marijuana use....



  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    hahahhahahahaha funny but I have to disagree! It was giving IN to the munchies that makes us fat :wink:

    If something is a natural appetite STIMULANT, isn't it Natural to give in to it! Just like alcohol, 1 or 2 drinks act as an apperetief. When you are fat, forget all the "crap." USUALLY fat people have more than eating problems, it's the whole Lifestyle! Fat people LOVE to Indulge in EVERYTHING TOO Much, Then make Excuses for it!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    Rule to live by: Work out first- smoke later.

    That's one plan. The other can work for some people. You just have to be a TEENSY bit extra careful on the treadmill...

    my husband and i smoke weed out of a vaporizer.. so we have bags instead of bongs or joints.. so my husband yesterday makes a bag, gets on the treadmill and does his whole first part of his work out smoking a bag... too funny..
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    If you have the munchies, just smoke more. :smokin:


    this guy knows. lol.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I am 100% for legalizing it and just taxing it but my friends that grow in California and make their living off of it would be seriously hurt by that if it passed. So I am kind of torn about it but I think medicinal marijuana is valid. My brother in law has a degenerative spinal condition that required him to take morphine and he got addicted to them and go sick from weaning off of it and eventually started smoking to alleviate the pain.(Horrible run on sentence,lol!)

    He said it helps take the edge off the pain he feels everyday and thc in pill form was even better when he tried it. But smokable ganja is much easier to get when you have no insurance so that's what he prefers. :)
  • But we all just need to smoke some weed and see if it don't help the quality of your mother f#*king life. I know, I see some of y'all. Look, I understand. If you ain't smoking weed 'cause you got a good job, then by all means make your paper booboo. But if you ain't got no job, and you're not smoking weed, I don't know what the f#*k you are doing with your life. I really don't. I really don't.

    Don't give me that **** about it's a drug it ain't no mother f#*king drug, I had done the research, it's just a plant. It's just grows like that. And if you happen to set it on fire, there are some affects. But that's not the same as drugs. Drugs, you got to do **** to it chemically. You got to add baking soda, water stir it up. I don't know the recipe, I'm just saying. It's some **** you got to do to it. But why the f#*k is it illegal, I don't know. Aspirin is perfectly legal, but if you take 13 of them mother f#*kers, it'll be your last headache. As long as you've been living you ain't never heard of a mother f#*ker overdose on marijuana. You might have thought that ni#*a was dead, "He ain't dead..." He's going to wake up in 30 minutes, hungry enough to eat up everything in your house. That's the side effects. Hungry, happy, sleepy, that's it. You can all testify.

    Katt Williams

    I LOVE, LOVE, this skit lmao
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Rule to live by: Work out first- smoke later.

    That's one plan. The other can work for some people. You just have to be a TEENSY bit extra careful on the treadmill...
    I almost always blaze prior to my runs.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I know someone that is a pretty chronic weed smoker... He is the thinnest person I know. He eats and eats and eats but doesn't gain a pound. I hate him. j/k lol

    On that note, I do believe that it has some medicinal effects. And I completely agree 100% that it is better than alcohol. Take a room full of pot heads and take a room full of alcoholics and where will the fight outbreak? In the room with the alcoholics that is where!

    Pot mellows ppl out, while Alcohol is a mystery because you just never know what side of a person's personality it will bring out...
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    I hope it's legalized in my lifetime but I doubt it. It is too hard to tax because people can grow it anywhere and the government won't get taxes from people's private stash.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    pot is the wonder drug that does wonders... it lowers metabolism, it calms headaches.. i can help people who have manic episodes calm down (there is nothing, not muscle relaxers, ativan, nothing works on my mania like weed does).. for that reason alone it should be legal...

    and its better for you then smoking cigarettes and alcohol...

    there is not one good reason to make it illegal, except the government would loose a lot of money if it was made legal

    president obama promised that the feds would not go after state legal dispensaries , but for some reason they are.. in my area alone dozens have been closed.. its shameful.. obama should be ashamed...

    Surely they would make way more in taxes than they would lose in fines and penalties, and save money by not putting non-violent offenders in jail which costs the states money as well.

    I haven't used it in years but I support it being legal.

    If people will pay 9$ for a pack of cigarettes (NYC airport, and that was years ago) what would they pay for a pack of pre-rolled joints? 10-20$ a pack? Tax the hell out of it like cigarettes and go to town.

    a pack of smokes runs $11 in Manhattan. Guy infront of me at the bodega bought a pack and i asked him if he would rather have just bought a dime bag.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Munchies are for amateurs.

    LMAO! This ^
  • Pir8Rav
    Pir8Rav Posts: 36 Member
    Greatest stuff on earth. Love the happy plant.
    I tend to indulge a few times per week,
    in the backyard, late at night, well moderated, no kids around,
    neighbours absent, , discreet party for one w/o witnesses.

    Helps me focus on my videogame addiction
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    It should be legal and taxed just like alcohol. It is way less harmful for you than alcohol.

    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    It's a great ingredient to put in Brownies. Just saying.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Greatest stuff on earth. Love the happy plant.
    I tend to indulge a few times per week,
    in the backyard, late at night, well moderated, no kids around,
    neighbours absent, , discreet party for one w/o witnesses.

    Helps me focus on my videogame addiction

    What part of the city do you live in? :laugh:
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    But we all just need to smoke some weed and see if it don't help the quality of your mother f#*king life. I know, I see some of y'all. Look, I understand. If you ain't smoking weed 'cause you got a good job, then by all means make your paper booboo. But if you ain't got no job, and you're not smoking weed, I don't know what the f#*k you are doing with your life. I really don't. I really don't.

    Don't give me that **** about it's a drug it ain't no mother f#*king drug, I had done the research, it's just a plant. It's just grows like that. And if you happen to set it on fire, there are some affects. But that's not the same as drugs. Drugs, you got to do **** to it chemically. You got to add baking soda, water stir it up. I don't know the recipe, I'm just saying. It's some **** you got to do to it. But why the f#*k is it illegal, I don't know. Aspirin is perfectly legal, but if you take 13 of them mother f#*kers, it'll be your last headache. As long as you've been living you ain't never heard of a mother f#*ker overdose on marijuana. You might have thought that ni#*a was dead, "He ain't dead..." He's going to wake up in 30 minutes, hungry enough to eat up everything in your house. That's the side effects. Hungry, happy, sleepy, that's it. You can all testify.

    Katt Williams

    THAT! was awesome. And I knew it right when I started reading, who you were quoting. lol
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    Yeah IDK about that. Even my moms oncologist says that is what got her through chemo and radiation w/o losing too much weight and being completely worn down.
  • loseweightjames
    loseweightjames Posts: 360 Member
    Interesting article..... controversial topic. What are your thoughts?

    it's not statistically significant.

    From the article:

    52,000 participants. In the first survey, they found that 22% of those who did not smoke marijuana were obese, compared with just 14% of the regular marijuana smokers. The second survey found that 25% of nonsmokers were obese, compared with 17% of regular cannabis users.

    Read more:

    22% vs 14% is only 8% and 25% vs 17% is only 8%. Doesn't sound to me like smoking pot guarantees being skinny

    I bet they could do the same survey with people that drive convertibles, or ride motorcycles, or are vegans, etc etc and get similar results.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I hope it's legalized in my lifetime but I doubt it. It is too hard to tax because people can grow it anywhere and the government won't get taxes from people's private stash.

    This is the common argument for why it's not legalized. "Can't tax it because it's too easy to grow your own."

    It's as easy to grow your own tomatoes. Do more people grow tomatoes or buy them at the store?

    NOT attacking you in any way, shape or form. I just like to point this out when this comes up.
  • hahahhahahahaha funny but I have to disagree! It was giving IN to the munchies that makes us fat :wink:

    I totally agree!!! Munchies makes you eat lovely tasty CRAP!!!!!!!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Also, if you eat BEFORE, it minimizes munchies.. Plus your buzz will last longer.
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