Rate of weight loss- consistant or weird ??



  • hcs82
    hcs82 Posts: 17

    A loss of 20 pounds in three months is excellent. Don't beat yourself up over the fact you were trying for 30 - accept the victory of having lost 20.

    I, too, had set an aggressive goal of 10 pounds a month. At the 3.5 month mark I'm down 27 pounds instead of 35. But I'm okay with that because I know I'm still heading in the right direction.

    I've also had the plateaus where my weight would fluctuate within a 5-pound range for a week or more at a time. These plateaus are frustrating, for sure, but patience and persistence is the key. I keep focused on the long-term goal, and that keeps me from giving up.

    Thank you. The first 15 were all in a month and a half, actually. It's taken double that to get the next 5! But you're right, 20 is something to be happy about. I did just order my wedding dress one size smaller than I tried on in December.
  • Mattdemon
    I've wondered the same thing before. If you're looking for justification for your erratic weight loss then you've found it. It usually peaks right in the beginning, hits a plateau and picks up again. You can weigh yourself everyday but look at your weight loss in bigger incriments of time before you evaluate. Maybe someone didn't lose weight every week but after 4 months they lost a total of 30 lbs, that's still awesome!

    It seems like this is having a more psychological effect on people. There are no shortcuts and the "math" is really quite simple. You have to really want it, if you're not anywhere near your goals the truth usually is that you're not working hard enough. I know there is nothing more frustrating and with all the stuff on TV talking about getting ripped in a matter of weeks or dropping all those pant sizes can really pick at your brain. Don't get me wrong, they are tremendous motivators but you have to think realistically. Not that you can't achieve it, but rather it will come if you put in the time and sooner when you increase intensity.

    You gotta enjoy what you're doing. I know numbers come first but a good perk to working out should be that it's fun. Everyones goals are different and some need more time to get there. Pick something far away and start now, if you shoot for something that's in a few weeks it's common to start losing your mind.

    There is a fun 5K event in Portland in about 6 months called the Color Run or something. That's my "finish line" If I keep up what I'm doing I'm sure I'll reach my expectations and keep it that way. 6 months is very miniscule for my lifetime.
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    How do you find you are losing the weight ? 1lb a week consistantly, or every 2 wks or every few days ??

    I am starting to see a pattern here with my weight loss, I seem to go 2wks with hardly a budge on the scale and then the 3rd week I find I will loose like 3-5lbs over a period of 5 days or so.... seems to come off every 3 wks ..( thankfully I am almost about to see more loss again ) haha

    Anyone else like that ? It's hard to handle some times because you get discouraged those 2wks and then you have a "high" the 3rd week.

    I am EXACTLY the same way!! *lol*
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    If you examine your food diary (assuming it's accurate) then you will see that you tend to vary your carbohydrate levels quite a bit. Often sticking at around 200g a day but regularly dipping to just over 100g. These variances will have a significant effect on the level of water you are holding the day after and the one after that.

    So I don't believe you are expeincing weird fat loss paterns (good news!), I'm sure they are consistent, but you are experiencing weird weight loss patterns and it's due to those water variances. Your long term trend is downwards that's the important thing.

    Happy to explain further the effects of carbohydrate intake on water levels if you wish.
  • myf1101
    I have not officially weighed in yet but check my weight every morning and was really frustrated this morning when I had put on a pound as I had been losing every other morning, and I don't know why the weight has come on. Still must keep smiling and keep going as this fat is going for good this time. I have the feeling that I will be a weird weight loss statistic as that is what has happened in the past and after a couple of weeks of seeing no movement I have given up, maybe I should have kept trying for another week or two.
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    From what I'm reading I think the majority of you are weighing yourselves way to often.
    Our weight changes daily, so weighing each morning or worse several times a day is just asking for frustration.

    I weight every other week. It's tough I know, but I've had a loss each time usually 2-3 lbs which is a good healthy loss.

    and I think that most of you who are plateauing aren't eating enough.

    just my 2 cents:)
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    If you examine your food diary (assuming it's accurate) then you will see that you tend to vary your carbohydrate levels quite a bit. Often sticking at around 200g a day but regularly dipping to just over 100g. These variances will have a significant effect on the level of water you are holding the day after and the one after that.

    So I don't believe you are expeincing weird fat loss paterns (good news!), I'm sure they are consistent, but you are experiencing weird weight loss patterns and it's due to those water variances. Your long term trend is downwards that's the important thing.

    Happy to explain further the effects of carbohydrate intake on water levels if you wish.

    I would love to know more :)
  • thecazstewart
    thecazstewart Posts: 131 Member
    I wish my loss was consistent. When I had more to lose, I tended to drop an average of 1-2 pounds per week, but this was very eratic. I also found that I would lose, then gain, then maintain, then gain and then lose again. I could never achieve a "straight graph" despite the fact that I rarely go over my daily allowance and that I've averaged about 1350 calories per day.

    Now I only have about 7-10 pounds to lose and I now find that if I've exercised the day before or not drunk enough water, or not eaten a very light evening meal with no snacks, then I'm lucky to lose a pound every 3 weeks or so.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    Jillian Michaels does not believe in plateaus of any kind. 99% of weight loss should be consistent if intake and output is consistent. The only variables are the rare metabolism medical conditions some have. She doesn't even allow a TOM excuse. As long as you are net losing over a month, that should encourage you but you are right to be concerend. What I would check into is your consistency day in and day out with fuel (what you eat) and movement (how productively and vigorously you use your exercise time). Gathering data like that can never hurt you! You'll make it happen!

  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    :-) no worries, I just didn't want to go into it if it was something you were already informed about.

    It's all a bit more sciencey than I'll state here as this is as much as my tiny brain can cope with:

    All over your body, in every muscle are stores of glycogen. These are your body's immediate energy reserves, so when you exert a given muscle the fuel it uses is glycogen. This glycogen comes from the carbohydrates that you eat. Now one molecule of glycogen binds with 3 molecules of water. When those glycogen stores get used, that water gets excreeted.

    So, you can see how variable carbohydrate intake affects your weight through modifying the levels of water in your body.

    You'll have heard of Creatine no doubt, it's popular with strength trainers and bodybuilders as it increases glycogen storage - and thus muscle volume (and thus strength) thanks to all those extra water molecules.

    There is absolutely nothing bad about having a carbohydrate level at 200g. I'm not saying that, I'm just explaining (as I understand it) how that makes your weight vary if some days you drop that significantly and then go burning up all that glycogen.

    I personally follow a low-moderate carb level 6 days a week because that happens to work for me. My weight change is entirely predictable. Week in week out. After 1 day of high carbs on a Saturday it will jump up maybe 1kg. After one day back on low carbs it'll drop 0.5kg and then c.0.2kg every day thereafter netting out at about 0.66-0.75kg loss every week.
  • sweetendeavor
    sweetendeavor Posts: 72 Member
    some weeks I lose a pound consistently, then suddenly I hit a wall. Then I go three weeks without losing any weight and then suddenly, I lose like 2-5 pounds. It is weird but that seems to be the way I've been losing weight.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Of course at first mine was pretty consistent - 2lbs a week id say. Now its all over the place. I've been doing a lot of plateauing and trying to figure out what works for me. My loss hasn't been super quick but i feel like im doing it the right way.
  • ElizBald
    I have a similar pattern. Mine isn't as well spaced as yours though. I just have a long period with little or no loss and then suddenly the weight drops off. A while with steady loss then back to no loss. If I just hang in there though it does come off.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I lost preaty fast at first then slowed down to about .5 -1 pound a week. I have been on this weight loss path for about a year now. I have been at a stand still for 3 months and was getting frusterated untill it was pointed out that I lost about a pound a week. Not bad, I can deal with that.
    I lift weights 3x a week and do cardio 1-3 times a week. i have about 15 pounds left to lose and even though the scale isnt moving i have lost .5 inches off my tummy this week. again I can deal with that but boy i wish the scale would move sometimes.
  • ericabrothers
    my weight loss has been kinda weird also. i think i went for about 3 weeks with nothing. i started doing intermitten fasting (which would be the way i normally ate before starting myfitnesspal just more healthy stuff and prob smaller quantity) last week and i have noticed a considerable difference with it. i'm not sure if it is the initial shock to my body or if it will keep up at the same pace but it makes sense to me. i've not really read up on it but the basic idea is to deprive your body just long enough that it starts using your stored fat for energy but not so long that it starts stock piling everything that you eat. i think its something like 16 hours fasting 8 hours eating but you are supposed to eat all of your calories in the 8 hours. i'm still working on that part. i find my self too paranoid about going over to eat a whole lot at lunch but at dinner i eat until i'm comfortably full and if i did a good workout that day i come up short. this is just my first week of trying it so i guess i will see how next week goes. anyway to answer your question yes my weight loss seems to be a bit bipolar at times :bigsmile:
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I have also noticed that I tend to lose weight if I step on the scales the morning after a rest day. I have read over and over that when you stress your muscles they retain water to repair themselves for a few days and then they release that water.

    I currently do 45min-1hr of hard cardio 5x wk ( swimming, running, high incline fast walking)
    Lift heavy weights 2-3x/wk (3 sets of 5-8 reps)
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    :-) no worries, I just didn't want to go into it if it was something you were already informed about.

    It's all a bit more sciencey than I'll state here as this is as much as my tiny brain can cope with:

    All over your body, in every muscle are stores of glycogen. These are your body's immediate energy reserves, so when you exert a given muscle the fuel it uses is glycogen. This glycogen comes from the carbohydrates that you eat. Now one molecule of glycogen binds with 3 molecules of water. When those glycogen stores get used, that water gets excreeted.

    So, you can see how variable carbohydrate intake affects your weight through modifying the levels of water in your body.

    You'll have heard of Creatine no doubt, it's popular with strength trainers and bodybuilders as it increases glycogen storage - and thus muscle volume (and thus strength) thanks to all those extra water molecules.

    There is absolutely nothing bad about having a carbohydrate level at 200g. I'm not saying that, I'm just explaining (as I understand it) how that makes your weight vary if some days you drop that significantly and then go burning up all that glycogen.

    I personally follow a low-moderate carb level 6 days a week because that happens to work for me. My weight change is entirely predictable. Week in week out. After 1 day of high carbs on a Saturday it will jump up maybe 1kg. After one day back on low carbs it'll drop 0.5kg and then c.0.2kg every day thereafter netting out at about 0.66-0.75kg loss every week.

    Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me : )