Calories VS Cell Phone Minutes



  • fiddlechic
    fiddlechic Posts: 196
    Lol, my sister does weightwatchers and she gets a banking system, if you don't believe me google it on Weightwatchers! There are different types of plans of Weightwatchers.

    actually the plan on weight watchers that allowed you to "bank" points was from 2002. each year as new studies are done they create a new better plan. Banking was on the 1-2-3 plan many years ago. currently they are doing the "momentum" plan which focuses on eating things that are more filling like whole grain pastas and breads versus bleached processed foods.
  • Similar to the food calorie roll-over question: If I exercise today but don't eat those calories today, is it safe to eat them tomorrow? Some days I can't get my run in until 9 at night, but I can't 'plan' to run and eat the calories ahead of time because I never know what the night will end up being like. Last night was like that. I got home early enough to run, but I didn't eat the calories yesterday to compensate. Today I'm fighting hunger, but I know I can't exercise today so I don't dare go over. ARRRGGGG. It's all so confusing. Just a few weeks into the MFP site, some help would be great.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I'm not an expert- but here's what I wonder-
    If I have 100 calories left at 11:59 p.m. and I don't go to bed should I eat them at 1:00am and count them for that same day? I mean our bodies don't reset- They don't know that it's midnight. So I don't see why it wouldn't work from one day to the next?

    Maybe it's sleep that disrupts this some how (does my body take count while I'm sleeping and add or subtract pounds at night, I'm not so sure)- but in general it seems like it would work to me- as long as it's within 24 hours or so. I've done it backwards too- eaten over my calories and exercised it off first thing in the AM. And in general it hasn't screwed me up.

    Banksinator? Anyone else care to educate us??
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