Oddest reasons someone has given you for ending a relationsh



  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    He "loved me more like a sister"... yes, we had had sex. EW!?!?!?

  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    I had a guy tell me I wasn't "petite enough" so I set him up with my 5'1" tiny waisted, blond blue eyed friend just to see if she was "petite enough" She wasn't. We both had college degrees and after comparing notes decided we weren't mentally petite enough for him and he was way too "petit" for us.

    Awesome!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • star87cc
    I went from my first real bf who just disappeared and then a friend came up and asked if i still went out with him and I said yes and she yelled "well you dont ha!" so I guess that was that over... i was 15 and he was 17 and he'd found someone willing to put out so he was off...

    then onto another guy who was lovely for 3 years and then became possesive and controlling and constantly accused me of being unfaithful or being against him...

    and then years ago back at college me and a lad we fought like cat and dog constantly making digs at each other through classes, which annoyed me cos we had so much in common, well it turned out it was cos he fancied me lol! summer break and saw him a month later and we talked about seeing each other then he dropped the "I have a gf now but can I see you on the side?" .... **runs very quickly in the opposite direction**

    and then to my ex of nearly 3 years who complained we "never saw enough of each other" (he was always working late at the office) turns out he was seeing the admin girl....

    eesh >_> lol

    but now im very very happily engaged and glad i ran away from all that i have lol!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I got dumped on xmas day, because my ex was upset and feeling depressed that her ex was down, and she had been for a week or two. For a few days I'd said go see him and take care of him and if she needed spend time or go back to him, she should do - we'd only been together for a few months.

    Sounds fair? Sure... apart from she waited until all her presents had been given to her and then said after packing them into her car, she was leaving me. Nice!
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    My ex dumped me 3 months before our wedding saying I was unmotivated. It's really not odd, but I find it kinda funny that he dumped me yet I am married, pregnant, we have our own apartment and I have a pretty successful e-bay business, while he still lives with his mom and has only been in one relationship since me (this is about 7 years ago) and spends his days doing nothing but playing video games and drinking...
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    "I just don't understand you. You use really long words."
  • sanna63
    karma.will come. in end your better off without him hope ur fine now x
  • sanna63
    My fiance of 4 years left me because I got diagnosed with cancer 2 months before our wedding. His reason:
    "I'm really in love with you and want to marry you but I don't want to be with a girl that is going to lose her hair and be sick all the time. Oh...and I guess I should tell you that I've been sleeping with my coworker for the past 6 months. I'd still like to be friends and maybe once you are done with chemo we can get married?"
    That was 2 years ago and although I've moved on...that still breaks my heart what happened. I just hope and pray that there is such a thing as karma.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    An ex said we should go on a break, fair enough, I got bored of the break thing and spoke to him he gave me the "I really care about you, but I don't know how I feel blah blah", left it another week and confronted him, he'd told all his friends we'd split up but didn't have the balls to tell me......... Skills.
    I got a text from another ex telling me to check my email and call him for a chat and a smoke after..... Yeah he sent me an epic email dumping me, I've been with some class acts.
    Oh most recently I love you but you're not the one............. not odd as such but not good :sad:
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    She cheated...and got pregnant... bam lol
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I had a guy tell me I wasn't "petite enough" so I set him up with my 5'1" tiny waisted, blond blue eyed friend just to see if she was "petite enough" She wasn't. We both had college degrees and after comparing notes decided we weren't mentally petite enough for him and he was way too "petit" for us.
    I love this! :laugh:
  • karishmaroye
    karishmaroye Posts: 19 Member
    I did quite the opposite once....I actually said "Babe, you need to realize it's not me, it's you". Great friend, but terrible as a boyfriend... oh well...
    'It's not you, it's me."
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    "You beat me at a game of mario karts" After i asked him why he broke up with me.
  • TamsinEllis
    I got one, quite similar to the second person who posted. I did the dumping but the guy initiated it...

    So I was working part time (and hated it, bearing in mind I'm finished with education and have all this free time on my hands) and I got offered a full time position, which obviously excited me and I didn't even have to pause before saying yes. Tell me boyfriend all happy, and get called selfish, inconsiderate and told that I will only work part time if I truly love him and want our relationship to work because we both have to work on it and I can't be there for him if I'm working all the time... Now lets clear something up he a) lives off benefits (nothing wrong with it if you need them but he didn't, he was lazy) b) he'd never had a job or even tried to get a job and c) he failed all his GCSE's and instead of taking them again (or taking some equivalent) he just decided he wasn't going to bother. So when the aforementioned guy says that to me (ignoring the fact I'd already been getting bored with his temper-tantrums about me going out/picking up extra shifts) that I have to only work part time and spend all my free time baby-ing him, well that finished it. So yeah pretty odd reason for me to dump him in his eyes, cause he saw it as me dumping him because "I can't be bothered to spend time with you so I'm going to hide out at work and never see you", but I think it was justified haha :)
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    "My parents think you're too sexy."

    That was my freshman year of college. We were the same age. I was a healthy weight and everything but I didn't have the confidence to be "sexy"
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    He stopped calling...when I finally got in touch with him and asked him why, he said "You know why."

    I didn't:laugh:

    Oh well...he's history and I'm happily married
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Hmmm...It was in a text....How did he put that?

    "It's only a matter of time before I cheat on you."

    What an A-Hole....
  • MissGatekeeper
    Six years of living together, ended with a phonecall.. "You're kinda more like an older sister to me.. Ohh, yeah.. And I don't deserve you, you're too good for me.. AND I need some time for myself. But we're still friends, right?" Yeah. How many clichès CAN you put in one break-up? :p (Of course, what I heard was "you're ok, but I don't find you physically attractive anymore.. Also, I wanna have one night stands!".)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I couldn't find some hedge clippers. He said "fine, but don't ever talk to me again".

    LOL. Was he serious?!
    Yep. Haven't spoken to him since September.
  • Frankilou25
    Frankilou25 Posts: 57 Member
    Wow.... that is just wow... basically saying you can have sex just don't bring her home..... Gotta love that racism ! People should be euthanized.

    More common than you think... another guy I really liked, but was reserving my heart b/c I already knew his family is bigoted (just wasn't sure how much of a pull they'd be on him) tried to broach the topic of dating a non-white with his folks after we'd been seeing each other about 4 months... did not go well... basically the same sentiment. Good enough for a quickie in the alley, but not good enough to bring home.

    I'm mixed, and I'll date someone from any race. But no matter how much I like the guy, I now refuse to get involved with someone whose family will hate me for my color. Even if he's great. We can just be good friends. A large part of the "white half" of my family still does not like us and I'll not subject my son to that same kind of treatment.

    SNAP!! oh the fun of it all!! I'm mixed too and my ex was white, his mum and her friend sused to nag at him, but he stood by me until we grew apart naturaylly. but was alot of effort to go through. NEVER again!! We had people on the bus thinking the had a right to make comments to us. The same happened when I was dating a an american black guy too. Issues from everyone that need to mind their business!!
    so I agree with you, I would never treat any one/couple with the rudeness and ignorance I have had to deal with whilst dating and definatly never do that to my own family!