Sisterhood of Holy Crap I fit into these Pants!!! Week 14



  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    kim where r u from? being a city girl THE city lol New York City i think the only cows there are here r in the well no i dont think there are in petting zoos oops :laugh:

    kacee u walked thats the important thing impressed impressed 20 min to the end of the driveway man oh man? u sound down though anything we can do to help?


    you will be happy to know i finally had breakfast again i will admit my scheduals been messed up cause of vaca but i had

    breakfast today - 3/4 cup banana nut cheerios and 1/2 cup of milk
    lunch late but eating it - zucini lasagna with crumbles (fake meat ground up) 1 tomato and diet coke (im trying to cut down but its diet and i still drink my water and iced tea)
    Ari-You are my rock! Any time that I feel like I'm slacking, I think of my little snail walking around in NYC and I get my butt into gear!

    i luv u 2 teressa u have not left me and i so appreciat it yes ur little snail walked 2 days in a row in wat can only b called a mansoon (anyone see the weather here in NY? crazy crazy rain like pebbles i was soaked through on mon waiting for my bus in manhattan) im glad that u think of me when u slack cause thats really wat i am here for for u to support and motivate me and for me to do the same for everyone - i :heart: this group


    snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey Ari, guess what I bought?! Banana Nut Cheerios!!! I'm going to try them for breakfast tomorrow morning! I am so excited-does that make me sound strange to be so happy to try some cereal?

    Okay, so meals so far consisted of:
    bagel w/ reduced fat cream cheese
    home-made sushi w/ avocado and imitation crab meat, reduced fat cream cheese

    Dinner is up in the air right now. I've been so busy today with playdates for my daughter, teaching her friends mom how to make sushi, and then also trying to run errands earlier on-I really wasn't paying attention to having snacks as usual... I am waaay under my alloted calories, but I will make that up with dinner, I think. I have volleyball in a couple of hours, and also P90X again tonight with my husband.

    I think we're going to have some terrific numbers this week. Having my husband join in on my workouts has made me ultra-conscious about the choices of food we eat! I'll post more tonight!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hi guys, i am looking for a group to join so that ill have some people to check in with and keep me motivated! is this an open group, or can i not join since it has already started?? let me know, it looks awesome!
  • hi guys, i am looking for a group to join so that ill have some people to check in with and keep me motivated! is this an open group, or can i not join since it has already started?? let me know, it looks awesome!
    Of course you can!!!:happy: We weigh on Tuesdays (well most, some have other days). Some have been posting their meals, some don't (some forget like me). Welcome to the group! Any questions just holler!!
  • Ari -- Not really down anymore, I was a few days ago. I'm just glad that we're on to a new week. And speaking of Cheerios, I saw them in the store the other day, and laughed to myself.:happy:
    Kimlee -- yes country. On a mountain, in the middle of no where, the nearest paved road is 30 miles, nearest Wal-Mart is 2 hours, in the country.:laugh: :laugh:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    great!! my name's Jess by the way... not obvious in the screen name..

    i am just starting MFP and so havent lost anything yet... but have been at it for about a week. maybe in another week ill have something exciting to report!

    meals today:
    breakfast: 1 c raisin bran, 1/2 c skim milk, 2 c coffee
    lunch: 1 c red pepper and tomato soup (pacific sun, low sodium SO GOOD only 110 cals), 1 joseph's pita, 4 tbsp red pepper hummus, 1/2 c parmasean couscous, 1/2 c sliced cucumbers
    snack: brown pear
    dinner: salad - lettuce, craisins, almonds, chicken, ken's fat free raspberry pecan dressing (SO GOOD)
    dessert: 3 girl scout cookies :)

    i did 30 mins of cardio today (i am doing couch to 5k, but took a break today because of shin splints so ran on the elliptical) and it was the first time that at the end of the day i had a lot of calories left and had to actually think of things to eat!!! it was great!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Ari -- Not really down anymore, I was a few days ago. I'm just glad that we're on to a new week. And speaking of Cheerios, I saw them in the store the other day, and laughed to myself.:happy:

    oh meg i hope u like it such pressure :wink: seriously i love them

    kacee hope it was a good laugh :blushing: did u buy them? u must they are amazing

    i had for dinner 2 hot dogs low fat chicken franks and 2 low carb tortillas

    till tom all

    snail tortoise ariella ari
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Okay, so I finished up volleyball and burned 1066 calories!!! Whoo-hoo, I am going to spoil myself with a good snack tonight! I hope everyone has a great morning(I know it's almost there for you non-Alaskans)!

    Welcome, Jess, to the thread!

    Ari, I'll think of you when I have my Cheerios tomorrow!
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Ari - I live in a tiny town in the south eastern part of Georgia. I am about 1.5 hours from the Georgia/Florida border. My husband and I live on a dirt road on land that was once part of his Grandfather's farm. While he has a day job as a project manager for a commerical contractor, hubby is a farmer too. We grow blueberries, corn, and a few other things.

    PHM - I think you are more "in the country" than I am.... and I never thought I would say that to anybody.

    Yesterday was okay foodwise - I did snack a bit too much in the afternoon. I didn't get a workout in either, my left knee is extremely swollen and sore. I hope it is not my old knee injury flaring up. On the good side of things, I was down a pound at my weigh in.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Kimlee-I hate it when you're in the groove of things, and then an injury sets you back! Rest that knee, and I hope you feel better soon!!!

    Ari, I had those Cheerios for my snack yesterday night, and so did my husband! Oh my, were they yummy! My husband LOVES banana bread, so I think he found a new favorite cereal!

    Okay, so for breakfast, I've had a protein shake... No snack or lunch yet, but it's early here. I'll post more later!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Hi ladies...

    I'm seriously losing motivation and getting bored with dieting!

    What do you all do when you're feeling blah about it all? :huh:
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    I've been looking and waiting for those yummy cheerios here in Canada with no luck yet. I'm also waiting for the chocolate mini wheats - what a great idea for snacks at my desk! sigh... gonna have to be patient I guess - or take a trip across the border to buy some!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've been looking and waiting for those yummy cheerios here in Canada with no luck yet. I'm also waiting for the chocolate mini wheats - what a great idea for snacks at my desk! sigh... gonna have to be patient I guess - or take a trip across the border to buy some!

    I live in Alaska, and sometimes we don't get things, either... I wish we had a Trader Joe's like everyone talks about... Since I get the Cheerios, maybe I can mail you some!!!:wink:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hi ladies...

    I'm seriously losing motivation and getting bored with dieting!

    What do you all do when you're feeling blah about it all? :huh:

    It can get so hard sometimes to continue on-but it's so much easier to think of it as a lifestyle change, and not as a diet! When I get the urge to do something unhealthy, or skip a workout, I always consider the alternative-I got to this weight BECAUSE I ate badly or didn't work out... And I didn't feel happy afterwards. It's the reason why I'm changing now, right? The last thing I want to do is go right back to where I started... Keep your chin up, and it WILL get more easy-more like the way you've always lived, and not like a temporary change!:drinker:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Ari, I had those Cheerios for my snack yesterday night, and so did my husband! Oh my, were they yummy! My husband LOVES banana bread, so I think he found a new favorite cereal!

    im corupting u all with those cheeros but they are so good fav breakfast besides honey nut teressa i ment u b4 when i wrote meg sorry tired,

    they dont have them in canada weird.

    kim i think u just described the polar opposite from where i live new york state maybe a little but city fagetaboutit. (and yes i have what some may call an accent but not as bad as it could b lol)

    tpday beautiful but stuck in office tom walking this weekedn the 80s come back to ny so happy spring is finally here
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Resa - Thanks for the well wishes. I iced my knee a few times last night and am in my brace this morning. Hopefully the combination of rest, ice, and bracing will help it heal soon.

    Pep - You wanna talk accents - at one time I had an extremely pronounced Southern accent. 4 years of college in Atlanta helped it to lessen - but now that I am back in the country it is getting worse again.

    I think I am going to have to try these Cheerios ya'll keep talking about....
  • I feel like Poooooooop:sick: :sick: :sick: T-O-M Sucks!!! I have crap to do this weekend (like plan a 1st bithday party:sad: for my baby girl) and numerous other things. I can't be bothered with feeling like a limp piece of gray poo left in the sun to bake! It's a good thing I didn't tell you how I really feel:laugh:
  • Hello all, Im back!

    Exams went well i think, thank goodness I only have one more semester of this school business left :happy:

    I did well with keeping up the exercising but def fell off the food bandwagon :sad: TOday I am hopping right back on though.

    Kacee I too feel like poo, Im not sure why though. My head hurts my tummy hurts. I am not sure if my body is crashing from exams or what but I want it to go away :explode:

    Kacee I hope you feel better!

    I missed everyone and am glad to be back :flowerforyou:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    pep - You wanna talk accents - at one time I had an extremely pronounced Southern accent. 4 years of college in Atlanta helped it to lessen - but now that I am back in the country it is getting worse again.

    I think I am going to have to try these Cheerios ya'll keep talking about....

    ha ok u win lol or we both lose :laugh: u must try the cheerios omg they are the best i have them for breakfast every morning and everyone here can tell u i dont do breakfast

    breakfast- cheerios and milk (the usual)
    k lunch gonna have tuna fish in a whole wheat wrap with 1 tomato and carrot

    then walk with mother for an hour or so cause spring has come to ny its gonna b in the high high 80s like 88 sun and mon but boo 68 wed
  • Here is my food so far for the day:

    coffee w/ no sugar vanilla creamer, string cheese, apple with PB, 100 cal pack ritz snack, whole cucumber with hummus....

    Not sure about dinner yet but I still have a ton of cals left and I havent worked out yet. I put in my cals for cherry vodka and diet coke as well. As I am hanging with the girls in celebration of finals :glasses:

    I will report back later :bigsmile:
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