

  • jleed53
    jleed53 Posts: 53 Member
    Sounds like you need someone to hold you accountable. You used the nutrionist as an excuse to stay on track because you didn't want her to be disapointed in you. Think really hard why you want to loose weight; is it to impress the nutrionist or is it to impress yourself?! If you need someone to hold you accountable, and believe me, we all do, I'd suggest finding a friend who can commit to always being there for you to encourage you and help you stay on track :flowerforyou: .

    Also, post pictures all around your house of what you want to look like at the wedding. I have skinny photos tapped on the outside AND inside of my fridge so I am reminded every meal to make smarter eating decisions. Surround yourself with thoughts, quotes, pictures, and people that inspire, motivate, and point you in the right direction.

    Also, change the way you think. Don't think "OMG I dont want to be fat at this wedding:sad: :cry: :sad: ", but instead think "I will be skinnier and happier at this wedding:laugh: :happy: ". Repeat positive sayings to yourself and visulize yourself acheiving the results, and then they will happen. You create your own reality with your thoughts, so think positive. As soon as you start to think "FAT", change your thought to "SKINNY".

    Good luck girl, you can TOTALLY do this!! :wink:
  • jensmac2
    jensmac2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hang in there!! The truth is, as I am sure you know, it is not an easy or fast process! You have to be good to yourself and try really hard not to beat yourself up over this. You are beautiful! Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, if you slip up it is ok, dont let that ruin the whole weight loss process for you, just make a different choice the next time.
    I have a friend who does this for a living, she helps women understand the emotional reasons you eat what you do or want to eat what you do - I wish I could hook you up with her! Love yourself and just keep plugging away at it, you will get there if you really want to. Dont give up. One day/meal at a time!
    In my opinion it is so much about what you eat. You can skip the gym some days and still be ok, you don't have to be a work out maniac - though of course that helps.
    I hope you hang in there and get to that goal weight! Love yourself NOW and let you be beautiful at any weight! State of mind is huge!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    What helped ME was a positive attitude. Everyday i did somthing "positive" for my health whether it be eating healthy, exercising, taking the stairs instead, parking a little farther, and just getting my BRAIN into fitness mode. Once that happened- my body followed.
    I've never worked out so hard in my life, nor have i ever ate healthier AND enjoyed it.

    Remind yourslef of what you want EVERYDAY... then make it happen girlfriend! YOU CANNNNNN DO IT! If you've done it once, you can do it again! And who knows, maybe better than last time! :)
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    I suggest that you.....

    1)Make a list of your goals (write down what your goals are,for the day/week/month)
    2)Make fitness plan (Write out your workouts, what you are going to be doing that week/day)
    3)Get your diet back on track and LOG EVERYTHING you are eating!!!
    4)MAke a day where you dedicate it to meal planning (set a day where you make all your food for the week)
    5)Drink atleast 64 oz of water,cut out soda,tea,STICK TO WATER or Crystle Lite

    I do this everyday/week/month my goals are changing everyday.I make it a point to have a plan for the GymI am doing Jamie Eason'sLiveFit Trainer program and LOVING IT!!!! I cook my food for the week on Sunday.I do have a cheat meal,but keep it to just a meal not a day!! It wont be easy and you will want to quit but just remember your WHY (why you want to lose the weight,why you started this journey) I PROMISS in the end you will be SOO PROUD of yoursrlf!! Oh and throw away the scale.I would take pics and Measurments.I would weigh myself once a month,but the inches are what count!!! Please feel free to add me if you want!! I am going to ISSA for my Personal Training Certificat and share ALOT of GREAT tips!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! STAY STRONG!!!:smile:
  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    I have been there. It is scary and sometimes seems like you are fighting a losing battle. But you're not losing, or you wouldn't be here. Just make today positive and take things one day at a time. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. That is where the defeatist mentality takes hold and you get overwhelmed and kind of stall or almost rebel against your own efforts. Like someone else said, you are beautiful already. Don't lose sight of that. Go back to the basics. Remind yourself why you want to lose weight and make a list of things and tack it up. I made a motivational poster that I framed that is in my office. It is a nice reminder of why I am doing this....for my health and vitality more than anything else. :) Good luck. And feel free to friend me. I could use encouragement and motivation some days, too.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    Look at all this love !!! :heart:
    Hang in there girl, with support like this you are determined to succeed. Mind over matter. Remember to celebrate the milestones ... regardless of how big they are!
    You drank all 8 glass of water today ... woohoo!!
    You ate more fruits and veggies and less carbs ... woohoo!!
    You avoided that sweet that was desperately calling your name ... woohoo !!

    Most of all, stay positive :flowerforyou:
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    great advice so far, it's happened to me and i really would recommend that you still keep logging your food in here, even if it's bad, the support in here made all the difference to me. exercise really made a difference in my attitude too and how about treating yourself (not food related) at the end of the month after a reachable goal? eg. 4lb lose in a month=manicure, hair cut, nail varnish ect. we'r all behind you, im in here everyday so feel free to add me too. hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • Hustler2g3
    I feel your pain girl! Last year that's how I was... I would do good for a month then the next month I would go back to my old eatting habits...then last year I decided enough was enough. You have to make up in your mind that you are going to remain consistent, Reject unhealthy cravings, set a realistic, workout 2x a day if you can.. work off calories burn not time. I strived to burn no less than 500 cal when I first started out. up your incline and decrease throughout your work out.. interval training is best to burn fat...30mins was not enough for me...people say that too much cardio is not good,.. That's a lieeeee... well, make sure your do strength training with it...

    Also, I got rid of Carbs for a month and thats when I really started seeing a difference. Have a cheat day or 2. that will keep you motivated... see a weekly weight lost goal each week...2-3 lbs... DO NOT weight yourself every day.. do it once a week if that. if you do not loss or if you gain dont get dicourage, go back and look at your food diary for that week. That will tell you what you need to change!!! Try not to focus on the number on the scale too much....have the mindset that you are getting healthy and this is a life style change not just for the wedding....MAke sure that you track EVERY BLT (bit, lick and taste...) every thing has calories. I lost 49lbs and still counting. I gained 72lbs post pregnancy and I was very unhappy and unhealthy!I have a good ways to go..but I will get there...

  • HappyHeart1993
    HappyHeart1993 Posts: 14 Member
    you need to get some definite goals written down so that you know exactly what you want to do and how you want to do it, and when you would like to complete them. Make sure that they are realistic and not crazy difficult, like losing a bunch of weight in like one month. but other than that keep logging your food and be very specific, this has helped me tremendously because it holds me accountable for everything that I am doing.

    I completely agree with this ^^^! I've set not only the long-term goal of my "wish weight", but also short-term looking better in shorts and a swimsuit this summer (which isn't far off here in Texas!), the day I don't have to use the 200 lb. weight when I step on the scale and so on. Those short-term goals help me stay on track and encourage me. They also give my self-esteem a little boost! You can do this.
  • aaroncharles
    aaroncharles Posts: 2 Member
    My quick suggestions...make your daily work out part of your daily schedule. Set specific time for working out and schedule everything else around that...treat it like you do your job. You always show up for work and on time even if you don't feel like it that particular day. Next make your long term goals and then short term goals to get to your long term. Once you start hitting your short term goals take that motivation and run with it. You'll see the results your looking for. God Bless
  • NikitaC2

    Thank you ALL so so so so much, many of you brought tears to my eyes, hard to believe you are all strangers, thousands of miles away from South Africa... The love & support I feel from all of you is overwhelming, strengthening and motivating!!!!

    I am taking all your advice and weaving it into what is practical and applicable to me... I've decided to start with a change THIS COMING MONDAY... And it's thanks to all of you!! God has blessed me with your words... Thank you again :heart: :sad: :flowerforyou: So heart-warming...

    I will keep you all posted via my news feed and statuses as to my progress and posting highlight on here in this forum... For those of you who don't have me as friends, feel free to please add me :smile:

    Thanks once again & God bless you all!!

    Me :heart:
  • RodgersGirl12
    im in that same boat right now, its sooo hard for me to stick to a diet plan like im trying too right now, and having the support from people is deff good booster, if you wanna add me you can and ill lend support whenever you need it. :smile: