Heavy Lifting for a 50 year old woman?



  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I've been lifting for over 25 yrs. and I'll be 57 in March-how the hell did that happen?! I digress-I feel and look so much better when I lift-I don't do really heavy weights-there are certain exercises where I only use 10 lbs. but do 3 sets of 20 reps. Do your research, but I encourage all women to strength train to help our bones remain strong. Good luck to you, and congratulations on your weight loss! Rock on:drinker:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I'm 53, and I've just started the NROLFW. Why don't you join me? There is a very supportive group here, but it would be nice to have another woman closer to my own age to compare notes with. Do you have the book? Don't wait for the oldies one - there's no problem with doing the NR as they are.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    JUST DO IT! I will be 56 in 3 weeks and am lifting again. I let stress get the better of me and stopped for about 3 years, but when I lifted heavy it helped me lose 40 lbs and totally changed my body (and my life!). I have lost part of the weight I gained, but my muscle definition is coming back quickly, I guess because of the solid base I had when I stopped.

    See for yourself how lifting sculpts your body in these amazing photos on LorinaLynn's blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/LorinaLynn/view/just-8-pounds-214409

    As we get older, we don't want to lose our independence. You will need to be stronger than ever to keep living the life you want. You may have an aging spouse/SO, children, grandkids, etc that you have to care for. You may be all alone and want to do things in your house and your yard for yourself. Imagine needing to get a box down from a high shelf if you don't have muscles to help you! It's wonderful to trim and shape your body, and you will feel strong and fantastic! But it's even more vital to be able to take care of yourself and to know you are STRONG, inside and out! My hubby has significant health issues and I am preparing myself for the time when he is confined to a wheelchair & bed. I will be his primary caregiver. I am stronger now than I was 2 months ago, and lifting him when he falls is much easier (and safer) now. I have to be ready to do everything that needs doing, as long as I can. If I don't take care of me, I am no good to anybody else.

    I would also recommend you look at the Body for Life plan; there is a Body for Life for Women too. You may be able to check these out in the library. BFL constantly challenges your muscles and is set up in 12 week "challenges." There are amazing before & after pix and inspiring stories.

    Get a book, hire a trainer, go to the gym, but do something! start lifing and lift HEAVY! You will never regret it!
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you for all of your comments and advice! I ordered NROL4W and I'm gonna read through that to see what my plan of attack should be. I'd prefer to work out at home but I could join a gym if I need to. I'm really excited now and I can't wait to start!!!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Thank you for all of your comments and advice! I ordered NROL4W and I'm gonna read through that to see what my plan of attack should be. I'd prefer to work out at home but I could join a gym if I need to. I'm really excited now and I can't wait to start!!!

    That's great! I work out at home myself, and I did have to buy some equipment, so check in with me if you need to talk through what to get. But yes, look through the book first then decide. Yippee!