My diary is closed.



  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Yayayay. I'm with you. It makes me anxious to know people are looking at what I'm eating. I mean, I don't even like eating in public and having people glimpse at what I've got on my plate, so I'm definitely not sharing my whole diary for everyone to see.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I have learned about new foods from my friends' food logs, so i do Appreciate the potential an open diary provides That said, however, I don't ever want to be known for criticizing, I know how it feels to be on the receiving end, and it sucks. Some people think they are helping, but if I didn't ask for specific advice, they need to back off. Whatever happened to 'If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.'. I have not closed my food log, but I have restricted it from showing on the news feed when I complete for the day. I just needed a little privacy for a while.
  • Jess11079

    You are entitled to your opinion!

    But for me personally, my diary is closed and i dont look for other people to repremand me for over or under eating. Im trying to make a full lifestyle change which means I need to be accountable to myself nobody else....because honestly, Im only harming myself by being overweight....Also, Its not like my MFP friends are going to be sitting in my pantry telling me not to eat the cookies or chips in there.....I have to do that myself. If having an open diary is helpful to you then rock on. But there are some of us that find this journey to be more private and are on here just so they dont feel like they are the only one with a struggle or even for a little inspiration.

    AND...I like my convoluted logic....that "convoluted" logic has lost me over 20lbs in 6 weeks and has taken more then 21 inches off my body in total it has also inspired me to make the right food choices and excercise.

    To each his own
  • Jess11079
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    What a great bunch of responses! Even those that don't necessarily agree with me!:wink:
    Just to be clear... I have a disclaimer in my profile that states that my diary is closed and says pretty much what I wrote here. I do not ask for food help from my friends. I don't look at my friends' diaries either, unless asked. Each day I read something about "those private diary people"... my little post is for and about them. I am here to offer support and encouragement to my friends (and those on the boards) based on the fact that they are HERE.
    IMO, as long as someone is logging in every day...they care about getting healthier. Are there those that use MFP for a social site and not about fitness and weight loss at all? Sure. But I can't be bothered with trying to sort through the BS, so I just choose to believe that people use it as it's meant to be used. Weight loss is soooo much more to me than eating salads and lean meats. :flowerforyou: