What was your WORST binge ever?



  • purple_orchid
    purple_orchid Posts: 129 Member
    Lately...way too much and too often.
    Emotional eating is the worse...that's why I'm up at least 10 lbs :(
  • Oh who even knows. 20+ years of overeating. I will say that back in the day I could drink a case of beer and eat a large pizza. That wasn't a binge, though. That was Friday night.
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    I went through a phase of horrible binge eating about 9 years ago. It was horrible. I didn't enjoy the food but I could not stop eating. I dropped out of uni. I stopped leaving my flat.
    All the days were about the same but one in particular stayed in my memory.
    I put on my coat on my pyjamas (because I was so depressed I couldn't be bothered to get dressed), went to the boulangerie and bought half a dozen "viennoiseries" (croissants etc.). I went back home, ate the lot and the a couple of packets of biscuits.
    By then it was lunchtime. I ate a whole container of fresh pasta with about 1/2lbs of cheese, and then bread, and a container of ice-cream.
    I felt disgusted with myself, but I needed more food, so I went to the supermarket and bought a couple of bags of junk food, thinking "this is the last time ever". Of course I ate about half of it on the way home. It didn't stop me from having a huge dinner.

    Sadly it wasn't my last binge (it took me years to recover) but I don't think I ever reached that low again.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    In a space of half an hour I went through
    2 iced donuts
    a box of 15 brownies
    a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough icecream
    Pizza bread
    a big cadbury chocolate bar
    a litre of chocolate milk

    ..wow looking back it was pretty bad lol
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    When I ate an entire pint of ice cream, lots of peanut butter right outta the jar and other high fat sweets. It caused me to be constipated for 3.5 days!! It was awful.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member

    ...many here are mere amateurs...
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm surprised at how TAME these binges are....I used to order in enough Chinese food, Dominos, or Mediterranean food for a family of five or six and eat it all, plus calorie-laden drinks, and that was just dinner...earlier in the day I would snag down an entire box of ice cream or bag of full-sized Reese's. I remember going back for thirds or fourths at the college cafeteria. But my latest binge was more tame.

    I ate almost an entire box of Nips candy.

    That's how I was. Even at times I weighed much less than I do right now I could pack away a large Domino's pizza, then put half a second pizza away, all in an hour, then eat the rest for breakfast or dinner, nice and cold.

    I could eat a one pound Fuddruckers burger, then eat half of a second one pounder in a sitting. I remember doing that once in the car, I didn't even wait to get home! (No, I wasn't the driver!) I probably weighed 125 at the time.

    Two Five Guys double cheeseburgers is nothing to me, throw some fries in there, a chocolate milk, and a pastry for dessert, and that was fine by me, and in fact I think that one is somewhere in this diary.

    I went to the doctor for an appetite suppressant or whatever other help I could get once and got laughed off because I was normal weight. If they had seen what I was eating they would have understood my desperation. A few months later I had gained 60 pounds.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention those gallon tubs of icecream, full fat, drizzled with chocolate syrup. No need for a bowl, just a spoon, please!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I don't have binges because nothing is banned from my life. If I go over my calories on a day then I make up for it the rest of the week. It all works out in the end. The only way someone can have a binge is if they consider themselves on a "diet" and call foods "good" and "bad" and don't allow themselves to indulge when they feel like it.
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    I don't have binges because nothing is banned from my life. If I go over my calories on a day then I make up for it the rest of the week. It all works out in the end. The only way someone can have a binge is if they consider themselves on a "diet" and call foods "good" and "bad" and don't allow themselves to indulge when they feel like it.

    SO not true. Binging is eating excessive amounts of anything in one sitting. Binging is not 'indulging'.

    One person here ate 20 bananas -- that's a binge.

    I think you're deluding yourself with semantics.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I don't have binges because nothing is banned from my life. If I go over my calories on a day then I make up for it the rest of the week. It all works out in the end. The only way someone can have a binge is if they consider themselves on a "diet" and call foods "good" and "bad" and don't allow themselves to indulge when they feel like it.

    Your comment has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
    Maybe do some research on binge eating and its causes before throwing this old classic in the mix.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I ended up going for a long walk and ended up at -2100 calories in the process. This was at 4pm and my daily calorie intake should be 2450 a day. Went to Dairy Queen for dinner that afternoon. You figure out the rest.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    When I ate an entire pint of ice cream, lots of peanut butter right outta the jar and other high fat sweets. It caused me to be constipated for 3.5 days!! It was awful.

    Omg!! If I'd ate that I only WISH it would have lead to constipation!

    I'm sure I've had worse binges (entire bags of pizza rolls and bottles of ranch dressing). OR 13x9 pans of homemade pizza (with very thick crust... Jet's or Buddy's style) followed by pints of ice cream.

    But looking through an old online journal entry (before I found MFP) I recently read one from a couple years ago it just said, "I ate eight waffles." Now, I have NO memory of that one. No idea why, not sure if they were toaster waffles or homemade... but I'm still WTF about that one.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    in high school when I suffered my worst bulimic compulsions I would scarf a box of mac n cheese as quickly as possible for the taste gratification, then throw it all back up instantly. I used to take the pot of food into the bathroom with me so I could purge as quickly as possible. Now I cringe at the wasted grocery money.

    One time a friend and I were very high in college and found an entire cake in the community fridge for one of the sorority rush parties. Oops. Never found out what the reaction to the missing cake was.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    My FUNNIEST binge ever was when I ate an entire box of Fiber One bars. All I will say is, they do what they are supposed to.
  • A couple of months ago after a fight with my husband. I ate all this within an hour and paid for it for 3 days after.

    Half a boston bun approx 250g
    A mini pavlova
    Chicken twisties 170g
    and a can of Mother (not the sugar free kind, back then I was on full of sugar, now I drink sugar free, hope to kick the habit soon
  • I had:

    3 pieces of KFC chicken
    6 KFC hotwings
    1 small KFC popcorn chicken
    1 portion of KFC chips
    1 KFC gravy


    An entire packet of french fancies
    A whole sharing bag of doritos

    I can pack it away when I'm in the mood!

    Your binge of KFC use to be my staple lunch when I worked there but it was large chips and popcorn and nibble on chips all day long, and then working night shift I'd take all the leftovers home too.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    A freind asked me to bake a boxed cake mix that he bought because her didn't have cake pans or a mixer. So I baked the cake, then I ate it! This was the worst because I ate someone elses cake!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    One regualr pizza to myself;
    3 slices of garlic bread;
    2 glasses of coke;
    2 extra slices of cheeselovers pizza with cheese stuffed crust, cheese stuffed base and extra cheese!
    Dessert was an oreo, vanilla icecream and chocolate milk smoothie.

    Fairly sure my siblings and I were :smokin: the greenery that night!

    similar story, while indulging in the greenage...an order of mozzarella sticks (8 i believe), a plate of veggetarian nachos i split with my friend, left the diner got home 10 minutes later, killed an ENTIRE package of oreos to myself, with milk, as well as having maybe 3 slices of pizza that we leftover in the fridge, 2 servings of ice cream and a crap ton of wheat thins >_<
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    The one I regret the most was when I was single and living by myself. I made an entire pot of chili with 6 cans beans, 3 pounds ground beef, onion, canned tomatoes, spices, etc. Then I ate the whole pot. With cheese, crackers, and sour cream.

    I worked from home for two days after that.

    This reminds me of a time when I was younger. I was maybe 16 years old. I spent the night at my great grandmothers house. I went into her cupboard and ate several cans of green beans, then a pile of chocolate chips and marshmallows... oh and an entire box of prunes. I paid for that one.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    My most memorable one was 2 large Pizza Hut meatlovers pizzas, 2 litres of coke and a large bag of crisps in one sitting. Also probably :smokin: .

    As a teenager I would regularly make a full sized chocolate cake in the microwave while on the phone and then eat the whole thing with butter.

    Strange thing is now I can barely stomach one slice of pizza - it makes me so gassy and bloated!