Weights at the Gym?



  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I know the weight machines are there for marketing and are *mostly* useless, but people STARE at you like you're a crazy person if you use the free weights :(

    Nope. They're staring because they wish they were bad-*kitten* enough to hit the free weights. Lifting heavy things in the gym will definitely get attention for women, but it's not because you're crazy.

    Here's a good article on things to think about: http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/10/26/how-to-not-suck-at-working-out/
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I know the weight machines are there for marketing and are *mostly* useless, but people STARE at you like you're a crazy person if you use the free weights :(

    I can assure you that machines are not "mostly" usless. They are extremely effectve!

    agree with this dude..............lots of probodybuilders are getting away from the free weights, because they offer safer means of pushing heavier weights. They isolate muscle groups. They have a place in anyone routine.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    can u get a trainer to set up a routine? Some will let u pay a one time fee to assess you and write up a plan..if u wanna continue on your own..
  • 3trees
    3trees Posts: 71 Member
    I find using the iphone in the gym awkward - but it would be pretty discrete.

    I've printed out each exercise on a sheet of paper, put them in a 3 ring binder, and headed off to the gym. Do I feel like a no-nothing newbie? Yup. But I got it done. And people were very encouraging, even asking where I got some of the routines/moves. What mattered was that I got stronger and fitter.

    So, figure out what will work for you. Don't worry about what other people think. It sounds like you don't know many people at the gym, so why give them the power to affect what you do? Do what will work for you. It's your journey and your body.

    Good luck. Weight training is a double plus - you get the workout and you get the muscles that keep burning more calories even when you aren't working out. Win win.
  • I will be the Devil's advocate here and recommend that if you do not have a spotter and are just starting, machines are not so bad.

    This! as a matter of fact, the machines are your best friend until you learn which movement targets which muscle. I do machines all the time to make my workout varied and I have been lifting for 14 years so the machines are there for a good reason not just to "look" good. The nice thing about machines is that you can't mess up as long as you follow the instructions on them. They should all have a picture of the muscle and instructions on how to execute the move. P.S. I walk around with my note pad and pen just about everytime I hit the gym (7 days a week) so go for it! Watch others and read a lot of fitness magazines, that's how I learned!
  • Chloe_P78
    Chloe_P78 Posts: 43 Member
    Best workout if you're unsure about using weights at the gym is (in my humble opinion) Body Pump classes. Not sure if they have Les Mills classes at your gym, but if they do, give it a shot!
    Body Pump is great because the instructor will ensure you have the right technique, and you will probably work harder and do more reps than you would if you were doing it alone in the gym. The classes start with a warm up, then move to squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, abs and then a well deserved cool down.
    Good luck!
  • alphagirl82
    Does your gym have any classes that are weight training related, such as Body Pump, Power Flex, Power Sculpt, etc? If so, sign up for one! They generally go through every muscle group in an hour, use free weights and bars that you set for your own ability, and focus on good form. Plus, if you go consistently you'll make some great new friends! I go 2-3 times per week and generally don't do any weight training outside of them.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I already had the trainers at the gym set a program up for me and give me a rundown on how to use the machines, but it's hard to stick to as you are jumping from one machine to the next & always waiting on people to get off the machine you want.

    Unfortunately they don't offer any classes at my gym, which sucks.

    I am going to convert my P90x files and put them on my iPhone so I can do them in the gym! Thanks guys
  • alphagirl82
    Best workout if you're unsure about using weights at the gym is (in my humble opinion) Body Pump classes. Not sure if they have Les Mills classes at your gym, but if they do, give it a shot!
    Body Pump is great because the instructor will ensure you have the right technique, and you will probably work harder and do more reps than you would if you were doing it alone in the gym. The classes start with a warm up, then move to squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, abs and then a well deserved cool down.
    Good luck!

    Ha, looks like we were thinking the same thing at the same time! I go to Body Pump at the Seattle Athletic Club and absolutely love it! I've never been a fan of full pushups before but because of the classes I can do 20+ without a second thought.
  • chixdrag2
    chixdrag2 Posts: 19 Member
    Before I leave for the gym, I go over the new exercises that I would like to try so that they are fresh in my mind. And if I'm afraid I'll forget one, I use the notes section in my phone to remind me. Try adding just a few new exercises at a time so you are not feeling overwhelmed and really focus on what muscle group you want to be working - I find that if my mind starts wandering and I forget what I was going to do, visualizing the muscles I want to work will bring it all back. And the weight machines are definitely not useless! Use them as a reminder of which exercises you want to perform with the free weights - usually the basic movements of most free weight exercises are the same as the weight machines - the main difference is that you are recruiting diff muscles to maintain balance and proper form for the free weights (i.e. the shoulder press machine vs. dumbbell shoulder press). Also, don't let anyone make you feel awkward about using the free weights - I go to a gym where 99.9% of the people in the free weights section are men and the looks I get when I walk over there scream "Are you lost? What are YOU doing here?" You just have to keep your focus on what you came to do - you are there for yourself after all, not for them!