Weighing everyday or once a week?



  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Weigh everyday. It helps you to understand how your food intake causes weight fluctuations.
  • Klein1475
    Klein1475 Posts: 248 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday and record the lowest weight of the week, do you think it's better to see progress if you only weigh in once a week? If I do that though I feel like I might miss out on a lower weigh in but I know that the number is not everything. Will it make me less paranoid if I just weigh in once? Opinions please!!!

    I weigh every morning and every night b/c it's a personal mini goal for me... The night time number also tells me what to expect the next morning...

    If I gain LESS than 2 pounds from my morning to night time weight... I will be LIGHTER the next morning...

    If I gain MORE than 2 pounds from my morning to night time weight.... I will be HEAVIER the next morning...

    Doing it this way also helps with night time binges b/c I don't want to gain more than 2 pounds... It really helps keep me accountable...

    I also would NOT say that you are paranoid... I would say you are being accountable for each and every day when you do that...

    Keep doing what makes you comfortable and works for you... It doesn't matter what anyone else does or thinks... You have to do what works for you...

    Have a great day darling...

  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    honestly, I weigh myself once every two weeks to every month. I feel that weighing yourself every day will discourage you, because you can have daily flucuations of water weight, and during TOM (if you're a girl lol). I don't think it's healthy to lose a pound a day, so you shouldn't be seeing downward changes daily, which could be upsetting at first. that's just my personal opinion though, some people might like to see that their weight is stable and not increasing throughout the week :)
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I weigh once a week. If I weigh more than that I find that I get discouraged when I see the scale go up, even if I know it's just water. It's hard to resist, but it's better for my self esteem if I weigh only once a week.
  • RhythmGypsi
    RhythmGypsi Posts: 79 Member
    I weigh every morning after I have done my business and striped down to my birthday suit and haven't eaten or drank anything yet.

    Im okay with it because I know that if you gain more than half a pound in a day; its water weight. So I dont let that discourage me.

    Hear, hear :) Except, I do this every Monday morning, instead of every morning. I think weekly weigh-ins do much more for my self-confidence. It's like an anticipated surprise present ^_^ Who would have ever thought that Monday mornings could be so exciting? lol If I have a loss, I'm chipper for the whole week. If I gained, I am disappointed for maybe half an hour at the most, but then I pick myself up emotionally and start evaluating my current emotional stability, to see where I lost my way in the previous week, and vow to work on it in the next.

    Good luck! :D
  • karachlo
    karachlo Posts: 9 Member
    I weigh every morning & then log once a week on Saturdays.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I weigh myself every morning when I wake up on my Wii so that it's recorded.. it's cool to see the drop when I look on the past months....
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Weigh everyday. It helps you to understand how your food intake causes weight fluctuations.

    This is what I do. I say do whatever works for YOU--if that's once a day, once a week, whatever...
  • eggheadrn
    eggheadrn Posts: 14 Member
    It really depends on how you are motivated...if the weighing every day gives you the feedback you need, great. Every week as well...

    I can't weigh every day. I get overwhelmed and frustrated if I don't see the numbers move and I've been leading a healthy lifestyle. I've been through weight rehab twice (and took off 100) and know that my obsession with numbers can be my downfall.

    So, I go off of how strong I feel and how my clothes fit. I weigh in with my naturopath every four weeks.

    So, long story short. It is whatever interval gives you the motivation and feedback you need without becoming overwhelmed and frustrated. :glasses:
  • Liz102103
    Liz102103 Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, on Friday mornings, after I've gone to the bathroom, before I've eaten or drank anything, and with only a shirt on. I get discouraged if I weigh myself everyday and not see any progress so I'm happy weighing myself once week and seeing a 1 to 2 pound weightloss.
  • AliR105
    AliR105 Posts: 30 Member
    ive got myslef into a very bad habit of weighing myself everyday and wouldnt not recomend it but i cant help it. i have found that i loose weight alot faster if its everyday which is good but it also has its downsides. i get very very obsessive about it and paranoid over my weight and if i step on the scale one morning to see that is has gone up even the tiniest bit i freak out and panic as i really dont want to be putting it on. i dont like being obessive but just cant help it so if just now u are weighing weekly and considering doing it daily dont do it! another upside of it though is that it gets me out of bed as im desperate to see the scales :)
  • JerseyGirl081
    JerseyGirl081 Posts: 98 Member
    I weigh myself every 2-4 weeks. Everyday is too much for me. That can be very discouraging and thankfully I'm not one of those who lives by the numbers on the scale. What I do more often is measure myself. Especially since I strength train. The measuring tape seems to move a lil more quickly then the weight scale as I'm toning and building muscle and muscle weighs a lil more than fat. Even though it doesn't show up on the weight scale right away, I know good things are happening in my body :-) I also tend to see the most progress in how my clothes are fitting. Now that is the best indicator of my weight loss! Best feeling in the world to see that :-)
  • TanyaCurtis
    Every 6 weeks for me!!! Used to all day, everyday! No point in that, it starts determining ur mood and ruining ur day when it doesn't show u what u want to see! Plus weight fluctuated all day, everyday, so no sense in weighing urself everyday, once a week is much better, and will show more progress. But I still prefer every 6 weeks. U can really see what u are doing then :)
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I weigh almost daily, sometimes twice just to see the fluctuations between morning and night. I don't want to log the weight until 30 days have past since the last weigh in, that way the loss is kinda final, and my progress chart doensn't look like sharks teeth!
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I weigh everyday but I dont sweat it if im up or down a few oz. until I have a couple up days in a row, I just make a mental note to not do what I did the day before and move on. It is very encouraging when most days i can see the scale creeping down. Its really whatever works for you!
  • cynhip
    cynhip Posts: 33
    I only weigh once a week on Saturday mornings. Everyone is different but for me I'd rather not see the fluctuations because it will inevitably go up at least one day due to all the different factors. I find that discouraging. Seeing things (almost) always go down over the course of the week is better for my outlook and motivation.
    Same here. I weigh in on Sat. morning for the same reasons. Even tho I've been the same weight for 3 weigh ins now. lol!
  • penney88
    Im trying to weigh myself every couple of days. When I tried loosing weight before I was weighing myself on a daily basis and when I wasnt getting results I was getting really discouraged.
    Your weight fluctuates on a daily basis because of water so I think its better to do it maybe once or twice a week to see your true results.
  • shirleycottrell
    shirleycottrell Posts: 21 Member
    I weigh once a week. Tuesday morning when I get up before I dress. When incheat and weigh in between I get very frustrated ifni don't see loss. Right now imhavent lost on the scales but my clothes fit different and my family can see a difference.
  • jpp144
    jpp144 Posts: 1 Member
    weighing everyday is good, i do it. It allows fluctuations to be noted by me, i can imagine it would be disconcerting to only weigh once a week and on the weigh in day, weigh heavier than in the previous weeks weigh-in. Sodium and fibre-less foods are the biggest fake 'gainer', don't you find you weigh lots the morning after consuming a take away (Chinese especially!!)??? And goodness dont fluids weigh an awful lot? Weigh yourself after drinking a pint of water and you could be certain someone slipped you a donut when you weren't looking. :)
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I weigh every day because it's more motivating for me, and I like keeping track of fluctuations so I can see a general trend of weight loss.