Sisterhood of Holy Crap I fit into these Pants!!! Week 14



  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Meg-welcome back!!! We missed you!!!
    Kaycee-I hope you feel better soon; try to enjoy yourself for your little one's birthday! They grow so fast!
    Pep-I had more cereal for my snack yesterday! I'm officially addicted to them!

    Well, this was the first morning that my husband and I tried to work out together-6:15 is when we started things off. Things did NOT go as well as we expected-my sister's spastic dog drove us crazy for the first 15 minutes, my oldest daughter woke up(over 1 1/2 hours earlier than usual), and to top things off, I started feeling sick again last night and couldn't sleep until after 12:30, only to be woken up at 3:45 by my littlest one! Ugh... He's working night shift, so we wanted to try to work out when he got home in the morning, that way we could do P90X TOGETHER... It feels like everything was against us, you know? We're trying it again tomorrow morning... Hopefully everything will go well then!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    oh teressa ok well just try again it can get better

    ha ive corrupted u i knew u would love those cheerios now the rest of you ha ha ha (evil laugh)

    ok gotta b gone till tom night ps went for 30 min bike ride and tom hour walk i hope and sun possibly hour walk and bike with a friend 88 here sun lets hope

    miss me ill miss u


    snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella
  • So in addition to getting a bunch of crap done around the house, I was looking forward to walk/jogging today. Then I woke up to 4 inches of snow. Well, at least I've been catching up on laundry.:laugh:
  • Kacee- when does it usually snow there til? :noway: It's almost May! and I thought Minnesota was bad for winter :laugh:

    Ari- enjoy the weather, its pouring rain here

    Resa- I know how that goes with the crazy dog, my pup always sits beneath me when I am doing yoga or push ups and licks my face, It drives me crazy! Good luck tomorrow!

    Im still fighting this flu bud :mad: So havent done any exercising the past 2 days. I felt so awful yesterday I had to miss my girls night out :sick:

    I am hoping with a good nights rest and having the day off tomorrow I will be able to workout.

    Ill check back in later :flowerforyou:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    kacee snow really my god i would be jealous but i just spent he entire day with the fam (minus bro whos away) in the backyard getting sun (with spf 45 mind u) and reading a great book.

    meg sorry you had rain but i second what i said to kacee minus the jealous part since ny has been taking april showers bring may flowers a bit too seriously.

    i did miss my walk i should feel bad but tom should be like today so mother and i will go for two walks plus i have that date with my friend and our bikes....

    spring = ariella :bigsmile:

    luv u all

  • Ari- one of my best friends lives on long island and text me saying she was laying by the pool :noway:
    I am so jealous! :blushing:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    ok i dotn think it was quite pool weather yet but its night and its 67 i think we got pretty close to 80 if not 80 today tom -tues should be high 80s like 88 they said for mon and tues but boo 63 rainy wed so im taking advantage

    no rush for summer yet though i love it cause i see a very hot summer in new yorks future :wink:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    ive been away for 10 hours and no one has written where is everyone hope all is well life wise and diet wise. its 10 am here so beautiful i could cry (i wont) cant even sleep its so nice so instead of lazy sun inside my mother and i are gonna take an afternoon walk when she gets back from work and then an evening walk just cause its so beautifiul. and hopefully my friend wont flake and will be able to bike ride with me (but her sis had a baby thurs night so i will understand if she wants to see her)

    as for now im gonna take my ipod in the backyard take my sketch pad which i am so excited that i found on a lark last week (havent drawn in so long i forgot how much i missed it) gonna take my charcoal and do some sketches outside.

    be back during the day though to make sure someone is still with me :wink:



    slug (kidding) snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    ok now its been another 10 hours no word thats 20 hours with no word is everyone ok we lost many along the way i hope the reason u guys arent here is cause ur enjoying the beautiful weather. (or maybe not)

    ny was high 80s today i spent most of the day in the backyard spf 45 (with now blonde streaks in my brown hair from the sun and some color but many freckles - my mothers the only red head i know that tans im the only brunette i know that doesnt really tan but freckles a lot) and then i biked

    biked - 1 hour 15 minutes uphill with siblings my brother is like jillian when it comes to bikining and i have a new old fashioned bike no gears so painfil but good pain.

    today i burnt more alories that i need to burn for the week - 805 insane so happy feel so good.

    miss u all ill just keep talking to myself to keep the thread alive

    xoxo ????

  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Hey Ari, I'm lurking here but I'm guessing everyone's got spring fever and are away from their computers on the weekend!

    Feeling crappy this week/weekend. AF is coming and I'm exhausted and yucky feeling. Still, did a bunch of walking yesterday and stepson and my man and I played a bunch of catch in the park which involved a lot of running for the ball and a lot of "soooorrryyyy!"s as stepson and I aren't the greatest at throwing (he's 11 and has a good excuse - I'm just a girl I guess and completely out of practice!)

    Indulged a bit here and there - mainly a whole bottle of wine to myself last night (I never drink to excess) . I shouldn't have because combined with my pms, I was very very emotional and starting missing my dad (RIP since 2004) and starting crying a bunch which upsets my man cuz he doesn't know how to handle it. Then I got upset because he wasn't consoling me like I wanted him to and there was a lot of drama before bed. Oh lordy- no more drinking for me for a while!

    Anyway enough blah blah babbling. Hope your night is good. I'm extremely jealous of your semi hot weather!

    xo back atcha!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    spring fever ah yes well i was just shocked not one person was on lol. sorry u dont feel well i know af is a pain (had her for an unpleasant visit last week she left on sat) running and walking is good. wine isnt too bad once and a while i have a drink every fri night becuase of work and school sometimes we need a treat and that 1 drink (2 max) is mine. sorry about ur dad its ok to be sad fri i cried cause my mohers car was being donated (it was my uncle and before him my grandfathers both are gone so it was hard but i felt so stupid crying over a car so never apologized for being upset over losing someone u care about time doesnt make it completly go away. but let us be here for u. semi hot weather lovely bike ride soooo great hope i dont pay for it tom.

    hope everyone else is ok


  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey all... I was not able to log on today because my internet is down... I'm on my mom's computer right now, and thought I'd check in. I'm really, really sick and am going to go to my doctor's office tomorrow if I still feel this bad. I have such a terrible sinus infection that it's making my TEETH hurt. I wasn't able to get hardly any sleep last night, and have been pretty much down for the count all day today. Hopefully my internet will be working again by tomorrow, and I'll post more later.
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend - mine was less than stellar. In addition to my sore knee, I am gearing up for TOM which meant I ate everything in sight this weekend, was grumpy beyond belief which led to a few arguments with the husband, and just felt like general poop.

    I stepped on the scale this morning and saw a 10 pound gain from where I was on Friday. Granted I did overeat, so I know a pound or two is deserved...but not 10.... the joys of water retention and bloating that come with AF.

    On the up side, hubby did take me shopping yesterday afternoon and I got some cute new pieces for spring. And they were all in smaller sizes.. I would pick things up in my old size, and hubby would have to get new ones. I guess I didn't realize I had gotten smaller.

    My knee is feeling better - so I will be doing some aerobics with my MIL and SIL tonight. Hopefully, I can run with my hubby tomorrow.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    morn all i had a rough night couldnt sleep till 4 am (but i have insomnia so this is nothing new) it was particulary hard cause the birds out my sindow wpi;dmt stp[ making noise lol

    anyway feeling the effects of yesterdays bike ride but my mother who is still ill and busy but promises to be back soon stretched me out and we will go for our walk unfortn i have school next 2 days so will b missing the rest of the beautiful weather in a windowless classroom in manhattan ah the joys of school.

    kim breath it will b ok thats why u r here for our support and motivation right. first do u have an official weigh in ours is tues. i find that i feel guilty if i go anywhere near the scale on off weighing days. remember water retention and bloating are big my dads a doc he always told me never weigh when im on those days i do but i always saw a low loss or a gain. your not alone. 10 pounds is pretty high though for a short amount of time u mind me asking how u overate? congrats on the smaller sizes u must feel amazing.

    b back later

  • Holy crap is everyone just a blob of emotional water weight or what? My TOM too this week, almost over though.
    Kimlee--I guess you joined us at the right time as I guess we're all cycling together:noway: Glad to hear someone else gains massive amounts of water weight too. I usually fluxuate around 5 pounds give or take. (usually give)
    MissMez -- chilax man. Everybody needs a goo emotional drunk on wine cry every now and then:laugh: I know I've had mine:laugh: It'll be OK:wink:
    Ari -- sorry you were all alone this weekend. I was stuck in the house and busy catching up on laundry and getting house ready for family this weekend, for Bithday Party:happy:
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    morn all i had a rough night couldnt sleep till 4 am (but i have insomnia so this is nothing new) it was particulary hard cause the birds out my sindow wpi;dmt stp[ making noise lol

    anyway feeling the effects of yesterdays bike ride but my mother who is still ill and busy but promises to be back soon stretched me out and we will go for our walk unfortn i have school next 2 days so will b missing the rest of the beautiful weather in a windowless classroom in manhattan ah the joys of school.

    kim breath it will b ok thats why u r here for our support and motivation right. first do u have an official weigh in ours is tues. i find that i feel guilty if i go anywhere near the scale on off weighing days. remember water retention and bloating are big my dads a doc he always told me never weigh when im on those days i do but i always saw a low loss or a gain. your not alone. 10 pounds is pretty high though for a short amount of time u mind me asking how u overate? congrats on the smaller sizes u must feel amazing.

    b back later


    Ari - Sorry to hear that you didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Hopefully things will be better tonight. I don't mind you asking how I overate - I had a 2 pieces of ice cream cake on Friday night, a hamburger, fries, and 3 brownies on Saturday. The rest of the time I ate my normal sized portions (oatmeal for breakfast, big salad with lots of veggies for lunch, and fruit for snacks). I normally try to weigh in on Tuesday - but my PMS'ing self just had to step on the scale. I am going to avoid the thing for the next week - as not to psyc myself out.
  • Hey all, Im with the rest of you and AF. Not mention this darn flu bug wont go away :grumble:

    HOpefully everyone feels better soon :flowerforyou:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    will write back to all that wrote me but time crunch long story short have to walk and then leave for train all in 45 min i may need to do more workout later

    ive heard people who are close being on the same cycle but this is too funny

    later i promise
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    i finished week 4 day 3 of the couch to 5k today! i am very excited :)

    also i ordered a scale/body fat measurer that should come tomorrow, so i am psyched to have something that will track my progress reliably!

    sorry to hear people are sick... get well soon and enjoy the weather!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    i finished week 4 day 3 of the couch to 5k today! i am very excited :)

    also i ordered a scale/body fat measurer that should come tomorrow, so i am psyched to have something that will track my progress reliably!

    sorry to hear people are sick... get well soon and enjoy the weather!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Congrats on finishing the 4th week of C25K. I used the program last year to run my first 5K and am using it again to get back into my top running form.
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