eating less doesn't always mean better weight loss.

    If you're eating "4 cucumbers and 4 tomatoes" for dinner that's not very healthy even though it's vegetables.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    I guess one thing is that i need to definately eat my exercise calories. i havent been on here and frankly when i was on here before i didnt log everything like i was supposed to. So i am starting back and going to try to get everything logged in. I have joined a gym, and since i am contracted for a year and going to have to pay for it, that should motivate me to get rid of the lazyness. :)