40 lbs to lose, and need friends :)



  • HeidiLynnM
    Feel free to add me too! I have 40 pounds to lose also!!! I am having ups, and downs. Wish I could get a personal trainer!!! :O)
  • JeannieP1234
    I also have 40 to lose! In need of friends, looking for girls around my age with 40 to lose. Dealing with dieting and college will be a challenge so need some good support! :)
  • AZxChick90
    AZxChick90 Posts: 27 Member
    Way to go on the 50 lb weight loss!!! :) i have 33 to go i will add ya up :)
  • shonovo
    shonovo Posts: 104
    I am 20 years old (will be 21 in 2 weeks) I have been overweight my whole life, recently lost 23 lbs from my highest weight but still have 50 more to go! Would love all the support i can get so please feel free to friend me :)!!!
  • QuietDissidence
    click on a persons name (just under their profile pic) and it will then populate a new window that gives you the option to add someone as a friend =)