Interesting info, CORN, Should we eat it?????



  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I guess we should just avoid all foods and die of starvation then. Really, until the magic food pill that gives you all your nutrients without actually eating any real food comes out...oh wait...people think it did.

    Never mind

    avoiding all foods would really solve all our weight loss problems too... sorry MFP, don't need you anymore! Just going to stop eating. BINGO - SKINNY!

    p.s. i love corn. :) straight out of the can, or on the cob. YUM!
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Thank you for sharing!

    I am troubled by the number of people here who bash others who are sharing information they have found. The purpose of these boards is to support and motivate. Not bash. If you disagree, use some class and do so in a civil manner.

    Or maybe the purpose of the boards is inform, not fill people's heads with nonsense.

    And you are the expert??????

    I do know garbage when I see it
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    I only eat things that are alive.

    I'm sorry, but what do you eat then?

    I'm assuming babies, mostly.

    Bahahahahahaha. The innocence makes them taste better.
  • nataliefallbach
    I don't really care if everyone eats corn or not, I found it interesting because the Mayans and others who switched to a more corn based diet, um, basically vanished, died of illness etc. We are a corn feed society and WE have many health issues as a nation, could this be related, yes? no? I don't know. I am not an expert, I posted an article from a nutrionalist with a degree, so why not read about what is out there instead of bashing it! I gave up wheat and I feel great! So, why not see how my body reacts to no corn. Why not, try it for two weeks or NOT! Whatever, I really like this site and I have enjoyed reading the forums. I posted something and get bashed for sharing because I am new, what is this high school?
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    If you want some help, they eat mostly white rice, not brown and white rice has lower phytate content. But if lower phytate content made grains more tolerable then there shouldn't be an issue with people eating refined grains
    Thanks. But there is something else I'm thinking of - not that :) I'll keep hunting. Honestly, I do eat rice a few times a week as it doesn't bother me. I don't believe in strict paleo, but I did use it as a template to construct a nutrition plan that would meet my person needs.

    I'm not married to one philosophy or another, and in fact I seek out information that contradicts my own current thoughts. I do not think carbs are evil (I generally consume 150g a day), and I'm happy to alter my eating habits when I encounter new research. All I seek is the truth and what works with my body.

    I do know that today we have more technology and information than ever before. Yet we are sicker and fatter than ever. I always hear "it's because we over consume" - and I get that. But my question is WHY. My other question is what effect do foods have on my gut lining.

    I'm open to all ideas, and I like reading scholarly and researched sources :)
    I most recently read "The Protein Debate" between Campbell and Cordain. I want to read around all sides of this.
    (PDF here: )
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I love corn, I indulge only when it is in season, around August. Picked the same day at the farm, peaches a cream kernels.... it tastes nothing like imported corn. I can't ever give up my August indulgences...
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    I do know that today we have more technology and information than ever before. Yet we are sicker and fatter than ever. I always hear "it's because we over consume" - and I get that. But my question is WHY. My other question is what effect do foods have on my gut lining.

    And maybe that is part of the answer you're looking for, with technology, we've become more sedentary as a population and at the same time we're consuming more, which has lead to weight gain.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    On a random note, one of my dogs is allergic to corn so I have to read labels for her :)
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member

    I do know that today we have more technology and information than ever before. Yet we are sicker and fatter than ever. I always hear "it's because we over consume" - and I get that. But my question is WHY. My other question is what effect do foods have on my gut lining.

    And maybe that is part of the answer you're looking for, with technology, we've become more sedentary as a population and at the same time we're consuming more, which has lead to weight gain.

    For sure! I totally agree that's a component. But I like to keep digging deeper - are there any other reasons we over consume? are there alterations we can make to adapt to our new more sedentary lifestyle to feel satiated and not over consume? Mostly I'm just nerdy and love reading the research. I find it fascinating. I think my interest got sparked when I was running marathons and struggling with my weight. (I did figure out to add weight training haha) But I think that's where my interest was sparked.

    I've read some great stuff from all different sides. It's been a fascinating journey of reading :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm curious if there are any peer reviewed studies that examine the effects of corn. I think that in general, any article that claims that illness or obesity is caused by one singular food is basically alarmist and silly, this one included.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member

    I do know that today we have more technology and information than ever before. Yet we are sicker and fatter than ever. I always hear "it's because we over consume" - and I get that. But my question is WHY. My other question is what effect do foods have on my gut lining.

    And maybe that is part of the answer you're looking for, with technology, we've become more sedentary as a population and at the same time we're consuming more, which has lead to weight gain.

    Too simple..
    There must be a hidden conspiracy, or a forgotten ideology to be believable. Get with the program.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    For sure! I totally agree that's a component. But I like to keep digging deeper - are there any other reasons we over consume? are there alterations we can make to adapt to our new more sedentary lifestyle to feel satiated and not over consume? Mostly I'm just nerdy and love reading the research. I find it fascinating. I think my interest got sparked when I was running marathons and struggling with my weight. (I did figure out to add weight training haha) But I think that's where my interest was sparked.

    I've read some great stuff from all different sides. It's been a fascinating journey of reading :)

    PS - If you have any recommend scholarly articles/research/analysis please send it my way! I think it's imperative to read all sides of issues. Because it isn't about anyone proving their point - it's about the truth. It's healthy to encounter information you may not agree (I'm a fan of John Stuart Mill, does it show? haha) I've been doing research and case studies regarding the wisdom of the crowds and epistemology and firmly am a proponent of not getting into a vacuum where you only engage in information that confirms your beliefs.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    CORN: You never really own it.... you just borrow it.


    If I could have a romantic rendezvous with Giorgio Tskoulos, I would. My husband is OK with it. His weirdness soooo turns me on...

    And in re: corn, egh. I personally think the overconsumption of it and other ag grains does cause a lot of health problems. But that's just it: the overconsumption. While I choose to be low carb, a balanced diet probably does work well for most people.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I only eat things that are alive.

    I'm sorry, but what do you eat then?

    I'm assuming babies, mostly.

    Bahahahahahaha. The innocence makes them taste better.

    interesting. I prefer my meat rare, so ive been mostly eating unicorn... but this has my interest.
    ist there anything else I should know? Is it like grain, where you want to avoid the white ones?
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I don't really care if everyone eats corn or not, I found it interesting because the Mayans and others who switched to a more corn based diet, um, basically vanished, died of illness etc. We are a corn feed society and WE have many health issues as a nation, could this be related, yes? no? I don't know. I am not an expert, I posted an article from a nutrionalist with a degree, so why not read about what is out there instead of bashing it! I gave up wheat and I feel great! So, why not see how my body reacts to no corn. Why not, try it for two weeks or NOT! Whatever, I really like this site and I have enjoyed reading the forums. I posted something and get bashed for sharing because I am new, what is this high school?

    War and drought contributed more to the demise of the Mayans than corn flakes.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I only eat things that are alive.

    I'm sorry, but what do you eat then?

    I'm assuming babies, mostly.

    Bahahahahahaha. The innocence makes them taste better.

    interesting. I prefer my meat rare, so ive been mostly eating unicorn... but this has my interest.
    ist there anything else I should know? Is it like grain, where you want to avoid the white ones?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm curious if there are any peer reviewed studies that examine the effects of corn. I think that in general, any article that claims that illness or obesity is caused by one singular food is basically alarmist and silly, this one included.

    Who needs that when you have skeletons of Paleo man?
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    And maybe that is part of the answer you're looking for, with technology, we've become more sedentary as a population and at the same time we're consuming more, which has lead to weight gain.

    Too simple..
    There must be a hidden conspiracy, or a forgotten ideology to be believable. Get with the program.

    This logic of correlation = causation is just as flawed as when pro paleo-ers state that since our ancestors consumed a diet mostly devoid of grains, legumes and dairy and were virtually free of diseases of civilization that we should do the same. Both parties are using false logic.

    It IS grounds for a hypothesis. Good science considers all possibilities. And again, please - pass on some good resources/research/scholarly analysis. I love reading them from all sides :)
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I only eat things that are alive.

    I'm sorry, but what do you eat then?

    I'm assuming babies, mostly.

    Bahahahahahaha. The innocence makes them taste better.

    interesting. I prefer my meat rare, so ive been mostly eating unicorn... but this has my interest.
    ist there anything else I should know? Is it like grain, where you want to avoid the white ones?

    I :heart: that little boy.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Who needs that when you have skeletons of Paleo man?

    You know, this is a good point. On a side note, none of them had any disease since there wasn't agriculture.
